苍白球,Globus pallidus
1)Globus pallidus苍白球
1.GABAergic neurotransmission in globus pallidus and its involvement in neurologic disorders;苍白球γ-氨基丁酸能神经传递及其与神经系统疾病的关系(英文)
2.Roles of globus pallidus in acupuncture analgesia and exciting caudate- putamen nucleus-induced analgesia;苍白球在电针镇痛及兴奋尾壳核镇痛中的作用
3.Changes of HMW MAP-2 in globus pallidus and substantia nigra of rats after low frequency of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation;经颅重复性低频磁刺激后大鼠苍白球及黑质HMW MAP-2表达的变化

1.One operation is called a pallidotomy.该手术称做苍白球切开术。
2.Application of Non-Linear Dynamics Analysis of Firing of Globus Pallidus;苍白球神经元放电模式的非线性动力学研究
3.An Analysis of Long-term Curative Effect of the Posteroventral Pallidotomy for the Parkinson s Disease;苍白球腹后部毁损术治疗帕金森病的疗效分析
4.Off-line analysis of single-unit pallidal discharge of Parkinson s disease;帕金森病患者苍白球神经元放电的离线分析
5.The effects of morphine on the firing pattern of ventral pallidal neurons in the addictive rats;吗啡对成瘾大鼠腹侧苍白球神经元放电的影响
6.Analysis of the Firing Patterns in the Globus Pallidus of Parkinson s Disease Model Rats;帕金森病大鼠苍白球神经元放电模式的分析
7.More recently, improved medical technology has increased the chances of successful pallidotomies.最近,完善的药物技术提高了苍白球切开术的成功几率。
8.Experimental Studies on Treatment of Pd-Model White Rat by Acupunturing Gpi;针刺苍白球内侧部治疗帕金森病模型大鼠的实验研究
9.A clinical study of the electric activities and the anatomic characteristics on the neural cess with globus pallidus internus;苍白球内侧部神经细胞电活动及其解剖特征的临床应用研究
10.Electrophysiological and Behavioral Effects of Neurotensin in Rat Globus Pallidus;大鼠苍白球神经降压素的电生理学和行为学研究
11.Diffusion Patterns and Age-related Alterations of the Putamen and Globus Pallidus, Detected by Diffusion Tensor Imaging;DTI对壳核苍白球的差异性及年龄相关性变化的研究
12.Nonlinear Analysis of Interspike Intervals of Globus Pallidus in Parkinson s Disease;帕金森病患者苍白球神经元放电的非线性特性研究
13.Experimental Study on Mechanisms of Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease with Lesion of Ventral Pallidum in Rats;腹侧苍白球毁损术治疗帕金森病机制的实验研究
14.The Ability of Globus Pallidus, Entopeduncular Nucleus and Ventral Pallidum to Regulate Blood Pressure and Their Relationships to Essential Hypertension in Rats;大鼠苍白球结构的血压调节作用及其与原发性高血压病的关系
15.Nonlinear Analysis of Interspike Intervals of Globus Pallidus in MPTP-treated Monkeys;帕金森病猴苍白球神经元放电序列的时间模式研究
16.Studies of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Globus Pallidus on Haloperidol Rat Models of Parkinson's Disease大鼠苍白球5-羟色胺抗氟哌啶醇所致帕金森病僵直效应的研究
17.Electrophysiological Studies of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Rat Globus Pallidus and Its Antiparkinsonian Effects大鼠苍白球5-羟色胺的电生理学研究及其抗帕金森病效应
18.The risk factors for globus pallidus iron deposition in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease缺血性脑血管病苍白球铁沉积的危险因素MR诊断价值

3)globus pallidus externa外侧苍白球
1.After long-term DBS to globus pallidus externa(GPe), correct rate was enhanced.在对大鼠外侧苍白球部(GPe)进行长时间深部脑刺激后,反应准确率增加,不同基因型大鼠的增加幅度有所不同。
4)ventral pallidum腹侧苍白球
1.Content changes of glutamic acid in striatum induced by lesion of ventral pallidum in rats with Parkinson s disease;损毁帕金森病大鼠腹侧苍白球对纹状体内谷氨酸含量的影响
2.The effect of the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum lesions on seeking beha vior in rats;毁损伏隔核、腹侧苍白球对大鼠觅药行为的影响
3.Unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway changes the neuronal activity of the ventral pallidum in rats单侧黑质纹状体通路损毁改变腹侧苍白球的神经活动
5)Globus pallidus internus(Gpi)苍白球内侧
1., Chroococcus cubicus Gardner, Ch.报道 8种产自大连黑石礁海域的色球藻科植物 ,即惠氏集胞藻、溪生隐球藻、微小隐球藻、立方色球藻、湖沼色球藻、苍白色球藻、粘连色球藻、微小色球藻 。

苍白球黑质变性苍白球黑质变性hallervorden?spatz degeneration 常染色体隐性遗传病,苍白球和黑质对称性变性,神经细胞内有含铁色素沉积及蜡样质脂褐素和神经黑色素沉积。骨髓组织有海蓝组织细胞。起病多在10岁以下,临床有进行性锥体外系运动障碍和智力衰退。眼底可见视网膜色素变性。病程缓慢进展,预后不良。晚期语言消失,终至痴呆。CT和MRI可见脑萎缩,在基底节(特别是苍白球)有病变(表示铁的沉积)。全身性铁代谢正常。无特殊治疗方法。