皮质发育障碍,disorders of cortical development
1)disorders of cortical development皮质发育障碍
1.The cerebral cortex morphology and the mechanism of epileptogenesis in model rats of disorders of cortical development;皮质发育障碍模型鼠脑皮质形态学和致痫机制研究
2.Ultrastructural changes of focal tissue in cerebral cortex of disorders of cortical development in rats;局灶性皮质发育障碍模型鼠大脑皮质病灶组织的超微结构观察
3.Clinical effects of topiramate in treatment of intractable epilepsy by disorders of cortical development;托吡酯对皮质发育障碍所致难治性癫痫的临床疗效

1.Animal Models of Disorders of Cortical Development and the Expressions of GABA in Cortex;大鼠皮质发育障碍模型研究及γ-氨基丁酸检测
2.Expressions of GABA in animal models of disorders of cortical development皮质发育障碍模型鼠脑γ-氨基丁酸的表达
3.Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of patients with disorders of cerebral cortical development大脑皮质发育障碍患者磁共振波谱分析
4.Studies on Rats Model of Disorders of Cortical Development Induced by Carmustine and Related Neurotransmitters;卡莫司汀诱导大鼠皮质发育障碍模型及相关神经递质研究
5.Pathology of Animal Models of Disorders of Cortical Development and the Expressions of Main Neurotransmitter Associated with Epilepsy in Cortex;皮质发育障碍模型鼠大脑的病理学和主要神经递质研究
6.Function of Voltage-dependent Sodium Channel and HVA Calcium Channel on Hippocampal Neurons from Rats of Cortical Dysplasia;皮质发育障碍大鼠海马神经元钠通道和钙通道功能的变化
7.Histopathologic Studies on Rats Models of Disorders of Cortical Development a ND the Related Genes;两种皮质发育障碍大鼠模型形态学研究和相关基因筛选
8.Pathological Study and Stereology of Brain about X Ray Lesion-Induced Diffuse Cortical Dysplasias in Rats;皮质发育障碍模型鼠大脑的病理特征和体视学研究
9.Studies on the Epileptogenesis Mechanism in the Rats with Disorder of Cortical Developments and Clinical Treatment of the Intractable Epilepsy Patients by Disorders of Cortical Developments皮质发育障碍的致痫机制及所致难治性癫痫的临床治疗研究
10.Mechanism of apoptosis in hippocampus of the rats with disorder of cortical developments皮质发育障碍模型鼠海马区神经元凋亡机制的研究
11.mixed gonadal dysgenesis混合性性腺发育障碍症
12.pure gonadal dysgenesis单纯性性腺发育障碍症
13.OBstacles and keypoints to push ahead with quality oriented education in an all-around way全面推进素质教育的障碍和关键
14.Overcome Students Mental Barriers for High Quality of PE;克服学生心理障碍 提高体育教学质量
15.Dispel Students Psychological Barrier and Improve the Quality of PE;消除学生心理障碍,提高体育教学质量
16.A controlled study of serum catecholamine and cortisol levels in patients with panic disorder.惊恐障碍患者血儿茶酚胺和皮质醇水平的研究
17.The cheater-gene would imply stunted growth, bad eyesight,作弊基因造成发育障碍 视力低下
18.Autism ? what is this complex developmental disability?孤独症-这是一个怎样复杂的发育障碍?

1.Results All freeze-lesioned animals displayed typical cortical malformations consisting of a longitudinal microgyrus.目的 观察液氮损伤诱导皮质发育障碍大鼠脑皮质中谷氨酸的分布,探讨其与癫痫发生的关系。
1.METHODS: Animal models of DCDs were made in two ways.目的: 从组织细胞和分子病理学方面探讨局灶性和多灶性皮质发育障碍导致癫痫发生的可能机制。
2.Objective: 1 We used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic in patients withDCDs and epilepsy.目的: 1 应用氢质子磁共振波谱(1H-MRS)研究大脑皮质发育障碍伴癫痫患者脑部病灶、病灶周边区、病灶远隔区代谢功能的改变,探讨不同类型大脑皮质发育障碍患者脑代谢异常的规律。
4)Developmental disabilities发育障碍
5)Developmental Retardation of Brain脑发育障碍
6)disorders of sexual development性发育障碍

性发育障碍性发育障碍 指身体发育正常而性发育过程被阻抑者。临床上将女性18岁,男性20岁尚无性征发育者定为本病。先天性性腺(卵巢,睾丸)发育不全,性腺损害、下丘脑-垂体损害、甲状腺功能低下、染色体异常等均可造成本病。