草地生态足迹,grassland ecological footprint
1)grassland ecological footprint草地生态足迹
1.The paper calculates the grassland ecological footprint in Ganzi Prefecture according to the statistical data,and qualitatively analyzes the main socio-economic factors impacted on the grassland ecological footprint.根据甘孜州统计资料,文章核算了甘孜州草地生态足迹,并对影响草地生态足迹的主要社会经济因素进行了定性分析。

1.Analysis on the Socio-economic Influential Factors of the Grassland Ecological Footprint in Ganzi Prefecture甘孜州草地生态足迹经济社会影响因素分析
2.Analysis on ecological footprint and development strategy of clover blossom in westward of China.;西部地区生态足迹与苜蓿草产业发展战略研究
3.Analysis on Ecological Footprint and Ecological Carrying Capacity in Caohai of Dianchi Lake Catchment滇池草海流域生态足迹与生态承栽力分析
4.The Dynamic Analysis of Cultivated Land Ecological Footprint in Kulun Banner;库伦旗1987-2005年耕地生态足迹动态分析
5.Time Series and Geographical Distribution of Ecological Footprint for China;中国生态足迹的时间序列与地理分布
6.Prediction and analysis of regional ecological footprint based on the software Origin 7.5基于Origin7.5软件的地区生态足迹预测分析
7.Ecological Footprint Analysis of Karst Areas s Eco-environmental Sustainable Development;岩溶地区生态环境可持续发展的生态足迹分析
8.Analysis of Ecological Footprints and Ecologiacal Capacity of Ebinur Lake Region in Xinjiang;新疆艾比湖地区生态足迹与生态承载力研究
9.Analysis of Ecological Capacity Based on Ecological Footprint Model in Cangzhou基于生态足迹的沧州市土地生态承载力分析
10.A study on eco-optimum population in different parts of China using theory of ecological footprint基于地区生态足迹差异的生态适度人口研究
11.Study on the Principle of Water Resources Ecological Footprint in Xi an;基于生态足迹法的西安市水资源生态足迹研究
12.Study on Regional Ecological Security and Compensation Based on the Analysis of Ecological Footprint in Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Province;基于生态足迹分析的陕西关中地区生态安全与生态补偿研究
13.Study on Appraisement of the Sustainable Land Use Based on Ecological Footprint Model--A Case of HangZhou;基于生态足迹模型的土地可持续利用评价研究
14.Research on Sustainable Land Use in Wuhan City Based on Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的武汉市土地可持续利用研究
15.The Study of Sustainable Land Use Based on "Ecologial Footprint";基于“生态足迹”的威海市土地可持续利用研究
16.The Study of Sustainable Land Use Based on "Ecological Footprint";基于“生态足迹”的山东省土地可持续利用研究
17.Study on Sustainable Development of Mining City in Xuhuai Area by Calculating Its Ecological Footprints;徐淮地区矿业城市可持续发展的生态足迹研究
18.Analysis on Sustainability of Cultivated Land in Henan Province Based on Ecological Footprint Model;基于生态足迹的河南省耕地利用状况分析

farmland ecological footprint农用地生态足迹
1.With the theory of ecological footprint put forward by Wackernagel,etc,this paper calculated Wuhu's per capita farmland ecological footprint,per capita ecological capacity farmland bearing and per capita ecological deficit from 1996 to 2005.应用Wackernagel等提出的生态足迹方法,对芜湖市1996—2005年的人均农用地生态足迹、人均农用地生态承载力和生态赤字进行了计算;利用灰色系统预测模型建立了芜湖市人均生态足迹、生态承载力预测模型GM(1,1),经求解、检验、预测,可得到今后数年该市人均农用地生态足迹、生态承载力数据,并对灰色系统模型应用于生态足迹的预测作了可行性分析。
3)ecological footprint of cropland耕地生态足迹
1.This paper singles out the ecological footprint of cropland from 6 types of land use as study topic focusing on the regional differences in Jiangsu province,revises the ecological carrying capacity with productivity factor because land use efficiencies vary across regions,and uses ecological gap index(EGI) in place of ecological deficit or remainder to evaluate the ecological .以江苏省耕地生态足迹为研究对象,在考虑不同地区的土地利用效率的基础上,把太阳辐射、降水量、土壤肥力、土地利用效率、耕地面积等作为构成承载力的实质因素,计算了江苏省不同地区的耕地生态承载力。
4)ecological footprint of forest land林地生态足迹
5)local ecological footprint本地生态足迹
1.Based on adjusting of general ecological footprint analysis method,this paper used local ecological footprint model to analyze and evaluate the spatial-temporal characteristics and potential risk of ecological environment of Zhejiang Province.通过对一般生态足迹法的调整,运用本地生态足迹模型,对浙江省本地生态足迹的时空特性和环境生态的潜在危险性进行了分析和评价。
2.Calculation of the local ecological footprint of Ningbo City in 2002 and 2005 shows that the average local ecological footprint is 3.通过对一般生态足迹法的调整,运用本地生态足迹模型,对宁波市2002年和2005年本地生态足迹进行了计算。
6)ecological footprint生态足迹
1.Study on ecological reconstruction in Yulin based on ecological footprint;基于生态足迹法的榆林市生态重建研究
2.Effects of urbanization on supply and demand of regional ecological footprint;城市化对区域生态足迹供需的影响

草地草地grassland  53%。草地蕴藏着丰富的种质资源和水热资源。同时也是生态脆弱地带。不合理的农垦、放牧、采樵,都可引起水土流失、荒漠化,导致草地资源破坏,环境恶化。目前全世界草地资源绝大部分面临不同程度的生态危机(参见彩图插页第56页)。应运用草原科学理论与技术,以较少的投人获得较多的产品,避免生态危机,使草地资源得以永续利用。(任继周)C00d}草地(grassland)生长草本或木本植物,有相应的动物、微生物生存的生态系统及其景观,可用于人类生产和生活的陆地部分称为草地,其泛指意义是草原的同义语。它包含天癫 内蒙古干旱区草原牧场(《中国国土画册》)然的和栽培的具有草地生产特性的土地,以及与此有关的气候、土地、水源、位点特性以及所承载生物的总称。世界草地类型主要有热带稀树草地,也叫萨旺那、卡帕拉、热带荒漠灌丛;温带的欧亚大草原也叫斯太普;南美大草原叫潘帕斯;北美大草原叫普列利;非洲草原叫维尔德、温带荒漠、极地及高山的冻原。热带次生草地与温带次生草地都是将原生植被破坏以后,经过自然演替或人工培育而形成的新草地资源。草地一般可分天然草地(参见彩图插页第53页)和人工草地(参见彩图插页第56页)两大类。草地占全球陆地面积的51%,其中包含占全球面积24%的天然草地、14%的疏林草地、n%的农田中的短期草地。中国天然草原面积为39 283万公顷,占国土面积的41%。其中北方草地20767万公顷,约占全国草地面积的