视路,visual pathway
1)visual pathway视路
1.An effect of Chinese medicine for bushenhuoxue(补肾活血) therapy on neurotrophic-3 and Nissl bodies in the visual pathway of experimental diabetic rats;补肾活血中药对糖尿病大鼠视路NT-3和Nissl小体的影响
2.An effect of traditional Chinese medicine for bushenhuoxue(补肾活血)therapy on synapsin I and the myelin basic protein in the visual pathway of rats with diabetic mellits;补肾活血中药对糖尿病大鼠视路突触素1和髓鞘硷性蛋白的影响
3.Because of the special anatomy ofvisual pathway, the lesions could not be inspected by routine ophthalmic exam.目前用于视路疾病的影像诊断方法有超声、CT和MRI,然而前两者对灰白质的分辨率不高,诊断价值有限。
2)optic pathway视路
1.Objective: To observe the histomorphological pathology change of the optic pathway neuron in the experimental diabetic rat, and to probe into the mechanism of Bu Shen Huo Xue Zhongyao Fufang (补肾活血中药复方) to prevent from the lesion of the optic pathway of the experimental diabetic rats.目的:观察实验性糖尿病大鼠视路神经元组织形态学的病理改变,并探讨补肾活血中药复方防治实验性糖尿病大鼠视路损害的作用机理。
3)visual pathways视通路
4)closed circuit television闭路电视
1.Application of multimedia closed circuit television system in the examinations of pathological experiments;多媒体闭路电视示教系统在病理学实验考试中的应用

1.closed-circuit television door-telephone闭路电视门口对讲机
2.closed-circuit television common antenna system闭路电视共用天线系统
3.monitor video, colour (incl. for closed circuit telvision)彩色视频监视器(包括闭路电视用的)
4.monitor video monochrome 9incl. forclosed circuit television)单色视频监视器(包括闭路电视用的)
5.closed-circuit television security and intercom system防盗闭路电视及对讲机系统
6.The conference is relay to the lobby on closed-circuit tv.大会实况在大厅闭路电视上重播。
7.Broadcast the event on a closed-circuit TV linkup.在闭路电视系统上转播这次事件
8.There is a closed circuit television and hi-fi system in the room.房内有闭路电视和高保真音响。
9.Application of Digital Video CCTV Supervision Control System in URT基于数字化视频的轨道交通闭路电视监控系统
10.On the Design of the Front Part of the Closed Circuit TV System in the Audio Visual Teaching;电化教学闭路电视系统前端部分的设计
11.The current closed circuit television monitor system of super highway is independent from the commputer toll bar.现行的高速公路闭路电视监视系统独立于计算机收费系统之外。
12.Use multi-media techniques such as closed circuit TV and satellite transmission使用如闭路电视和卫星传输等多媒体技术
13.An Indonesian maid was filmed ill-treating her employer's two-year-old son at home on a hidden camera.闭路电视录像了一名印佣虐待两岁幼主。
14.The Study of Bidirectional ControlSystem of GoAheadism Instructional CATV;主动型教学闭路电视双向控制系统研究
15.Analysis of Twisted Pair Transmission Applied in CCTV Monitoring System双绞线传输在闭路电视监控系统中的应用
16.Closed Circuit Television Supervisory System and its application for Beijing Metro北京地铁运营闭路电视监控系统及其应用
17.The Application of the Information of Closed Circuit Television Monitoring System in Investigating and Solving Cases论闭路电视监控系统信息资料在侦查中的运用
18.Application Method of Digital Video CCTV Supervision Control System in UMT轨道交通闭路电视监控系统视频数字化解决方案

optic pathway视路
1.Objective: To observe the histomorphological pathology change of the optic pathway neuron in the experimental diabetic rat, and to probe into the mechanism of Bu Shen Huo Xue Zhongyao Fufang (补肾活血中药复方) to prevent from the lesion of the optic pathway of the experimental diabetic rats.目的:观察实验性糖尿病大鼠视路神经元组织形态学的病理改变,并探讨补肾活血中药复方防治实验性糖尿病大鼠视路损害的作用机理。
3)visual pathways视通路
4)closed circuit television闭路电视
1.Application of multimedia closed circuit television system in the examinations of pathological experiments;多媒体闭路电视示教系统在病理学实验考试中的应用
5)multi-channel video视频多路
1.In order to meet the nursing and monitoring requirements in hospitals, a high performance-price rate multi-channel video-monitoring system, which is based on VFW, multi-thread, MMX and a customed switch card,has been developed.针对住院病人监护与医院护理人员的需要,以VFW技术为基础,结合多线程技术,MMX多媒体指令技术和自制切换卡开发了一种视频多路病人监护系统。
6)post-visual pathway视后路
1.Objective: To study the effect of TCM in preventing and treating post-visual pathway injury caused by radiotherapy (RT) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).目的 :观察中药防治鼻咽癌放疗致视后路损伤的作用。
