2)idiopathic epilepsy自发性癫痫症
3)falling sickness癫痫;癫痫发作
1.Changes of serum adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol levels during sleep seizures;睡眠癫痫发作时血清促肾上腺皮质激素和皮质醇的变化(英文)
2.Clinical Analysis on Fluoroquinolone-induced Seizures in 48 Cases氟喹诺酮类药物诱发癫痫发作48例的临床分析

1.The frequency of intractable seizures after stopping AEDs in seizure-free children with epilepsy无癫痫发作的癫痫患儿停药后难治性癫痫的发作频率
2.psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作
3.A Initial Study for the Time Distribution of Epileptic Seizure and Constitutional of Epileptics and Them Relationship;癫痫病人体质、癫痫发作时辰分布特点及两者相关性的初探
4.Postoperative Seizure Outcomes in a Series of 49 Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations Associated with Seizures;49例有癫痫发作的脑动静脉畸形术后癫痫预后分析
5.The Influence on the Spontaneous Seizures of Adult Chronic Epileptic Rat After Transplanting Neural Stem Cells to its Hippocampal CA3神经干细胞移植于慢性癫痫鼠海马CA3区对其癫痫发作影响的研究
6."You know the seizure was serious.""你知道癫痫发作很严重吧。
7.Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Inhibitive Mechanisms for Pathogenesis of Epilepsy;经颅磁刺激抑制癫痫发作的机制研究
8.Application of Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of EEG: Epileptic Seizyre Prediction;脑电非线性动力学分析:癫痫发作预测
9.Effects of Epileptic Seizure on Hippocampal Sensory Gating in Rat;癫痫发作对大鼠海马感觉门控的影响
10.Clinical Analysis on 120 Cases with Ischemic Epilepsy Attacks脑梗塞后癫痫发作120例临床分析
11.Atonic seizures: An independent epilepsy type or epilepsy syndrome?失张力发作:一独立的癫痫类型或癫痫综合征?
12.Effects of Kava on Absence-like Seizures in the Tremor Rats and on Tonic Seizures in the Spontaneously Epileptic Rats;咔哇对震颤大鼠癫痫小发作及对自发性癫痫大鼠大发作的作用
13.Flash photography is one of the trigger factors for epileptic seizures. In extreme cases attacks can be fatal.闪光灯是癫痫病发作的诱因之一。严重时,癫痫病发作会危及生命。
14.petit mal seizure without other complications; followed by 3-per-sec brain-wave spikes.癫痫小发作没有其他并发症。
15.Grand mal idiopathic epilepsy:EEG analysis of 180 cases180例原发性癫痫大发作脑电图分析
16.The Studty for Risk Factors of Post-Stroke Epilepsy and Seizuer Characterristics卒中后癫痫危险因素及痫性发作特点研究
17.Study of the safety and efficacy of AEDs plus topiramate in treatment of refractory partial epilepsy托吡酯加用传统抗癫痫药治疗难治性癫痫部分性发作16例
18.Effect of BMP4 and Noggin on Neurogenesis of Hippocampus and Epileptogenesis in KA Rat Models of Epilepsy;BMP4与noggin在大鼠KA颞叶癫痫模型海马神经发生和癫痫形成中的作用

idiopathic epilepsy自发性癫痫症
3)falling sickness癫痫;癫痫发作
1.Changes of serum adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol levels during sleep seizures;睡眠癫痫发作时血清促肾上腺皮质激素和皮质醇的变化(英文)
2.Clinical Analysis on Fluoroquinolone-induced Seizures in 48 Cases氟喹诺酮类药物诱发癫痫发作48例的临床分析
5)Epileptic seizure癫痫发作
1.This paper proposes a fuzzy similarity method to predict epileptic seizures with electroencephalography(EEG).本研究提出基于EEG序列模糊相似性指数方法预测癫痫发作。
2.There are two aims in the epileptic prediction:one is to understand the reason why epileptic seizure can happen, then we can measure and improve it; another is to develop some equipment for predicting and treating epileptic.癫痫预测目的有两个从技术的层面去理解癫痫发作的机理,并对癫痫发作进行测量和改善,探索引发癫痫发作的周期性及先兆;开发出可靠的“癫痫发作前预警及治疗装置”。
1.Effect of L-Nitroarginine and L-Arginine on Kainic Acid-Induced Seizures in Rats and Morphological, Anatomical, and Biochemical Alterations of Astrocytes in the Hippocampal Formation;L-NNA与L-Arg对大鼠KA诱导性癫痫发作的影响及其细胞学基础与机制探讨
2.Postoperative Seizure Outcomes in a Series of 49 Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations Associated with Seizures;49例有癫痫发作的脑动静脉畸形术后癫痫预后分析
3.Clinical Analysis of Risk Factor of Post Ischemic Stroke Seizure: A Case-Control Study;缺血性卒中后癫痫发作危险因素的临床分析

并发症    并发症  complication  又称“合并症”,指在一种疾病的发展过程中引起的另一种疾病或症状,常把后者称为前者的并发症。早期而积极的治疗可以减少并发症的发生。