功能磁共振成像,Functional magnetic resonance imaging
1)Functional magnetic resonance imaging功能磁共振成像
1.Functional magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of cerebral reorganization in patients with space-occupying lesions in motor cortex;运动区占位性病变患者皮质功能重组的功能磁共振成像研究
2.Functional magnetic resonance imaging in acute unilateral optic neuritis;急性视神经炎的功能磁共振成像研究
3.Functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain activity;脑活动功能磁共振成像研究进展

1.Functional magnetic resonance imaging in acute unilateral optic neuritis急性视神经炎的功能磁共振成像研究
2.Functional MRI Study on Expressive Language Centers;运动性语言中枢功能磁共振成像研究
3.Functional Magnetic Resonace Imaging in Patients with Optic Neuritis视神经炎患者的功能磁共振成像研究
4.Study of functional MRI of two language tasks in normal subjects两种语言任务的功能磁共振成像研究
5.Study on brain areas related to verb generation task with functional MRI动词生成任务相关脑区的功能磁共振成像研究
6.Mapping cortical areas associated with Chinese word processing with functional magnetic resonance imaging汉字处理相关大脑皮层区的功能磁共振成像
7.Functional MRI Study in Patients with Heterotopic Gray Matter(with Report of Three cases)灰质异位的功能磁共振成像研究(附3例报告)
8.A study on functional magnetic resonance imaging in early and late blinds during chinese braille reading特殊感觉障碍人群(盲人)脑功能磁共振成像研究
9.Study of the congenital blind reading Braille in fMRI先天盲人“阅读”盲文的功能磁共振成像研究
10.Theoretical and Clinical Research Based on Functional Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging Technique;基于脑功能磁共振成像技术的基础和临床研究
11.Multimodal Fusion Analysis on EEG and fMRI;脑电与功能磁共振成像(EEG/fMRI)多模态融合分析
12.A Study of Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Working Memory Tasks in Normal Adults;正常人工作记忆时脑功能磁共振成像研究
13.Sex Differences in Chinese Characters Semantic Processing: A Functional MRI Study;汉字语义加工性别差异功能磁共振成像研究
14.A Study on Quality Assurance of Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging;脑功能核磁共振成像的质量控制研究
15.A fMRI Study of Neuronal Specificity of Acupuncture Response in Humans;针灸脑反应的功能性磁共振成像研究
16.Studies of the default mode network based on resting-state fMRI静息态默认功能网络磁共振成像研究
17.An fMRI Study of Response Inhibition of Human Being人类反应抑制的磁共振功能成像研究
18.Effects of Mastication on Brain Function Studied with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging;咀嚼运动对脑功能影响的磁共振波谱和功能性核磁成像研究

1.The olfactory deficit and fMRI in the Alzheimer s disease;阿尔茨海默病的嗅觉功能减退与功能磁共振成像
2.Research in fMRI of Human Brain and the Prospects of it s Application;脑功能磁共振成像研究及应用展望
3.The fMRI research on human brain responses to the event-related visual stimulation of food in fasting state;人脑对事件相关食物视觉刺激反应的功能磁共振成像的初步研究
3)functional MRI功能磁共振成像
1.The clinical application of functional MRI in patients with tumor near language functional area功能磁共振成像在语言功能区占位性病变中的临床应用
2.Application value of functional MRI in pre-and post-operation on patients with tumor near motor cortex功能磁共振成像在累及脑运动皮层区肿瘤手术前后的应用研究
3.Objective To study the role of prefrontal cortex in maintenance of working memory(WM)using event-related functional MRI(ER-fMRI).目的采用事件相关功能磁共振成像(ER-fMRI)探讨前额叶皮层在工作记忆维持期的作用。
4)functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)功能磁共振成像
1.Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is mainly based on blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD).本文围绕功能磁共振成像(fMRI)在脑科学研究中的应用,对脑功能的神经解剖定位方法、fMRI响应的模型以及fMRI图像的配准等几个fMRI数据分析的主要方面,进行了比较系统性的创新发展;并利用视/听觉fMRI数据验证了所发展的定位方法与动力学响应模型的正确性和有效性。
2.Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), being a new noninvasive technique associated with .功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)作为一种新型无损伤技术,结合功能、影像和解剖三方面的要素,为研究工作记忆提供了新的途径,使无创性研究人脑功能活动变为现实,在认知神经科学研究中得到关注。
3.Modern medical imaging technology enables a more mechanistic approach to acupuncture: the emergence of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology has provided new ways and effective means for deeper exploration in the field of acupuncture.现代医学影像技术的发展使得研究针刺的方法和手段越来越多,近十余年来,功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术因其具有非侵入的特点以及可实时反映大脑特定功能区域在外部刺激下的活动状态的特性,被国内外广泛应用于视觉、听觉方面以及思维、情绪等高级认知方面的研究,各种研究成果已获得国际上的普遍认可。
5)functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)功能磁共振成像
1.Objective To explore resting state network in patients with hepatic cirrhosis using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI).目的利用功能磁共振成像技术研究肝硬化病人静息态脑网络是否存在异常改变。
2.Methods: The functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) technique was adopted to observe the signal changes of the nuclei of the brain reward circuitry in six healthy people receiving kneading manipulation at Weizhong(BL 40) acupoint.方法:应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术观察按揉6例正常人左侧委中穴前后脑内愉悦回路核团的信号变化。
6)functional magnetic resonance imaging磁共振功能成像
1.The advancement of functional magnetic resonance imaging in tumor diagnosis and appreciation of curative effects of liver disease;磁共振功能成像在肝脏疾病的诊断及疗效评价方面的应用进展
2.points out that the appropriate and specific requirements must be ensured in order to offer clinical service better with the hardware and software of functional magnetic resonance imaging,and analyzes in detail the developing trend.为了能使磁共振功能成像(fMRI)更好地服务于临床,必须对保证其正常运行的硬件与软件提出相应的要求,为此进行了具体地分析并展望其发展方向。

磁共振功能性成像磁共振功能性成像  磁共振成像术语。检测特定部位的功能活动诱发的局部血流及血氧成分变化导致的磁共振信号变化的成像方式。目前,fMRI尚仅初步用于脑和心肌的功能性成像中。以脑的功能性成像为例,现可用于检测视、听及运动功能等以及语言信号刺激导致的MR信号改变。局部发生功能性活动时,被刺激的皮质功能区内氧合血红蛋白增加,脱氧血红蛋白相对减少,导致局部磁化率改变;同时局部血流量增加,产生流入增强效应,二者共同使局部信号增强。fMRI已发现了一些功能活动在大脑皮层上以往不明确的投射区。最早的fMRI要借助于顺磁性对比剂,现已不再采用对比剂。但是fMRI要求高场设备,离体检查用4.0~8.4T的设备,在人体的实验性与临床检查至少要用1.5T的设备。成像参数中以回波时间(TE)最重要,宜较长。最有前景的成像序列为回波平面成像序列(EPI)。fMRI系一开发较晚的检查方式,迄今(1995年)尚未广泛应用,但今后会有快速的发展。