3)Massive Bleeding出血过多
1.Randomized Clinical Trials Of Transamin In Post-IUD Patients With Massive Bleeding;目的:探讨妥塞敏用于治疗放置宫内节育器(IUD)后出血过多的临床有效性和安全性。

1.Effect of transamin on massive bleeding after IUD妥塞敏治疗放置IUD后出血过多的临床对照研究
2.The snthetical effect tended to inhibit coagulant activity,as considering it with the clinical course,however,these effects were not the main cause leading to heavy bleeding or prolonged bleeding.但结合临床,这种作用并不是导致出血过多或时间过长的主要原因。
3.An excessive amount of calcium in the blood.多钙血血液中钙质过量
4.Absorption of HF may cause hypocalcemia due to HF's fixation of blood calcium. Hyperkalemia may occur if severe hypocalcemia appears.HF的吸收会由于HF对血钙固定导致低血钙症。如果出现严重的低血钙症,就会发生血钾过多。
5."Menstrual disorders include dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and amenorrhea (no Bleeding), heavy or light Bleeding, and uterine Bleeding."经期障碍包括痛经(月经来时疼痛)和闭经(无月经)、经血过多或过少、子宫出血。
6.For instance, Your Orca will always unload one too many missiles into a near dead opponent.比如你的奥卡可能会对一个红血目标射出过多的导弹。
7.Characterized by an overabundance of blood.多血症的症状为血液过多的
8.An excess of cholesterol in the blood.多胆固醇血血液中过多的胆固醇
9.I have leukemia.我有白血球过多症。
10.platelet over consumption and destruction血小板破坏消耗过多
11.excess carotene in the blood stream; can cause the skin to turn a pale yellow-red color.血流肿胡萝卜素过多。
12.multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma of skin皮肤多发性出血性肉瘤
13.Thus, most cases of bowel ischemia and infarction result from generalized hypotension and decreased cardiac output.大多数肠局部缺血和梗死的病例,是由于血压过低和心输出量降低引起的。
14.a blood disorder characterized by the presence of excess lipids in the blood.血液中油脂过多的一种血液
15.The common reason of nosebleed was hypertention, aceont for 55.6%.结果:鼻出血原因中以高血压多见占55.6%。
16.Early Hematoma Enlargement of Intracerebral Hemorrhage:A Clinical Analysis of Multiple Factors脑出血早期血肿扩大多因素临床分析
17.as the blood passes through the lungs, it gives off its excess nitrogen当血液通过肺部时它放出过剩的氮。
18.As the blood passes through the lungs it gives off its excess nitrogen.血液通过肺部时放出其中过剩的氮。

3)Massive Bleeding出血过多
1.Randomized Clinical Trials Of Transamin In Post-IUD Patients With Massive Bleeding;目的:探讨妥塞敏用于治疗放置宫内节育器(IUD)后出血过多的临床有效性和安全性。
5)hyperlipidemia[英]['haip?,lipi'di:mi?][美][,ha?p?,l?p?'dimi?, -,la?p?-]血脂过多

血热月经过多血热月经过多 病证名。 月经过多证型之一。见高等医药院校试用教材《中医妇科学》。指冲任伏热,迫血妄行所致 女子月经多于常量者。多因素体阳热内盛,过嗜辛辣,或感受热邪,或多产房劳,阴精营血 亏 虚,虚火内生所致。症见经血量多,血色深红或紫红,有块、稠黏,或有臭秽味,面红身热 ,口干 便秘,溲黄而少,时作烦躁,舌红苔黄,脉弦数或滑数者,属实热,治宜清热凉血,方选清 经汤、 十灰散;若见经量增多,两颧发赤,午后潮热,经血鲜红,耳鸣如蝉,舌红少苔,脉细数者 ,属虚热 ,治宜滋阴清热,方选两地汤、固经丸;如血热而兼见气虚之征者,方选上海乙方加减;如 血热 而兼见气阴两虚之象者,方选上海甲方化裁。