交感神经,sympathetic nerve
1)sympathetic nerve交感神经
1.Experimental study of distribution and innervation of sympathetic nerve fibers to external membrane of vertebral artery in rabbits;交感神经在兔椎动脉被膜节段性分布的实验研究
2.The microscopic observation of the sympathetic nerve around the trans verse-process part of vertebra artery;椎动脉横突段交感神经的应用解剖研究
3.Effects of denervation of sympathetic nerves on liver blood flow in rabbits;去交感神经状态对肝脏血流量的影响

1.sympathomimetic &|拟交感神经的(药)
2.sympatholytic &|抗交感神经的(药)
3.parasympatholytic agent副交感神经遮断断药
4.chemical sympathectomy化学性交感神经切断术
5.irritative cervical sympathetic paralysis刺激性颈交感神经麻痹
6.surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system.阻断交感神经的手术。
7.The heart is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.心脏受交感神经纤维和副交感神经纤维的支配。
8.the adrenergic nerves of the sympathetic nervous system交感神经系统的肾上腺素能的神经
9.Sympathetic nerves have their ganglia just above the heart.交感神经的神经节位于心脏的上方。
10.In non-dipper group patients, sympathetic nerve damaged during daytime. And both sympathetic nerves and vagus nerves of patients in Non-dipper group damaged at night.非杓型病人日间交感神经受损 ,夜间交感神经、迷走神经双重受损
11.Any of the nerves of this system.副交感神经这个系统中的任意一根神经
13.From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland.神经电脉冲经由松果体神经(交感神经系统)传递到松果体。
14.the stimulus acted sympathetically.刺激物通过交感神经起作用。
15.of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system.属于或关于副交感神经系统的。
16.Some parasympathetic fibers innervate the vertricular blood vessels.某些副交感神经纤维支配心室的血管。
17.resection of sympathetic preganglionic fibers交感神经节前纤维切断术
18.Sympathetic fibers are distributed to all regions of the heart.交感神经纤维分布于心脏的所有部分。

1.The effect of mesenchymal stem cells transplantation on sympathetic neural remodeling of the infarcted myocardium;骨髓基质干细胞移植对兔梗死心肌交感神经表达的影响
2.On the basis of the sympathetic sensitive line of Jinlo along skin and the sympathetic substance line of rat skin (SSL), the histological structure of SSL is studied.在皮肤经络交感神经敏感线和皮肤交感物质分布线的基础上 ,进一步在大鼠身上研究了交感物质分布线的组织学基础 。
3.The morphological structure of Jinlo (or Meridian)--a hypothesis of sympathetic sensitive lines along skin is studied.由于α受体阻断剂酚妥拉明经线皮内注射可以阻断针刺效应[4 ] ,微量的α1受体兴奋剂苯肾上腺素穴位局部皮内注射可以模拟出很强的针刺效应[5] ,针刺后经线皮肤内有去甲肾上腺素 (NA)的释放[6 ] ,可以推测 ,儿茶酚胺 (CA)类物质与经络有密切的关系 ,经线上必有CA的优势分布 ,针刺后经线上具有优势的交感神经活动 ,并称经线为交感神经敏感线[5] 。
3)sympathetic nerves交感神经
1.Conclusion Exogenous ghrelin in PVN stimulates gastric motility and electrical activity in conscious rats,which seems to be mediated by the vagal cholinergic fibers,whereas the sympathetic nerves may not be involved in the pathway.01),而交感神经节摘除或静脉注射酚妥拉明(2 mg/kg)或心得安(5 mg/kg)则不影响该效应。
2.[Objective] To study the injuries of peripheral sympathetic nerves in patients with T2DM(Type 2 diabetes mellitus).[目的]探讨糖尿病患者周围交感神经受损的情况。
3.Conclusions The sympathetic nerves induce the atrial fibrillation by Cx43 expression in myocardium cell.目的探讨房颤的发生率与交感神经末梢和缝隙连接蛋白分布的关系。
4)sympathetic neuron交感神经元
1.Effects of GDNF and substrate on superior cervical ganglion sympathetic neurons in vitro;GDNF及不同生长底物对培养颈上神经节交感神经元的作用
5)Cardiac sympathetic nerve心交感神经
6)sympathetic ganglion交感神经节
1.Inhibitory effects of tetramethylpyrazine on response of sympathetic ganglion induced by taurine;川芎嗪对牛磺酸引起的交感神经节细胞膜电位变化的影响
2.Inhibitory mechanisms of diazepam on macroscopic sodium currents in rat sympathetic ganglion neurons;地西泮抑制交感神经节细胞钠通道电流的机制
3.Objective:To determine the effects of cardiac myocytes on sympathetic ganglion neuronal growth and migration in co-culture of sympathetic ganglial explants and cardiac myocytes of newborn Wistar rats.目的:探讨联合培养中大鼠心肌细胞对交感神经节神经元的生长和迁移的影响。

交感神经    交感神经  sympathetic nerve  属于内脏运动神经。低级中枢位于脊髓胸,(或颈18)~腰2(或腰3)节段的灰质侧角,节前纤维即起自侧角细胞,因此也叫胸腰部。其周围部包括交感神经节(分椎旁节及椎前节)及由节发出的分支和交感神经丛等。一个交感节前神经元的轴突可与许多节后神经元组成突触,所以其分布及作用范围较广泛,除至胸、腹腔脏器外,尚遍及头颈器官,以及全身血管和皮肤。交感神经兴奋时出现心跳加快,血压升高,支气管扩张,瞳孔开大,消化活动受抑制等现象。交感神经与副交感神经对同一器官的作用是对立统一的,交感神经活动增强,则副交感神经活动就减弱,它们在脑的较高级中枢,特别是在大脑边缘叶和下丘脑控制下调节机体的变化。