生活环境主义,living environmentalism
1)living environmentalism生活环境主义
1.When dealing with the relationship between human beings and nature,between human beings and social development,living environmentalism emphasizes the importance of thinking about the issues from the perspective of the livers and places emphasis on their wisdom.在处理人与自然,人类与社会发展的关系时,生活环境主义强调从生活者的角度出发,重视生活者的智慧,主张从当地居民的生活历史和生活取向中,寻找解决环境问题的答案。

1.Sociological Significance of Living Environmentalism:From the Perspective of Livers in Living Environmentalism生活环境主义的社会学意义——生活环境主义中的“生活者视角”
2.A belief that it is best to live simply and in a natural environment.原始主义认为最佳生活方式是在自然环境中过朴素生活的信仰
3.Rural Ecological Environment and Construction of New Socialist Countryside;农村生态环境与社会主义新农村建设
4.The Transformation of Teacher s Role and Student s Role under the Constructivism Learning Situation;建构主义学习环境下师生角色的转变
5.Eco-environmental Aesthetics: Transcendence of Anthropocentrism生态环境美学:对人类中心主义的超越
6.The Forming Path of Marxist Environmental Philosophy and Modern Circumstances;马克思主义环境哲学的生成理路及现代境遇
7.Colors also take on meaning from the social contexts in which we’ve grown up.在我们生长的生活环境中,颜色也具有一些含义。
8.Marxist Ecological Environmental Ideology VS Development of Biological Economy;马克思主义生态环境思想与发展生物经济
9.Grave and Free Graveyard:Life and Environmental Protection in Jiangnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;坟茔义冢:明清江南的民众生活与环境保护
10.On the Thinking of the Significant and Construction of the Environment of Colleges' Life Moral Education试论高校生活化德育环境的意义与构造
11.A design of topic activity about conserving biodiversity in environmental education in primary and secondary schools;中小学环境教育中生物多样性主题活动设计
12.On Environment Philosophy from the Prospection of Ecofeminise;生态女性主义视角下的环境哲学若干问题研究
13.Resources,Ecological and Environmental Problems and Building Socialist New Countryside;农村资源、生态、环境问题与社会主义新农村建设
14.Reconstructing Eco-ethics of Environmental Anthropocentrism Based on Categorical Standard;重建类本位的环境人类中心主义生态伦理学
15.On the Transfer of Learner s Role under Constructivism Learning Environment;试论建构主义学习环境下学生角色的转变
16.Reflect about marxism's consumption dissimilation and environmental law生态马克思主义的异化消费观与环境法的反思
17.On the construction of the Environmental Protection Act Based on the Ecological Theory论以生态主义理论基础构建环境保护基本法
18.On the Relationship of Family Environment and High School Students Optimism-Pessimism and Its Mediator Effect;初中生的家庭环境与乐观主义-悲观主义关系及中介分析

1.Try asking people what environmentalism is and you will get very different answers.如果试图问什么是环境主义,可能会有许多不同的回答。
2.This promising linkage between Marxism and environmentalism is,we believe,the only way that Marxism can re intervene in contemporary life.马克思主义与环境主义(environmentalism)之间的关系,近年来一直困扰着马学研究者。
3.The phrase "Environmental"mainly refers to environmental thoughts guided by the environmentalism.所谓"环境的",主要是指环境思想的,是指在环境主义指导下的。
3)living environment生活环境
1.Issues of the living conditions, base of development and current situation of living environment in China are discussed from three aspects.从3个方面讨论我国的生存条件、发展基础和生活环境的现状,讨论了自然资源的可持续利用和环境资源和保护问题,并介绍了国家环保总局为遏制生态退化而实施的环境工程计划。
2.Since the implementation of the reform and open door policy, the living environment of Chinese people is more and more modernized and metropolitanized.我国自改革开放以来 ,人们的生活环境越来越向现代化、都市化方向发展 。
3.This paper introduces the meaning and purpose of ecological garden,illustrates its necessity in landscape design of residential quarter,analyzes landscape design philosophy of Shijiamingyuan in Pudong,Shanghai,and discusses the application of ecological garden in Shijiamingyuan,in order to improve living environmental quality of inhabitants and enhance their physical and mental health.介绍了生态园林的含义及目的,阐述了生态园林在居住区景观设计中的必要性,分析了上海浦东仕嘉名苑的景观设计思想,并对生态园林在上海浦东仕嘉名苑的应用进行了探讨,以大大提高居民的生活环境质量,增进居民身心健康。
4)living condition生活环境
1.The aim of the article is to find countermeasures to optimize the present situation of Beijing aging population s living condition by analyze about the result of investigation.本文在分析北京市老龄人口生活环境状况的基础上 ,提出优化老龄人口生活环境的对策 ,初步探讨老龄人口生活环境的理想模
1.Environmentalism Worldwide: Between Civic Movements and Bureaucratic Strategies;世界范围内的环境保护主义:在市民运动和政府决策之间
2.Environmentalism in the World A Different Views;世界范围内的环境保护主义:一种不同的观点
3.In the meantime, environmental history studies before 1990 constantly took on the nature of advocacy influenced by environmentalism, and smacked of a distinct.其次,从价值取向上说,环境史研究具有显著的环境保护主义的道德和政治诉求。
