关键期,critical period
1)critical period关键期
1.In rats, postnatal 3 to 5 weeks are critical for their development (namely, critical period), during which the excitatory and inhibitory synapses mature to form functional circuits in visual cortex.哺乳动物视觉系统的发育延续到出生后,大鼠出生后3 ̄5周是视觉系统发育的关键期
2.This paper deeply explores impairment and non-impairment from three perspectives, such as whether critical period constitutes the obstacle for the feature accessibility, what the initial state of functional category is, whether the surface morphological features are relevant to syntax, and states that they.从关键期是否构成功能语类重设的障碍、功能语类习得的初始状态、表面缺失形态特征与句法是否相关等三方面就损伤说与非损伤说两种观点进行深度剖析,最后将中介语法纳入Herschensohn(2000)的二语习得阶段理论框架,两种观点其实并不矛盾,而属同一过程的不同阶段,进而解构有关中介语法损伤的争论并揭示中介语法发展的心理表征过程。
3.This paper analyses some problems and misconceptions in English learning and teaching in China: Does there exist a critical period in language learning? What s the difference in language learning between adults and children? It also provides the author s viewpoints and suggestions about language teaching and learning.文章就我国目前英语教学中所存在的问题及误区,如语言学习有没有关键期的问题、成人学习外语与儿童学习母语的差异等方面进行了探讨,并就解决这些问题阐述了自己的观点。

1.The key periods are seedling and fruit-formation period.关键期是胡麻苗期和蒴果形成阶段。
2.Developing Children s Language Ability in the Critical Period;重视关键期 发展幼儿的语言能力
3.Study on Women Volleyballers Skill Critical Period of Grasp and Application;女排队员技术掌握与运用关键期探讨
4.Social Equity and National Relationships in the Key Period of Social Transformation;社会转型关键期中的社会公平与民族关系
5.Language Acquisition and Language Learning语言习得关键期假设与外语学习关系的新视角
6.New Advances in Critical Period Hypothesis Research;第二语言习得关键期假设研究的新进展——兼评《第二语言习得与关键期假设》
7.a critical time in the school's history.学校历史的关键时期。
8.In the Expiration date box, type the date you no longer want this keyword to appear on the portal site.在“到期日期”框中,键入希望此关键字不再出现在门户网站上的日期。
9." This is the key gene for overcoming the early stage of rejection."这是个解决早期排异反应的关键基因。
10.The war in Iraq was [a] key issure in the midterm elections.伊拉克战争是中期选举中的关键因素。
11.The dynamic characteristics are the key issue of long-run refinancing.动态性是长期再融资的关键性问题。
12.Key words: In Republic Period; Prostitute system of NanNing; Abnormal phenomenon.关键词:民国时期;南宁青楼业;病态现象。
13."This is the key gene for overcoming the early stage of rejection.""这是个解决早期排异反应的关键基因。"
14.Research on Key Technology of Construction by Stages for Freeway Pavement;高速公路路面分期修建关键技术研究
15.Research on Key Techniques of Link Layer 3GPP LTE;3GPP长期演进链路层关键技术研究
16.Choice of "Doctrine" in the Critical Period of China s Reform and Development;中国改革和发展关键时期的“主义”选择
17.Chen Yun and China s economic development at crucial times;我国经济发展中几个关键时期的陈云
18.Promotion of Employment Is the Key to the Settlement of Issue of the Weak Group;是解决转型时期弱势群体问题的关键

key period关键期
1.There exists a key period for infants to learn words.婴幼儿学认字也有关键期
2.Childhood is a key period for a person to develop his will and character.幼儿期是一个人意志品质形成的关键期
3)key date关键日期
4)critical period关键时期
1.Strategic construction on social contradiction in critical period and harmonious society;关键时期的社会矛盾与和谐社会的战略构建
5)critical period[心]关键期
6)key pest period关键虫期
1.The results showed that the predators substantially occurred in cotton fields,and the 3rd and 4th instars of the 2nd generation of the bollworm was the key pest period.结果表明:由于棉田捕食性天敌的大量发生,北疆棉铃虫2代的3、4龄是关键虫期;另外,2007年2代6龄发生期大量降雨,气温很低,空气潮湿,不利于棉铃虫幼虫的发育生长,同时茧蜂和寄蝇等寄生性天敌也大量发生,因此6龄也是关键虫期。
