1.Objective To study the topographic localization of kinesthetic cells in the interior segment of globus pallidus(GPi) and its significance for pallidotomy.目的 研究苍白球内侧部运动觉细胞空间位置排列及其在苍白球毁损术中的意义。

1.Experimental Studies on Treatment of Pd-Model White Rat by Acupunturing Gpi;针刺苍白球内侧部治疗帕金森病模型大鼠的实验研究
2.A clinical study of the electric activities and the anatomic characteristics on the neural cess with globus pallidus internus;苍白球内侧部神经细胞电活动及其解剖特征的临床应用研究
3.The effects of morphine on the firing pattern of ventral pallidal neurons in the addictive rats;吗啡对成瘾大鼠腹侧苍白球神经元放电的影响
4.Unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway changes the neuronal activity of the ventral pallidum in rats单侧黑质纹状体通路损毁改变腹侧苍白球的神经活动
5.Experimental Study on Mechanisms of Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease with Lesion of Ventral Pallidum in Rats;腹侧苍白球毁损术治疗帕金森病机制的实验研究
6.An Analysis of Long-term Curative Effect of the Posteroventral Pallidotomy for the Parkinson s Disease;苍白球腹后部毁损术治疗帕金森病的疗效分析
7.Clinical report of microelectrode-guided posteroventral pallidotomy in treatment of Parkinson′s disease in 13 cases微电极导向苍白球腹后部切开术治疗帕金森病13例临床研究
8.Partial atrophy causes pallor of the temporal half of the disc with enlargement of the blind spot, often without noticeable visual loss.部分性萎缩引起视盘颞侧苍白,伴有生理盲点扩大,常常没有明显的视力减退。
9.The hero of the epic poem was described as being hoary with age.这部史诗的主人公被描绘成白发苍苍的老人。
10.One operation is called a pallidotomy.该手术称做苍白球切开术。
11.Contrast study of microelectrode guided post-ventrual pallidotomy and Chinese medicine for treatment in Parkinson disease微电极引导的苍白球腹后部毁损术与中医药治疗帕金森病的对比研究
12.any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler underparts.多种黑色羽毛、苍白色腹部的小型海鸥。
13.She grew pale and thin even within a few days.仅仅在几天之内,她就变得苍白而憔悴。
14.The lowest inner part of a ship's hull.船身靠内侧最低的部分
15.Eurasian marten having a brown coat with pale breast and throat.欧亚大陆的貂,褐色皮毛,雄部和喉部为苍白色。
16.5). The dorsal tarsal ligament of bactrian camel was situated on the medial side of the tarsal joint to form the part of the medial collateralligament.5.跗背侧韧带位于内侧面,形成内侧侧副韧带之一部分。
17.Application of Non-Linear Dynamics Analysis of Firing of Globus Pallidus;苍白球神经元放电模式的非线性动力学研究
18.Off-line analysis of single-unit pallidal discharge of Parkinson s disease;帕金森病患者苍白球神经元放电的离线分析

Globus pallidus internus(Gpi)苍白球内侧
3)posteroventral pallido内侧苍白球腹后部毁损术
1.Analysis of curative effect to depression mood in Parkinson s disease by microelectrode guided posteroventral pallidotomy;微电极导向内侧苍白球腹后部毁损术改善帕金森病合并轻中度抑郁的机制
4)nucleus pallidum ventral post lateral part苍白球腹后外侧部
5)globus pallidus externa外侧苍白球
1.After long-term DBS to globus pallidus externa(GPe), correct rate was enhanced.在对大鼠外侧苍白球部(GPe)进行长时间深部脑刺激后,反应准确率增加,不同基因型大鼠的增加幅度有所不同。
6)ventral pallidum腹侧苍白球
1.Content changes of glutamic acid in striatum induced by lesion of ventral pallidum in rats with Parkinson s disease;损毁帕金森病大鼠腹侧苍白球对纹状体内谷氨酸含量的影响
2.The effect of the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum lesions on seeking beha vior in rats;毁损伏隔核、腹侧苍白球对大鼠觅药行为的影响
3.Unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway changes the neuronal activity of the ventral pallidum in rats单侧黑质纹状体通路损毁改变腹侧苍白球的神经活动

苍白球黑质变性苍白球黑质变性hallervorden?spatz degeneration 常染色体隐性遗传病,苍白球和黑质对称性变性,神经细胞内有含铁色素沉积及蜡样质脂褐素和神经黑色素沉积。骨髓组织有海蓝组织细胞。起病多在10岁以下,临床有进行性锥体外系运动障碍和智力衰退。眼底可见视网膜色素变性。病程缓慢进展,预后不良。晚期语言消失,终至痴呆。CT和MRI可见脑萎缩,在基底节(特别是苍白球)有病变(表示铁的沉积)。全身性铁代谢正常。无特殊治疗方法。