功能恢复,functional recovery
1)functional recovery功能恢复
1.Ex vivo non-viral vector-mediated neurotrophin-3 gene transfer to olfactory ensheathing glia: effects on axonal regeneration and functional recovery after implantation in rats with spinal cord injury;神经营养素-3基因非病毒载体转染的嗅鞘细胞移植促进脊髓损伤大鼠轴突再生及功能恢复(英文)
2.Effect of passive exercise on neural functional recovery of rabbits after peripheral nerve crush injury;被动运动对家兔周围神经挤压伤后功能恢复的影响
3.The experiment on exercise training on functional recovery and expression of VEGF after cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats;运动训练对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后功能恢复及VEGF表达的影响

1.We calculate survival rate and evaluate the function of larynx according to the stage.计算生存率和评估喉功能恢复情况。
2.Function of chewing, deglutition, respiration and speech was restored well.患者咀嚼、吞咽、呼吸、语言功能恢复良好。
3.The effect of combined rehabilitation for the limbs functional recovery综合康复治疗对偏瘫肢体功能恢复的影响
4.Functional prognosis of patients with acute stroke with early rehabilitation早期康复治疗对脑卒中患者功能恢复的影响
5.21 The effect of comprehensive rehabilitation on improving multiple functions in patients with SCI综合康复对脊髓损伤患者机体功能恢复的影响
6.Therefore,the patients can obtain satisfactory function of respiration,swallowing and phonation postoperatively.术后病人的呼吸、吞咽和发音功能恢复满意。
7.Her liver function tests normalised within 3 months of minocycline withdrawal.米诺环素停药后3个月,她的肝功能恢复正常。
8.Facial appearance and function resumed well in most of the cases.大部分病例颌面部外形与功能恢复良好。
9.Results: All cases obtained satisfactory effects, and recovered their normal function.结果:14例病人前臂功能恢复满意,效果良好。
10.Functions of respiration and deglutition are good but existent hoarseness.术后吞咽、呼吸功能恢复好 ,但有声音嘶哑。
11.Accelerating effect of early enteral feeding for restoration of liver function早期胃肠内营养对肝功能恢复的促进作用
12.Analysis and countermeasure of language function resumption for patients with stroke aphasia脑卒中失语病人言语功能恢复的分析与对策
13.Research on Waterscape Functional Rehabilitation Technology & Evaluation on Environmental Benefits;景观水体功能恢复技术研究及其环境效益评价
14.Research on Restoration of Erectile Function in Rats with Bilateral Cavernous Nerves Injuring;海绵体神经损伤后勃起功能恢复的研究
16.Left and right atria recover to normal respectively in 1 month and 1 week.左房功能 1个月恢复正常 ,右房功能 1周恢复正常
17.Disabled children in welfare homes take part in various rehabilitation training programs, and some of them have recovered or basically recovered from disability.一些经过康复训练的残疾儿童已恢复或基本恢复了身体功能。
18.The selected device does not support Emergency Recovery.所选的设备不支持紧急恢复的功能。

recovery of function功能恢复
3)Function recovery功能恢复
1.A study on the effect of NGF,CNTF and GDNF applied in combination on the structure and function recovery of sciatic nerve of rats;联合应用NGF、CNTF和GDNF对大鼠坐骨神经结构和功能恢复的影响
2.Effect of hydroxy groups in natural flavones on ocular blood flow of rabbits and retinal function recovery after ischemia insult in rat eyes;天然类黄酮分子中羟基基团在兔眼缺血损伤后眼球血流量和视网膜功能恢复的作用(英文)
3.In order to promote the function recovery of the hand following hand trauma, portable temperature controlled water therapy device was manufactured and applied clinically in Jan.为了促进手部外伤术后功能恢复 ,于 1998年 1月研制成便携式温控水疗仪 ,用于 92例 (观察组 )中、重度手外伤术后病人功能锻炼 6个疗程 ,并与 70例 (对照组 )进行常规功能锻炼者比较 ,结果观察组功能恢复效果明显优于对照组 (P<0 。
6)self-resuming capability自恢复功能
1.In this paper, overall designing scheme and the self-resuming capability of switchover on operation set of this system are also discussed.在对黑液预处理系统的改进中,根据工艺要求及运行特点,设计了一种利用PLC的自动控制系统,阐述了该系统的总体设计方案及运行机组切换时的自恢复功能实现方法。

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]