社会代谢,socioeconomic metabolism
1)socioeconomic metabolism社会代谢
1.The study of regional ecology focuses on socioeconomic metabolism as one of the important issues by International Human Dimension Programme of Global Environment Change.社会代谢分析为全球环境变化人文因素计划的重要课题之一,已成为当前区域生态研究的热点。

1.The Rationale of Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessment of Societal Metabolism;社会代谢多尺度综合评估(MSIASM)的基本理论与实践
2.Emergy-based Socioeconomic Metabolism of Guangdong Province in 2006基于能值分析的2006年广东省社会代谢研究
3.The modern world owes much to this great man of science.现代社会应向这位科学界的伟人表示感谢。
4.Application of Information Renewal GM(1,1) Model to Prediction of Whole Social Demand of Electric Power;新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型在全社会用电量预测中的应用
5.The Theory of Marx on “Metabolic Rift”--The Classical Foundation of Environmental Sociology;马克思关于“代谢断层”的理论——环境社会学的经典基础
6.Modern society is a constitutional society.现代社会是法制社会。
8.On behalf of the PLA's general headquarters, Ge expressed heartfelt thanks to the HKSAR government, all social sectors and Hong Kong people.葛说:代表中国解放军陆军司令部,向香港特别行政区政府,社会各部分和香港人民的衷心感谢。
9.Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society现代社会挑战委员会
10.A continuously open wound inhibits anabolism.持续存在的开放伤口,会抑制合成代谢。
11.Working out regularly will accelerate your metabolism.有规律的运动会促进你的新陈代谢。
12.Epidemiological Study on Metabolic Syndrome in Community Population of Jiangsu Province;江苏社区人群代谢综合征的流行病学研究
13.Analysis on Nutritional Status of Adults with Metabolic Syndrome in a Community某社区代谢综合征人群膳食营养现状分析
14.Association study of lower urinary tract symptoms with metabolic syndrome in a community-based male population社区男性代谢综合征对下尿路症状影响的研究
15.Community-based research of relationship between hyperuricemia and dyslipidemia in Chinese urban residents城市社区居民高尿酸血症与脂代谢异常的关系
16.Community Home Visits to Evaluate the Effect of Metabolic Syndrome社区家庭访视对代谢综合征的防治效果评价
17.Diseases related to metabolic syndrome and community health promotion in college teachers高校教师代谢综合征相关疾病与社区健康促进
18.Risk factors of metabolic syndrome in community residents in Chongqing重庆市社区居民代谢综合征相关危险因素分析

social mass metabolism社会物质代谢
1.Following the introduction of the basic data,three main research fields were reviewed: social mass metabolism,eco-industrial development,and methodology and tools.在简介会议背景和大会基本数据后,对上述议题归类为社会物质代谢、生态工业发展和工业生态学方法工具3个领域并进行介绍和评述。
3)modern society现代社会
1.On the development of morality relations in modern society;现代社会道德关系的新发展
2.The rational behind the development of religion in modern society;现代社会宗教“发展”的原因探寻
4)current society当代社会
1.Thinking on honesty and credit of current society;关于当代社会“诚”“信”的思考
5)ancient society古代社会
1.In the ancient society,to assimilate and mix the different groups,cultures and concepts are the basic requests of establishing the tolerant mutually depended,stable and devel.文章以阐释孔子“和而不同”思想之渊源为切入,剖析了儒家学说在促进实现人与人、人与社会、人与自然和谐发展以及社会政治共识与多元文化建构方面的人文理想,而古代社会系统对不同族群、不同文化、不同观念的相互吸收与融合,也正是建构相互宽容、相互依存、安定有序、共同发展的当代和谐社会的基本要求。
2.The millennium of ancient society (the 6th century B.古代社会盛期(公元前6世纪-公元前4世纪),中国、印度和希腊皆出现"百家争鸣"的文化盛世。
6)contemporary society当代社会
1.Since the late 1970 s,popular culture has been a very important part of the cultural reality and existence in contemporary society.20世纪70年代末以来,流行文化已成为当代社会重要的文化事实和文化存在。
2.And the fear generated from the video made in rich visual intuitive screen,and it has an art language which has never been used before to express the fear of contemporary society and contemporary people.当代电影中表现恐惧心理的电影越来越多,当代电影其实就是当代社会和当代人恐惧心理的影像表达。
