2)notalgia paresthetica感觉异常性背痛
3)meralgia paraesthetica感觉异常性股痛
4)abnormal pain sensitivity异常痛感
1.Over the last several years, compelling evidence has accumulated indicating that abnormal pain sensitivity including hyperalgesia and allodynia occurs in animals receiving opioid administration.随着研究的深入,发现阿片类药物介导的异常痛感与耐药性之间有着紧密的联系,通过中枢谷氨酸能系统、脊髓强啡肽及衰减调节等神经机制发挥作用。

1.pseudopolymelia paraesthetica感觉异常性多肢幻觉
2.There may be severe paresthesia.可能有严重的感觉异常
3.She presented with paraesthesia in her extremities, numbness of her lower legs and intermittent sharp pains in her feet.她出现四肢感觉异常,下肢麻木,脚部间歇性刺痛。
4.Abnormal gastric sensation to chemical stimulation in diabetic rats and its possible mechanism糖尿病大鼠胃化学感觉异常及其机制研究
5.A disease of human beings and animals caused by eating legumes of the genus Lathyrus and characterized by spastic paralysis, hyperesthesia, and paresthesia.山黧豆中毒人或禽类因误食山黧科豆类而得的疾病,其症状是痉挛性瘫痪、感觉过敏和感觉异常
6.a feeling of considerable warmth.一种异常温暖的感觉。
7.She has an uncanny sense of what others feel.她具有察觉他人心思的异常敏锐的感觉。
8.Objective: To analyse and explore the causes and pathogenesis of abnormal sensation of pharynx.目的:探讨咽部异常感觉症的病因和发病机理。
9.Clinical Analysis on Pathological Changes of Thyroid Gland Onset with Abnormal Sensation of Pharynx in 4 Cases甲状腺疾病以咽异常感觉为首发4例临床分析
10.A neurologic examination may detect disorientation, an abnormal gait, altered reflexes, and sensory or motor neuron abnormalities.神经系统检查可发现定位异常、步态异常、反射改变及感觉或运动神经元异常。
11.The solitude of the sea had made him keenly sensitive to every sight, sound and touch.海上的孤单寂寞使他对每种景象、声音以及触觉都异常敏感。
12.And misplacing and drop understood, make the unusual feeling become true existence.而解读的错位和落差,使异常的感觉成为真实的存在。
13.Sialylation Contributes to Hyperexcitability of Injured Aα/β-Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons in Rat;膜表面唾液酸化在损伤的初级感觉神经元兴奋性异常中的作用
14.A Comparative Experimental Study on Sensitivity of Perception of Topological Difference in the Deaf and Normal-hearing People;聋人与听力正常人拓扑性质差异知觉敏感性的比较实验研究
15.an eerie feeling of deja vu.怪异的似曾相识的感觉。
16.A: What should I do? I feel faint. I feel really weak.我该怎么办?我感觉晕。我感觉非常虚弱。
17.Being outside the normal range or bounds of the senses.超感觉的超出正常感觉范围或界限的
18.The concept of preemptive analgesia is to decrease the incidence of hyperalgesia and allodynia by reducing central sensitization.【中英文摘要】预先镇痛是通过防止中枢敏感化来降低伤害性刺激引起的痛觉过敏和异常痛觉。

notalgia paresthetica感觉异常性背痛
3)meralgia paraesthetica感觉异常性股痛
4)abnormal pain sensitivity异常痛感
1.Over the last several years, compelling evidence has accumulated indicating that abnormal pain sensitivity including hyperalgesia and allodynia occurs in animals receiving opioid administration.随着研究的深入,发现阿片类药物介导的异常痛感与耐药性之间有着紧密的联系,通过中枢谷氨酸能系统、脊髓强啡肽及衰减调节等神经机制发挥作用。
1.Approximately 30 minutes after the accomplishment of infusion,his allotriogeusia resolved gradually.输液完毕后约30min其味觉异常逐渐消失,1d后舌体疱疹消退。

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图
感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]