
1.The Research of the Syndrome and Treatment of Dysthymia with the Theory of Six Meridians;抑郁性神经症(心境恶劣)的六经证治研究
2.a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment.大批地逃离恶劣的环境。
3.adverse winds, weather conditions, circumstances逆风、 恶劣的天气、 逆境.
4.He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.今天上午他心情恶劣。
5.They were not tested in hostile environments.它们不是在恶劣的环境下进行试验的。
6.She braved the elements.她勇敢地面对恶劣的自然环境。
7.and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5, 000 metres.愿意忍受海拔5000米以上恶劣生活环境。
8.They lived in conditions of appalling sanitation.他们生活在极为恶劣的卫生环境中。
9.and he was employing children in terrible conditions.而且正在恶劣的环境下雇用童工。
10.III. Plight of the Poor, Hungry and Homeless三、贫困、饥饿和无家可归者处境恶劣
11.be in(dire/desperate/serious)financial straits陷于(恶劣的[极度的/严重的])财务困境中.
12.How do they exist in such wretched conditions?在这样恶劣的环境中,他们怎样生存?
13.Social conditions are bad for ethnic minority Americans.美国少数民族的社会境遇恶劣。
14.We should strike against bad working conditions.我们应为改善恶劣的工作环境而罢工。
15.Owing to poor working conditions, they decided to throw down their tools.因为恶劣的工作环境,他们决定罢工。
16.The bad environment becomes the heredity of the next generation.上一代人的恶劣环境又传给下一代人。
17.I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.我的工作环境恶劣,漆黑而且通风不畅。
18.Research of Greenhouse WSN node Test Platform on Harsh Environment温室WSN节点恶劣环境测试平台的研制

1.Control Study on Efficacy of Jieyu Pill and Paroxetine in Treating Dysthymia;中药解郁丸与帕罗西汀治疗60例恶劣心境患者临床对照研究
2.Effect of Keyushushen Granule on Weight and Behavior of Experimental Dysthymia Rat;克郁舒神颗粒对实验性恶劣心境大鼠体重及行为学影响的研究
3.A study on cure of the elder anxiety and dysthymia;老年焦虑症与恶劣心境患者的药物干预研究
1.Objective To observe the clinical effects of Jiawei Sini Decoction in the treatment of Dysthymia.目的观察加味四逆散治疗恶劣心境障碍的临床疗效。
1.Study on Dysfunctional Attitudes of First-onset Dysthymia Disorder and Major Depressive Adolescents.;首诊为心境恶劣障碍和抑郁症的青少年患者功能失调性态度对照研究

心境恶劣心境恶劣dysthmia 心境恶劣(dy、thmia)具有神经症特征的轻性抑郁症。病人感到心境低落,缺乏精力和愉快感,易激惹,睡眠不佳,可同时伴有神经症的焦虑、恐怖或强迫症状,少数情况下一出现瘾症症状。与严重的抑郁症不同,此时睡眠障碍为入睡困难而不是早醒,心境变化是晨轻晚重而不是晨重晚轻,躯体症状(食欲减退,体重卜降和性欲低下)较少见,无思维迟缓和动作减少现象,也不出现幻觉和妄想。如由不幸遭遇引起,当情境改变或重新适应时即可恢复,病程较短。多数病例病程很长。按照美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版),心境恶劣相当于抑郁性神经症。可进行支持性心理治疗和给予抗抑郁剂治疗。 撇亚忠撰刘协和审)