教育理论,Educational theory
1)Educational theory教育理论
1.Exploration of originality of Dewey s educational theory;杜威教育理论原创性探源
2.Conducting the Educational Teaching Theory with Testing——an Investigation into the Test of Educational Theory for Training Elementary and Middle School Teachers;以考导教,以人为本,重在发展——中小学教师教育理论考试实践研究
3.The Study of Educational Theory on Educational Practice;论从教育理论走向教育实践

1.Educational Policy: A Bridge between Theory & Practice of Education;教育政策——教育理论与教育实践的桥梁
2.The Study on Relationship between Educational Threory And Educational Practice in China;试论中国教育理论与教育实践的关系
3.On the Value of Educational Theories--Concurrently on the Reform of Educational Theory Courses教育理论价值何在——兼论教育理论课程改革
4.On Re-constructing the Theory of Education Based on Education Nature--Crossing the Gap between Education Theory and Education Practice基于教育特质的教育理论重构——跨越教育理论与教育实践的鸿沟
5.People mention the educational theories of its creators,如其创办者的教育理论
6.Theory Guidance Ecological Theory of Experiential Education to Education before Working生态体验教育理论对职前教育的理论指导
7.Theoretical Foundation of Competence-oriented Education in China's Universities--Exploration of Deng Xiaoping's educational theories大学生素质教育的元理论——邓小平教育理论解读
8.Education Mode:Medium for the Combination of Education Theory to Education Practice;教育模式:教育理论与教育实践结合的中介
9.Educational Thinking: the Medium of Perception for the Turning of Educational Theory to Educational Practice;教育思维:教育理论走向教育实践的认识性中介
10.A specialist in the theory of education.教育家教育理论方面的专家
11.The Influence of Liberation Education Theory on Comparative Education Research;解放教育理论对比较教育研究的影响
12.The Theoretical Grounds of Educational Voucher s Application in Vocational Education;论教育券对职业教育适用的理论基础
13.On Sports Ethics Education in PE Teaching;试论学校体育教学中的体育伦理教育
14.The Theory of Educational Science is an Original Theoretical Point of Environmental Education;论教育科学理论作为环境教育的理论原点
15.Association for Theological Education in South East Asia东南亚理论教育协会
16.A Challenge to Psychological Education:With Reference to the Paradox in Psychological Health Education;“心理教育”质疑——兼论“心理健康教育”的逻辑悖论
17.On Education in Ethnic and Legality in China s Western Circumstance Instruction;论西部地区环境教育中的伦理教育与法制教育
18.Theoretical Research on Integration of General and Specialized Education;通识教育与专业教育整合的理论研究

education theory教育理论
1.Retrospection of the poverty in modern education theory;走出贫困 走向创新——现代教育理论贫困的反思
2.Comparative Study of Foreign Higher Teacher-training Education Theory and Practical Teaching Set-up;国外高师教育理论与实践课程设置的比较研究
3.Researches on the Chinese education theory and practice in the 21st century21世纪初我国教育理论与实践关系研究新进展
3)educational theories教育理论
1.First,educational theories rooted in foreign culture can t fit China s educational reality.具体表现为:外国文化土壤生发的教育理论,难以适应中国本土的现实选择;现有教育思想和理论的生成机制,不提供课改实施的支持环境;国外个人本位的教育理论主张,难以调和中国社会本位的价值取向;课程实施条件不足,教学研究跟进不够。
2.There is a long-existed and unresolved problem between educational theories and practice.教育理论与实践的关系问题是一个长期争论、悬而未决的问题。
3.When the instrumental value of learning educational theories is emphasized,its meaning of life is hidden in teacher development,so as to break educational theories and teacher development in the aspect of life.在强化教育理论学习的工具价值的同时,教育理论在教师发展中的生命意义被长期地遮蔽了,以致它们在生命层面上发生了断裂。
4)theory of education教育理论
1.Seeking combined point between theory of education and practice of education;寻找教育理论与实践的结合点
2.The Reality is Roadless while the Theory is Too High——Reconsidering theory of education from reality of education;现实困顿无路,理念曲高和寡——由教育现实反思教育理论
3.The process of theory of education guiding to practice of education includes: the process of theory of education transforms the intention of practice body; the process of theory of education transforms the ability of practice body; the process of theory of education transforms the spirit of practice body.教育科学理论指导教育实践的过程包括:教育理论向教育实践主体意图的转化过程;教育理论向教育实践主体能力的转化过程;教育理论向教育实践主体精神的转化过程。
5)education theories教育理论
1.The separation of education theories from education practice is in essence the detachment of some irrelevant theory from its practice.教育理论脱离教育实践实质是自身的理论与他者实践的脱离,教育实践总是一定理论的实践。
2.So, the education operators had the tendency to despise and exclude or even stand against education theories, they found some problems as following: some people have theoretical philosophy trend.在“教育理论与教育实践的关系”问题上,最初是理论界和实践者的相互指责,后来理论界开始反思和自我批评,并积极寻找教育理论现实化的出路。
6)theory education理论教育
1.Attaching importance to theory education and emphasizing practical ability——Brief exploration on teaching methods of statistics in nonstatistics subject of higher vocational education;注重理论教育 强调动手能力——浅探高等职业教育非统计专业统计学的教学方法
2.Revelation of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" on theory education;《共产党宣言》对当代理论教育的启示
3.Yan an Rectification and Marxism Theory Education;延安整风与马克思主义理论教育
