
1.Analysis and Strategies of Dictation in English Major Band IV;英语专业四级中听写障碍的分析及其对策
2.Key words: Barrier; Enhancement; Hearing understanding; Hearing level.关键字:障碍;增长;听力理解;听力水平.
3.Surmount the Listening Obstruction and Improve the Students’ English Listening Comprehension;克服英语听力障碍 提高学生听力水平
4.An Investigation about Hearing Threshold and Variation of Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance of People with Hearing impairment;听力障碍者听阈及主观响度变异调查
6.An Analysis of Writing Barrier in the Cross-Cultural Communication and Countermeasures;跨文化交际中的写作障碍分析及对策
7.a person with a severe auditory handicap.一个有严重听觉障碍的人。
8.Eye Movement on Discourse Reading of Hearing Retard Children听力障碍儿童篇章阅读的眼动特征
9.education of the deaf and hearing impaired l聋人和听觉障碍者教育学
10.A Study of English Majors Listening Comprehension Barriers and Solutions;英语专业学生的听力理解障碍及对策
11.Analyses on the Obstacles to Listening Comprehension and Their Strategies;农村高中生的听力障碍分析及其对策
12.Tone Research in Monosyllabic Words of Putonghua for Severe Hearing-impaired Children;重度听觉障碍儿童单音节词声调研究
13.Research on the Chinese Reading Supporting Strategies of the Students with Hearing Impairment;听觉障碍学生汉语阅读辅助策略研究
14.Medicolegal expertise of 200 cases of hearing disorder;听力障碍200例的法医学鉴定分析
15.On English Listening Obstacles and Solutions;浅析英语听力各阶段障碍及相应对策
16.Phonetics in Teaching English Listening;论英语听力理解产生障碍的语音因素
17.Obstacles and Solutions to English Listening Teaching in Senior Vocational and Technical College;高职英语听力教学的障碍与解决方法
18.Listening Obstacle Reasons and Solutions of College Students;大学生英语听力障碍原因分析及对策

Chinese character spelling disability汉字听写障碍
1.Objective:This research studied the cognitive mechanism of a child with Chinese character spelling disability and explored the occurrence mechanism and nature of Chinese character spelling disability.目的:探索其汉字听写障碍儿童的认知加工特点,了解汉字听写障碍的发生机制及性质。
3)Hearing disorders听力障碍
1.Results:The prevalence of neonatal hearing disorders was 0.结果 :通过筛查 3770例新生儿 ,最后由ABR确诊听力障碍 4例 ,听力障碍患病率为 0 。
4)hearing loss听力障碍
1.Non-verbal cognition impairment and social adaptability in children with severe hearing loss;重度听力障碍儿童非言语认知及社会适应能力发育水平的病例对照研究
2.Objective To lind out the situations of the hearing loss,which differ from the people without hearing impair- ment in hearing threshold and the balance between ears on their level.目的:分析听力障碍患者听阈值与正常人的差异及精神心理因素对结果的影响。
3.Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of early hearing loss in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.目的探讨以听力障碍为首发症状鼻咽癌的诊断和治疗。
5)hearing impairment听力障碍
1.The Application of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEP) in the Hearing Impairment Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy Children;脑干听觉诱发电位在脑瘫患儿听力障碍诊断中的应用
2.Objective To explore the importance of complete audiological assessment in the process of hearing evaluation and aural rehabilitation in children with hearing impairment.目的探讨完善的听力学评估在听力障碍(听障)儿童听力检测及康复中的重要性。
3.762%, and the prevalence of hearing impairment was 9.762%,筛查新生儿中听力障碍率为9。
6)hearing disorder听力障碍
1.Medicolegal expertise of 200 cases of hearing disorder;听力障碍200例的法医学鉴定分析
2.To standardize the judicial assessment of hearing disorders, we compared and analyzed the International classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps and several hearing handicap criteria used by audiologist and medical expert home and abroad respectively.为实现听力障碍司法鉴定的标准化,通过比较、分析国内外医学和法医学听力分级标准、国际残疾分类方法,并经过筛选,认为听力障碍类型判断标准,听力障碍鉴定方法以及听力实验室规范,是听力障碍鉴定必需和影响鉴定结论的关键环节。
3.Objective To investigate the incidence of hearing disorder and analyse the high-risk factors with hearing injury in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia.目的研究高胆红素患儿听力障碍的发生率,探讨与听力障碍发生有关的高危因素。
