被动吸烟,passive smoking
1)passive smoking被动吸烟
1.Effect of passive smoking on white mouse and later generation;被动吸烟对小白鼠及后代的影响
2.Influence of passive smoking on the growth of children;被动吸烟对儿童生长发育的影响
3.Effects of passive smoking on vascular endothelial dilatation function and serum interleukin-6 level in healthy young adults;被动吸烟对青年人血管内皮舒张功能和血清白细胞介素-6水平的影响

1.Be a non-smoker and avoid second-hand smoke.不吸烟,也避免被动吸烟
2.Smoking and Passive Smoking among Residents in Shanghai上海市居民吸烟、戒烟及被动吸烟现状
3.passive smoking,ie breathing in fumes from tobacco being smoked by others被动吸烟(吸进他人喷出的烟).
4.Analysis on status of smoking and passive smoking in residents of Changshu city常熟市居民吸烟与被动吸烟现状分析
5.Prevalence of Smoking and Passive Smoking of Students in Jiangxi Province江西省学生吸烟和被动吸烟现状调查
6.Second-hand smoke, sometimes referred to as[ positive-passive] smoke, is defined as cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke that is[ in held-inhaled] unintentionally by nonsmokers.二手烟,有时被称为被动吸烟,其定义是不吸烟者无意识地吸入的香烟、茄或大烟等的烟雾。
7.Influence of active and passive smoking on pulmonary ventilation function and diffusion function吸烟和被动吸烟对肺通气和肺弥散功能的影响
8.Smoking and passive smoking status in men and women of Yun county,Yunan province云南省云县不同性别人群吸烟及被动吸烟调查
9.Survey of Smoking and Passive Smoking among Adults in Sichuan Province四川省成年居民吸烟与被动吸烟状况调查
10.Status of Smoking and Passive Smoking Among Students in Beijing in 2008北京市2008年学生主动和被动吸烟状况
11.Effect of Green Tea on Exercise Capacity in Mice Under Passive Smoking绿茶对被动吸烟小鼠运动能力的影响
12.The Survey of Smoking, Passive Smoking and Tobacco Control Knowledge Among Adult in Shihezi石河子市成人吸烟与被动吸烟及控烟知识态度调查
13.Investigation on the status of smoking and passive smoking and the attitude towards tobacco control among urban residents in Guangdong Province广东省城市居民吸烟与被动吸烟现状及控烟态度调查
14.Passive smoking (Breathing the smoke from others' cigarettes) increases nonsmokers' risk of lung cancer and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome被动吸烟(吸入吸烟者呼出的烟尘)会增加不吸烟者患肺癌的几率,也可能导致婴儿猝死症候群。
15.The Epidemiology of Passive Smoking in Counties in China;中国县级地区被动吸烟暴露现状分析
16.Study on passive smoking among primary school,high school and college students in Hebei province;河北省大中小学生被动吸烟状况调查
17.The Effects of Passive Smoking on Learning and Memory Ability of Mice;被动吸烟对小鼠学习记忆功能的影响
18.Correlation between smoke exposure and ultra-structural changes of pulmonary tissue被动吸烟大鼠肺组织超微结构的变化

passive smoking被动吸烟(俗称吸二手烟)
3)passive smoking rat被动吸烟大鼠
1.METHODS: The model of passive smoking rat was caused by cigarette smoke.目的 观察加味玉屏风散对被动吸烟大鼠肺组织损伤的影响。
4)Passive smoking/Osteoporosis sickness被动吸烟/骨质疏松症
5)passive adsorption被动吸附
1.The result shows that: ①The absorptivity of gold of organism results in the steep rise of absorptivity, which is finished in a short time, and its mechanism stems from the passive adsorption of organism and the complexation of cell walls.结果显示:生物对金的富集导致富集率的急剧上升是在较短的时间内完成的,其动力机制在于生物对金的被动吸附及细胞壁对金的络合作用;时间与金溶液浓度同为影响生物富金的重要因素,金溶液浓度的影响远较时间因素显著;生物富金与无机物吸附金相比,无机物吸附金是一个较为缓慢的过程,时间作为影响吸附能力的一个因素,其显著性大大提高。
6)passive breath被动吸气
