生理因素,Physiological factor
1)Physiological factor生理因素
1.,deficiencies of safe production technologies and experiences,psychological and physiological factors of unsafe behavior,and man-caused mistakes.从安全心理学角度分析了煤矿井下安全影响因素:缺乏安全生产技术与经验、不安全行为心理和生理因素及人为失误。

1.Analysis of The Relationship between Physical Factors and Psychological Factors in Physique;体质健康中的生理因素和心理因素的关系
2.The relation between physiological and psychological factors in basic teaching of piano;钢琴基础教学中生理因素与心理因素的关系
3.Study on the Relevent Factors Affecting Medical College Students Mental Quality.;影响医学生心理素质的相关因素研究
4.Correlation Study on the Relationship between the Metal Health Factors and Personality Factors among University Students;大学生心理健康因素和人格因素相关性研究
5.Mental disorders arise from the complex interplay of heredity, biology and environment.遗传因素、生物因素和环境因素相互作用导致心理障碍。
6.The physiological and psychological factors are the base of learning to play the piano.生理和心理因素是学习钢琴的基础。
7.Students’Mental Hygiene and Psycho-analysis of Non-healthy Factors;大学生心理卫生及影响心理健康的因素分析
8.The Effect of Psychosocial Factor and IGF in Cord Blood on Fetal Growth Restriction孕妇心理社会因素及胰岛素样生长因子与胎儿生长受限
9.The Research on the Physiological Characters and the Influence Factors on Leave Color of Purple Leaf Cherry Plum;紫叶李叶色生理变化及影响因素研究
10.The Study of the Effect Factor in Mental Adaption of Unemployed College Students;失业大学生心理适应的影响因素研究
11.The Study on Influencing Factors of Psychological Healthy of College Students and Counterplans;大学生心理健康影响因素及对策研究
12.A Study on Undergraduates Short Message Services Consumption Psychology and Its Influential Factors;大学生短信消费心理及影响因素探析
13.Analysis on the Psychological Factors Which Affect the Middle-school Student s History Study;影响中学生历史学习的心理因素探析
14.A Study on College Students Impression Management and It s Affecting Factors;大学生的印象管理及其影响因素研究
15.The Study of the Effect of Psychology on the Development of Moral Character;心理因素对学生品德发展影响的研究
16.Analysis on Psychosocial Factors of Undergraduates Attitude to Suicide;大学生自杀态度的心理社会因素分析
17.Analysis on Energy Management Factors in Petrochina Oil and Gas Production;中国石油油气生产能源管理因素分析
18.An Investigation of Personality Factors Affecting Impression Management of Senior High School Students.;影响高中生印象管理的人格因素调查

Physiological factors生理因素
3)physiological element生理学因素
4)Eco physiological factors生态生理因素
5)Physioecological factors生理生态因素
6)pathophysiological factors病理生理因素
1.Vulvodynia:A review of pathophysiological factors and treatment options;外阴痛:病理生理因素和临床治疗新观点方面的综述(英文)

生理因素生理因素  影响生理功能的某些正常的内在因素。如性别、年龄、醒觉、睡眠对心率的影响。