视知觉,visual perception
1)visual perception视知觉
1.The Application of visual perception in Architechare Design;视知觉在建筑造型中的应用
2.Like perceptual integration and transsaccadic integration,Information integration between visual short-term memory and visual perception is also important to process and maintain a coherent perception of the scene.与知觉整合和跨眼跳的信息整合一样,视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合也是人们加工并保持整体性场景知觉的重要前提条件。
3.This paper analyzes main characteristics of visual perception,such as the attributive stage,expectations of perception and final response to the environment,and tries to discuss object and demand of lighting in commercial pedestrian street based on principles of visual perception.尝试用视知觉理论的研究成果,探讨商业步行街照明设计目标以及空间各要素的照明设计要求。

1.Effects of Visual Receptor Characteristics and Stimuli Features on Visual and Imagery Processing;视觉感受器结构特性和视觉刺激特征对视知觉和表象加工的影响
2.Shape Dominance in Visual Unconscious Processing;视知觉无意识加工中的形状优势效应
3.Study on the Visual Perception of 'Hole' and 'No-hole' Figures对“洞”和“非洞”刺激的视知觉研究
4.The Debate on Perception-Action Double-System Theory of Vision;视觉的知觉-动作双系统理论中的论争
5.perceptional intuitionalism知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说
6.hallucination of perception知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉
7.Our senses of touch and sight, for instance, tell us that there is a table in front of us.比如,触觉和视觉可止我们知道前面有一张桌子;
8.Research on the Deficiency Compensation of Sensation and Perception of People with Visual Impairment;视觉障碍者感知觉缺陷补偿的实验研究
9.The Effect of Perceptual Load and Cue Location on Visual Selective Attention;知觉负载和线索位置对视觉选择性注意的影响
10.Can One Feel Visual Emotion Without Attention and Consciousness?The Confused Finding and Its Origins;视觉情绪知觉需要注意和意识吗?困惑及其原因
11.Verification of the Dissociation between Perception and Action in the Visual Illusion Experiments;知觉与行为的分离在视错觉研究中的验证
13.Human's Weight Perception from Auditory and Visual Displays人通过视觉和听觉材料获得的重量感知
14.a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]
15.A Study on Cognitive and Neural Mechanism of Visual Feature Binding;视觉特征捆绑的认知及神经机制研究
16.Study on the Environment Perception System Based on Vision of Robot;基于视觉的机器人环境感知系统研究
17.Cognitive Psychology and Visual Design in the Web-based Course;认知心理学与网络课程中的视觉设计
18.A Pragma-cognitive Approach to E.E.Cumming s Visual Poem L(a;卡明斯视觉诗L(a的语用认知分析

visual cognition视觉认知
1.ObjectiveTo investigate the related functional orientation of the visual cognition antijamming ability in brain.目的探讨大脑视觉认知抗干扰能力的相关功能定位。
2.People have two kinds of visual ability:visual cognition and visual feeling.人的视觉具有两种先天能力 ,一是视觉认知 ,一是视觉感受。
3.The main theme of this paper is that the early process of visual cognition may be source from the global spatial frequency of object.“初期特征分析”理论认为视觉认知过程由局部性质开始到大范围性质,而“初期整体知觉”理论认为由大范围性质到局部性质。
3)visual perception视觉感知
1.Research and Realization of Model Simplification Based on Visual Perception;基于视觉感知的模型简化算法研究与实现
2.A kind of watermarking algorithm Based on wavelet and fuzzy visual perception一种基于小波变换的模糊视觉感知水印算法
4)Vision knowledge视觉知识
5)perceptual perspective知觉视点
1.Due to the possibility of describing the same thing or the same prepositional information from different perspective,shift in both perceptual perspective and temporal and spatial perspective is constantly necessary to make the translated version in line with the way of expression in the target language during the translating process.由于英汉两种语言对同一事物或命题可能会从不同方面来描述 ,同一思维内容可能会有不同表达方式 ,翻译时应注意知觉视点和时空视点的灵活转换 ,以摆脱原语语言形式的束缚 ,使译文更符合译入语习惯。
6)stigma perception歧视知觉
1.The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between stigma perception and mental health among migrant children in Beijing.研究发现:(1)流动儿童所感受到的社会歧视在学校类型、流动性上存在显著的差异,打工子弟学校的流动儿童得分显著高于公立学校的,流动性高的儿童得分显著高于流动性低的,但在性别上不存在显著差异,也不存在学校类型与性别和流动性的交互作用;(2)流动儿童的心理健康水平在性别、学校类型和流动性上存在显著的差异,女孩、来自公立学校的流动儿童、流动性高的儿童的心理健康水平显著差于与之相对应的被试,除在社交焦虑和抑郁上存在学校类型和性别的交互作用外,在孤独感上不存在学校类型和流动性的交互作用;(3)不同类别儿童在心理健康水平上存在显著差异,流动儿童在社交焦虑、孤独感上最差;(4)除消极应对与自尊、积极应对与抑郁相关不显著外,歧视、心理健康水平、应对方式、自尊两两之间都相关非常显著;(5)歧视知觉对心理健康水平有显著的直接影响,也通过应对方式和自尊对心理健康水平产生显著的影响。
