1.Methods Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) and Chinese Agraphia Battery (CAB) were used to examine the ability of oral language and writing.目的 了解汉语失写症与脑损害部位的关系。
2.Callosal infarction was characterized by allolalia,apathy,agraphia and ideomotor apraxia in the left hand,alien hand syndrome,hemispatial neglect,gait apraxia,and sensation and motion abnormality.胼胝体病变的临床表现较复杂,包括言语障碍、情感淡漠、左手失写、左手运动性失用、陌生手综合征、半侧空间忽略、步态失调、感觉和运动异常等。

1.relating to or having agraphia.与失写症相关的或有失写症的。
2.A disorder marked by loss of the ability to write.书写不能,失写症以丧失书写能力为标志的紊乱
3.Theories about Word Writing: Evidence from Acquired Dysgraphia;语言书写机制的研究进展:来自失写症的证据
4.17 cases were injured on the right basal ganglia, of which 1 were aphasia and 4 were agraphia.右侧基底神经节损害17例,失语1例,失写4例;
5.3 cases were on thebilateral basal ganglia, of which 3 were aphasia and 2 were agraphia.双侧基底神经节损害3例,失语3例,失写2例。
6.She developed a mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia.除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。
7.A study of the relation between Chinese agraphia and the location of brain damage;汉语失写症与脑损害部位关系的研究
8.Her attempt at poetry was a failure.她尝试写诗失败了。
9.He resolved to make up for his loss of formal education and try his hand at writing.他决定补上失学的损失,从事写作。
10.The write lock failed due to an outstanding write lock.写入锁定失败,因为有一个未解除的写入锁定。
11.Output file write failure possible disk full.输出文件写入失败,可能磁盘已满。
12.Jane despaired of completing her thesis.简对于写完论文已失去了希望。
13.Scripting for Transfer failed. Check log files.编写传输脚本失败,请检查日志文件。
14.Queued Updating Subscriptions: write to message queue failed.排队更新订阅: 写入消息队列失败。
15.Failed to write data to metabase key. ([2] [3] [4] [5])向元数据库键写入数据失败。([2][3][4][5])
16.His new novel is nowhere.他新写的小说是个大失败。
17."Replace only missing files and rewrite machine Registry entries."只替换丢失的文件,重写机器注册表项。
18.a loss of the ability to write or to express thoughts in writing because of a brain lesion.丧失书写表达思想的能力。

Chinese agraphia汉语失写
1.The difference of Chinese agraphia after cerebral hemisphere affection;大脑双侧半球病变所致汉语失写的差异
1.Association of basal ganglia damage with Chinese agraphia;基底神经节区脑损害与汉语失写症关系的研究
4)store miss写失效
1.A cache adaptive write allocate policy that improves the bandwidth of microprocessor significantly is proposed by investigating cache store misses.通过对Cache写失效行为的分析,提出了一种新的提高处理器带宽利用率的Cache写失效处理策略——Cache自适应写分配策略。
5)" untrue delineation失真描写
6)write fail写入失误

失写  脑损害所致书写能力受损或丧失。失写为复杂的功能障碍。书写又是最难掌握的语言功能。失语患者几无例外地均有不同程度的失写。失写主要表现几种形式。①纯失写,罕见。严重失写而无其他语言功能障碍,据认为病变部位在左额中回后部。②失语性失写,几见于所有失语患者。前部失语者失写表现为写字费力、字少、字大、字形潦草笨拙,笔划错误,语句无语法结构。病变主要累及额叶。后部失语者失写与之相反。不费力便能写出,但常有笔划错误,能写出字形或组成"句",但难以表达意思,病变累及左颞或顶区。③伴有失读的失写。书写能力几完全丧失,为后天文盲,病变在左侧角回区。④失用性失写,由于运用笔笨拙,不能写出字、句、病变在左顶叶。⑤视空间性失写,特点为写字时纸的左半空出,字行向右下倾斜,可写出笔划,但笔划位置发生错误,病变常在右颞顶枕结合区。