难治性癫癎,Intractable epilepsy
1)Intractable epilepsy难治性癫癎
1.Significance of lateralized focus of intra-carotid arterial diazepam injection for intractable epilepsy with bilateral synchronous epileptiform discharges;安定颈动脉内注射对两侧同步性痫样放电难治性癫癎灶定侧的意义
2.Objective:To study the relationship between the levels of antibodies to GM1 ganglioside(GM1-A) and autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase(GAD-A) and intractable epilepsy,in order to explore the pathogenic immunologic mechanisms of intractable epilepsy.目的:研究难治性癫癎与血清神经节苷脂GM1抗体(GM1-A)及谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体(GAD-A)水平的关系,探讨其免疫学机制。

1.Clinical Study on Levetiracetam as Adjunctive Therapy for Refractory Epilepsy in 48 cases左乙拉西坦治疗难治性癫癎48例的临床研究
2.Observation of Levetiracetam Add-on Therapy of Refractory Epilepsy左乙拉西坦添加治疗难治性癫癎的临床观察
3.Apoptosis in Epileptic Foci of Patients with Intractable Epilepsy and Its Mechanisms;难治性癫癎患者致癎灶细胞凋亡现象及机制的研究
4.Features and Applications of Traditional and New Anti-epileptic Drugs理想的抗癫癎治疗:传统和新型抗癫癎药物的特性与应用
5.Surgery for intractable porencephaly-related epilepsy:report of 12 cases脑穿通畸形相关性癫癎的手术治疗(附12例分析)
6.Effects of Electro-acupuncture Stimulation at Baihui Acupoint on the Seizures Induced by Lithium-pilocarpine in Rats;电针刺激百会穴治疗锂—匹罗卡品诱导性大鼠癫癎发作的实验研究
7.Value of ambulatory EEG on diagnosis and treatment of benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikesAEEG在伴有中央颞区棘波儿童良性癫癎诊治中的作用
8.Stereotactic radiofrequency thermocoagulation for hypothalamic hamartoma with gelastic seizures立体定向射频毁损治疗表现为痴笑性癫癎的下丘脑错构瘤
9.Self control study of the effect of valproate acid monotherapy on neutrophilic function in epileptic children丙戊酸单药治疗对癫癎患儿中性粒细胞功能影响的自身对照研究
10.The Efficacy of Levetiracetam Monotherapy in Treating Epilepsy左乙拉西坦单药治疗各类癫癎的疗效
11.Jianpi Huatan Xifeng Dingjian Treatment Deficiency Phlegm Epilepsy to Explore the Theoretical and Clinical Research健脾化痰、熄风定癎法治疗脾虚痰浊型癫癎的理论探讨及临床研究
12.Deep-brain electrode-guided stereotactic surgery for intractable temporal lobe epilepsy深部电极引导立体定向手术治疗颞叶癫癎
13.Add - on Therapy With Clonazepam for 26 Patients With Intractable Epilepsy添加氯硝安定治疗难治性癫痫26例
14.An Open Clinical Trial of Topiramate as an Add-on Therapy for Patients with Intractable Epilepsy联用托吡酯治疗难治性癫痫临床观察
15.A clinical study of topiramate as an add-on therapy for patients with refractory epilepsy托吡酯添加治疗难治性癫?的临床观察
16.Surgical treatment of refractory epilepsy(with 236 cases report)难治性癫痫的外科治疗(附236例报道)
17.The frequency of intractable seizures after stopping AEDs in seizure-free children with epilepsy无癫痫发作的癫痫患儿停药后难治性癫痫的发作频率
18.Risk Factors and Harm of Prognosis in Children with Intractable Epilepsy难治性癫预后的危险因素及危害性

refractory epilepsy难治性癫癎
1.Purpose To investigate the expression of P-glycoprotein(PGP) in cerebra of rats with refractory epilepsy.目的研究杏仁核电刺激点燃的难治性癫癎大鼠脑内P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein,PGP)表达的情况。
2.P-glycoprotein(P-gp),one of multidrug tansporters,has been implicated in the causation of refractory epilepsy.约60%患者于儿童期起病,儿童癫癎中,70%~80%患者经系统、正规抗癫癎药治疗可获得长期缓解,仍有10%~30%患儿的发作不能得到有效控制,成为难治性癫癎(refractory epilepsy,RE)也称耐药性癫癎。
3)Refractory status epilepticus难治性癫癎持续状态
4)Drug resistant epilepsy难治性癫
5)Refractory epilepsy难治性癫
1.Refractory epilepsy treated by stereotactic operation and neural stem cells transplantation;立体定向神经干细胞移植治疗难治性癫
2.Polymorphism of multidrug-resistance gene in childhood refractory epilepsy儿童难治性癫MDR1基因多态性研究
3.The expression and significance of multidrug resistance gene in children with refractory epilepsy难治性癫患儿多药耐药基因的表达及意义
6)Benign epilepsy良性癫癎

阳癫阳癫 阳癫   病证名。突然失去意识,不久即苏之症。《诸病源候论》卷二:“阳癫,发如死人,遗尿,食顷乃解。”参见癫、五癫、痫条。