医学本科教育,undergraduate medical education
1)undergraduate medical education医学本科教育
1.The key point to elevate the undergraduate medical education level is how to make efficient use of science and technology research resource in higher medical institutions.高等医学院校本科教育中如何有效利用科研资源,是切实提高医学本科教育水平亟需解决的关键问题。

1.Analysis of the Educational Objectives of the "Chinese Educational Criteria for Undergraduate Major of TCM"《中国·中医学本科教育标准》教育目标探析
2.Reflection on the Training Mode for Undergraduates Majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine对中医学本科教育人才培养模式的新思考
3.Evaluation on Consistency of Contents between Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education and Undergraduate Clinical Education in China;中国临床医学本科教育与全球医学教育最基本要求的一致性评价研究
4.How to launch undergraduate education base on the medical collegiate education;在医学专科教育的基础上开办本科教育的探讨
5.A Reform Research on the Law Undergraduate Education in Forensic Medicine Department我国法医学本科法学教育改革的思考
6.Basic Medical Science Curriculum in the Undergraduate Medical Education during the 20~(th) Century;20世纪本科生医学教育中的基础医学课程
7.a medical, a scientific, an educational, etc journal医学、 科学、 教育等杂志
8.Study on Information Literacy Education for Medical Undergraduates in Medical Institutions of Higher Learning in China;我国高等医学院校本科生信息素质教育研究
9.Undergraduate Public Health Education in UK Medical Schools;英国医学院校的公共卫生本科教育改革
10.Research and practice on educational guarantee mechanism of clinical medicine本科临床医学教育质量保障机制的研究与实践
11.Exploration of a New Mode for Quality Education in Undergraduate Teaching of Medical Laboratory医学检验专业本科生素质教育新模式的探讨
12.Implementation of tutorial system for undergraduates to promote development of medical education for nationalities实施本科生导师制 促进民族医学教育发展
13.Education in Medical Ethics and Formation of Medical Ethic Qualities in Medical Students;医德教育与医科学生医德品质的形成
14.Health Education Curriculum Set-up for Clinical Five-year Undergraduates in Military Medical University;军医大学临床医学五年制本科健康教育课程设置的研究
15.Calculation of Higher Medical Education Costs: A Case Study of a Medical University in Beijing;医学高等教育成本测算的案例分析——以北京某医科大学为例
16.Significance of Popularization of Forensic Education among Non-medical Students after Wenchuan Earthquake“汶川地震”后期救援在非医学本科专业中开展法医学教育的意义
17.Discussion on teaching medical students medical English in colleges and universities;医学院校本科生医学英语教学的思考
18.Journal of Shanxi Medical University(Preclinical Medical Education Edition)山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)

undergraduate medical education本科生医学教育
1.Medical education in Spain can be divided into three distinct stages,that is undergraduate medical education,postgraduate medical education and continuing medical education.西班牙的医学教育可分成三个不同的阶段,即本科生医学教育、毕业后医学教育和继续医学教育。
3)Medical undergraduate education evaluation医学本科教育评估
4)Educational criteria of traditional Chinese medicine for undergraduates中医学本科教育标准
5)higher medical undergraduate education高等医学本科教育
6)Chinese undergraduate medical education certification中国本科医学教育认证
1.Under the Chinese undergraduate medical education certification system to reform the personnel training mode中国本科医学教育认证体系下的人才培养模式改革探析
