1.Association of basal ganglia damage with Chinese agraphia;基底神经节区脑损害与汉语失写症关系的研究

1.relating to or having agraphia.与失写症相关的或有失写症的。
2.A disorder marked by loss of the ability to write.书写不能,失写症以丧失书写能力为标志的紊乱
3.A study of the relation between Chinese agraphia and the location of brain damage;汉语失写症与脑损害部位关系的研究
4.Theories about Word Writing: Evidence from Acquired Dysgraphia;语言书写机制的研究进展:来自失写症的证据
5.Agraphia without aphasia due to left cerebral hemispheric stroke in dextrals左半球卒中所致的单纯失写症临床分析
6.She developed a mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia.除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。
7.It is the abbreviation for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.它是获得性免疫功能丧失综合症的缩写。
8.aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired.说或写等表达能力受到严重削弱的一种失语症。
9.As many as 20% of all children in the United States suffer from some form of the learning disorder called dislexia.在美国,约有20%的儿童患有某种学习机能失调症,它被称之为读写困难症。
10.A Comparative Study of Mirror Writing by Normal Participants and Aphasic Patients:A New Perspective;正常被试与失语症患者镜像书写的对比研究——镜像书写发生机制新论
11.auditory aphasia【医】听觉性失语症
12.of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia.属于、关于失读症的,或有失读症征兆的。
13.stocking anesthesia长袜型感觉丧失症 长袜型感觉丧失症
14.transcendental aphasia超皮质性失语症 超皮质性失语症
15.a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder.身体受损或失调的症状。
16.Lichtheim's aphasia利希海姆氏失语(症)
17.Many of the symptoms will regress or disappear.许多症状将减轻或消失。
18.Features of Epidemiology and TCM Pathogenesis in Insomnia with Anxiety Symptom;失眠症伴焦虑症状的发病和病机特点

3)alexia without agraphia非失写的失读症
1.Methods Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) and Chinese Agraphia Battery (CAB) were used to examine the ability of oral language and writing.目的 了解汉语失写症与脑损害部位的关系。
2.Callosal infarction was characterized by allolalia,apathy,agraphia and ideomotor apraxia in the left hand,alien hand syndrome,hemispatial neglect,gait apraxia,and sensation and motion abnormality.胼胝体病变的临床表现较复杂,包括言语障碍、情感淡漠、左手失写、左手运动性失用、陌生手综合征、半侧空间忽略、步态失调、感觉和运动异常等。
6)aphasia and amusia失语症和失乐症
1.Making a brief review for aphasia and amusia, combing with the research of ERP and functional neuroimaging for language and music’s contrast process and synchronous process, it is found that, to a large extent, both of them exist coincidence of process mechanism; it means that they have ‘the common neural process resource’.对失语症和失乐症的研究进行了简要回顾,并结合ERP和功能神经影像对语言和音乐的对比加工及同步加工分别进行研究,发现两者很大程度上存在加工机制的重合,即具有共同的神经加工源。

失写症失写症agraphia  又称“书写不能”,由大脑书写中枢优势半球额中回后部病变引起的书写功能障碍。患者手部可有运动功能,但不能用文字书写的方式来表达词义和思维。