突触可塑性,synaptic plasticity
1)synaptic plasticity突触可塑性
1.Effect of modafinil on cognition and synaptic plasticity after REM sleep deprivation in rats;莫达非尼对REM睡眠剥夺后大鼠认知功能及突触可塑性的影响
2.The effects of supplemented with DHA on synaptic plasticity during development period in rats;发育期补充DHA对大鼠海马突触可塑性的影响
3.Progress in research of synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation;突触可塑性与长时程增强现象的研究进展

1.Synaptic Model of Learning and Memory:Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity学习和记忆的突触模型:长时程突触可塑性
2.Bi-Directional Modification of Presynaptic Neuronal Excitability Accompanying Spike Timing-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity;伴随活动时序依赖突触可塑性的突触前神经元兴奋性的双向调控
3.Possible Role of NMDA Receptor Lateral Diffusion on Change of Synaptic Plasticity;研究突触后膜NMDA受体在突触内外侧向移位对突触可塑性的可能影响
4.Study on the Regulative Mechanism for Astrocyte on Synaptic Plasticity;星形胶质细胞调节突触可塑性机制的研究
5.The Study of the Plasticity of Hippocampal CA1 Region of the rTg4510 Model MicerTg4510转基因小鼠海马CA1区突触可塑性的研究
6.Progress of Synaptic Plasticity in Primary Somatosensory Cortex主要躯体感觉皮层突触可塑性的研究进展
7.Role of GluR2-lacking AMPAR in synaptic plasticity:recent progressGluR2缺失的AMPARs在突触可塑性机制中的研究进展
8.Effect of Acupuncture at Different Doses on Synaptic Plasticity of Rats After Cerebral Ischemia不同针刺量对大鼠脑缺血后突触可塑性的影响
9.The Influence of Expression of Eph on Axonal Sprouting and Synaptic Plasticity in Hippocampus of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Rats;颞叶癫痫大鼠海马Eph表达变化对轴突出芽和突触可塑性的影响
10.AIM: To investigate the mechanism for electroacupuncture in improving the plasticity of synapse after ischemic brain injury.目的:探讨针刺对缺血性脑损伤后的突触可塑性促进作用的机制。
11.Modulation of Hippocampal Neuronal Plasticity by Chronic Opiates Treatment;慢性阿片类药物引起的海马神经突触可塑性变化及机制
12.Synaptic Plasticity of Rat Retina after Acute High Intraocular Pressue and the Possible Modulatory Factors;急性高眼压后大鼠视网膜突触可塑性及其影响因素的初步探索
13.Forebrain Overexpression of α CaMKⅡ Abolishes Amygdala Long Term Depression and Disrupts Behavioral Flexibilityα CaMKⅡ在小鼠杏仁核突触可塑性及灵活性学习中的作用
14.Effects and Mechanism of Chronic Exposure of Aluminum on Rats Hippocampus Synapse Plastic LTP慢性铝暴露对大鼠海马突触可塑性LTP影响及其机制研究
15.Effect of chronic ethanol treatment on the synaptic plasticity in dorsal striatum of rats慢性酒精刺激对大鼠背侧纹状体突触可塑性的影响
16.Functional Synaptic Activities and Spike-timing Dependent Plasticity of Rats Visual Cortex during Development Stage发育期大鼠视皮层突触功能活动及脉冲时间依赖的突触可塑性研究
17.The Study of the Protection of Stilbene-glycoside on the Damage of Synaptic Plasticity in Rats with Alzheimer Disease;二苯乙烯苷对阿尔茨海默病大鼠突触可塑性损伤的保护机制研究
18.A Study of Behavioral Stress Modifies Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial Learning in Rat;应激对大鼠海马CA1区突触可塑性及学习记忆影响的研究

Synapse plasticity突触可塑性
3)modifiable synapse可塑性突触
4)synaptic plasticity神经突触可塑性
1.Advances in research on the effects of astrocyte on synaptic plasticity;星形胶质细胞影响神经突触可塑性的研究进展
5)synaptic plasticity突触的可塑性
1.The presence of NR2B plays the most important function among these subunits,NR2B has been utilized to modulate learning and memory,synaptic plasticity,and treating mental disorders.近年来对NR2B研究表明,其在调控神经元突触的可塑性、学习与记忆以及治疗精神紊乱方面具有重要的意义。
6)short-term synaptic plasticity突触短时可塑性

触突1.冒犯。 2.突击;抵突;冲撞。