混淆概念,mistake concept
1)mistake concept混淆概念
2)the Confusion of Concept概念混淆

1.About Ma Te s View of the Law of Identity;评马特的《同一律》——歧义谬误、概念混淆
2.What is "Children s Theory of Mind"?;什么是“儿童心理理论”?——评儿童心理理论发展研究中的“概念混淆
3.Misuse of PROTEL and the Concepts Easily to be Confused;PROTEL使用的误区和容易混淆的概念
4.An Analysis of the Severals Confused Conceptions in Windows NT;浅析Windows NT中几个容易混淆的概念
5.Fairness is different to justice, impartiality and equality in the meanings.公平与正义、公正、平等概念既有联系又有区别,不宜混淆。
6.On the Concept Confusion and Identification Between Early Newspapers and Periodicals--Take the "Vernacular Tibertan Newspaper"and "The Globe Magazine"as an Example早期报纸与期刊概念的混淆与辨识——以《藏文白话报》和《万国公报》为例
7.This confusion can induce some problems, such as alienation of research and overly generalization of research results.本文目的在区辨智慧与智力概念的差异与关联,以减低两者概念误用及混淆的可能性。
8.Without this understanding, students will take a longer time to tell the difference and, in the process, land themselves in errors and confusion.如果开始时没有形成界限分明的概念,常会在很长的时期里混淆误用。
9.However, when the definition is taken into brain to interpret the code, great confusion takes place and. the system of international trade will be injured.但若是机械地将该等概念套用于法典之全部,则势必造成巨大的混淆,伤害国际贸易的稳定性。
10.Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.爱情是永恒的象征;它混淆了所有的时间概念,抹去了一切对开始的记忆和结束时的惶恐。
11.It is concluded that “压缩因数”might be taken as a unified standard name for Z in order to facilitate academic exchange and prevent any confusion concept.为便于学术交流,避免概念的混淆,可取压缩因数作为Z统一规范化的命名。
12.Discussion on Confusion and Correction for the Concept of Extended Producer Responsibility Regime论生产者责任延伸制度概念的淆乱与矫正
13.A mixture or confusion of languages.多种语言的混合或混淆
14.They tried to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.他们企图混淆是非。
15.It will not do to try to blur out distinctions between right and wrong.企图混淆是非是不行的。
16.These may create identification problems.这可能产生混淆问题。
17.so similar as to be easily confused.太过相似容易混淆的。
18.They should not get mixed up.信仰和效忠不能混淆。

the Confusion of Concept概念混淆
3)confusion of concepts概念混淆概念混淆
5)Confusion of Conception概念混乱
6)mixed concept混合概念
1.Conception on crime can be approximately divided into modality concept,essential concept,mixed concept.犯罪概念 ,大致上可以分为形式概念、实质概念及混合概念。
