生态科技,ecological science and technology
1)ecological science and technology生态科技
1.In order to strengthen ecological construction,protect natural resources and ecosystems,maintain ecological safety and eradicate the traditional drawbacks of civilization\'s development,China should build an ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics mainly from ecological awareness,ecological economy,ecological system,ecological science and technology.我国应主要从生态意识、生态经济、生态制度、生态科技为主的四个方面入手,加强生态建设,保护自然资源和生态系统,维护生态安全,破除传统文明形态的发展弊端,构建中国特色社会主义的生态文明。

1.Plan Idea of Jixi Environmental Sanitation Ecological Science Park鸡西市环境卫生生态科技园区规划构想
2.Impact of Construction of a Forestry Ecological Sci-Tech Demonstration Zone of the Yili River Basin on Ecological Service Value;伊犁河流域林业生态科技示范区建设对生态服务价值的影响
3.Legal Guide of Eco Science Technology:New Views about Sustainable Development生态科技的法律引导——可持续发展的新视点
4.The Scientific Technology Innovation View--Ecology Technology Innovation;科学的技术创新观——生态化技术创新
5.On the Formation of Science and Technology and Ecological Productive Form;论科学技术与生态化生产方式的形成
6.On Ecology Marxism s Concept of Science and Technology;生态视域的科学技术——生态学马克思主义科技观述评
7.Solving the ecological crisis--From technological rationality to ecologic ethics;化解生态环境危机:从科技理性到生态伦理
8.reinforce scientific and technological support to the region's ecological environment conservation;加强生态环境建设的科技支撑;
9.The Ecology Value of Science Technology and Its Realization Countermeasures;论科学技术的生态价值及其实现途径
10.Ecological Environment Research in Modern Science and Technology;现代科技语境下的生态环境问题研究
11.Research on Ecology and Humanity of Science and Technology and Olympic Games;科技的生态化、人文化与奥林匹克运动
12.Business Plan on Ecotypic Demonstrating Farming Land;生态农牧林业科技示范区创业计划书
13.Formulate coal chemical eco industrial chain by reliance on technical innovation;依靠科技创新,构建煤化工生态产业链
14.Establishing an Ecological Evaluation Index System of University Science Park;大学科技园生态评价指标体系的构建
15.Trenscending the Ideology of Science and Technology--An Analysis in Existentialism;超越科技意识形态——一种生存论分析
16.Coordinating Development Between Science and Technology and Human Environment;科学技术与人类生态环境的协调发展
17.The Construction of the Ecological Civilization in the Context of the Modern Science and Technology Developing现代科技发展背景下的生态文明建设
18.Exploration of Science Technology and Ecology Landscape in Medicinal Arboretum of Central China华中药用植物园科技生态景观的探索

ecology of science and technology科技生态
3)ecotypic science and technology科技生态化
4)ecology of science & technics科技生态学
5)Organism's habits science and technology watches生态科技观
6)agricultural eco-scientific park农业生态科技园
1.Study on construction of agricultural eco-scientific park in Maowusu desert area in Yulin;榆林毛乌素沙地农业生态科技园建设初探

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。