1.Conclusions: Brisking group is more effecti.目的:比较博思清与维思通治疗首发精神分裂症的疗效和不良反应。

1.A Clinical Observation of Niuhuang Ninggogn Pian Combined Low-dose Aripiprazole in the Treatment of Female Schizophrenia牛黄宁宫片联合小剂量博思清治疗女性分裂症的临床观察
2.Mario Botta's Architectural Thinking-Tsinghua University Art MuseumAnalysis马里奥·博塔(Mario Botta)的建筑思想——清华大学艺术博物馆解读
3.The Exploring Practice and Rational Consideration of Subject Blog in Qsinghua University Library清华大学图书馆学科博客探索实践及理性思考
4.He was wide - awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross(Vladimir Nabokov)他毫无睡意,脑子思维清楚,没有任何杂念(弗拉基米尔 纳博科夫)
5."Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man"博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰
6.reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。
7.On Zhang Xuecheng s Thought on Scholarly Research;以约驭博——论章学诚治学的博约思想
8.Nine Issues Perspective Thoughts on the Expo 2010 Shanghai China世博九题 2010上海世博会前瞻性思考
9.Bosworth Field, Battle of博斯沃思原野战役(1485.8.22)
10.Learn widely, inquire earnestly, and deal with things thoughtfully.博学而笃志,切问而近思。
11.Zaouia Aboul Ghaouth阿博乌尔·加奥乌思书院
12.The museum's financial debt had been wiped out.博物馆的债务已经还清了。
13.“One Pair of Heads Plays Chess”--The financial division Of the central and locality of the latter stage of Qing Dynasty;“双头博弈”——清末的国地财政划分
14.Intoxication and Soberness: A Study of Nabokov's Novels“沉醉”与“清醒”:纳博科夫长篇小说研究
15.Mongolian Poet BO MING and His YI SHAN SHI HUA清代蒙古诗人博明与其《义山诗话》
16.straighten one's thinking使思考有条理,理清思路
17.Reflecting on Strengthening the Ideological and Political Education of the PhD Candidates in Military Academies加强军校博士生思想政治教育的思考
18.A Clear Thinking toward the Prosperity of Blog:A Disseminative Understanding of News Blog;博客“热”的“冷”思考——对新闻博客的传播学解读

1.The Efficacy of Omeprazole, Prepulsid and Talcid Treating 150 Patients with Reflux Esophagitis;奥美拉唑联合普瑞博思、铝碳酸镁治疗反流性食管炎150例疗效观察
2.Results:Weichangshu 300 mg/kg and prepulsid 2 mg/kg,when filled into the mouse stomach,enhanced pulsion ratio of carmine in the intestine.以生理盐水为空白对照组 ,普瑞博思为阳性对照组。
3.Methods: Early diagnosis of GER by esophagogram,and the therapeutics were postural therapy、feed of prepulsid and nasal feeding.食管钡剂造影是早期确诊GER的依据 ,并采用体位疗法及普瑞博思口服或鼻饲治疗。
1.Objective To study the relationship betw een functional dyspepsia ( F D) and gastric em ptying,and also the therapeutic effect of cisapride on F D.目的 探讨功能性消化不良与胃排空的关系及普瑞博思的治疗作用。
4)Business Language Testing Service博思考试
5)thinking game思想博弈
6)thought and politics blog思政博客
1.The paper tries to bring in thought and politics blog from the definition of blog,analyzes their communicating characters and gives the related strategies.文章从博客的定义着手引出思政博客,对思政博客的传播特点进行分析并提出应对策略。

清思岸《净土圣贤录》【清思岸《净土圣贤录》】  思岸,字愿登,杭州钱塘谢氏子。少业儒,为诸生,觉世无常,皈心三宝。宗教知识,参叩略遍。后听玉峰法师开示,欲求脱苦,惟有念佛一法,最易成就,遂发心日持佛名六万为定课。平生所作功德,悉皆回向净土。同治壬申,受五戒于海潮寺。复深厌尘劳,早求解脱。于光绪九年,乃将家务付嘱二子,径往郡西护国寺,礼僧敬峰出家。是冬,受具戒于萧山祇园寺,仍回护国,专精净业。积劳既久,忽染病魔。虽经医治,旋愈旋发。二子思慕,迎养于家,别除一室,以为修净之所。至光绪十五年秋,忽患痢疾,医药罔效。然饮食虽减,而念佛愈切。至九月初十日,忽谓其子曰,吾往生期至,可请僧于家,起佛七助我西归,自定十二日起七。谓僧朗峰曰,还有七日。至十五日,执僧廷山手曰,止有三日,吾当去也。至十七日四更,问何时。其子答云,丑时。曰,丑时是十八日子,是我往生之期,可请诸师念佛相助。遂随众念佛,约香一枝半,忽瞑目无声。良久,忽开眼合掌,向众称谢云,我已亲到西方,亲见阿弥陀佛,及二大士。仰荷佛慈,赐我净衣。观音大士,水洒我顶。又见莲池大师,为众说法。又睹七宝池中,众宝莲中,有我生处。承佛慈悲,命我回来告知众人,我已得生净土。奉劝诸位,专精念佛,他日净土相见可也。复索净水三饮,吉祥而卧。念佛数十声,泊然长往。次日入棺,顶犹温手。(种莲集)