隐神经,saphenous nerve
1)saphenous nerve隐神经
1.Microanatomy of artery network of the medial malleolar region and the design of distally based flap of the saphenous nerve nutritional vessels;内踝区动脉网的显微解剖与隐神经营养血管远端蒂皮瓣的设计
2.Applied anatomy of saphenous nerve nutritional vessels flap pedicled distally;隐神经营养血管远端蒂皮瓣的应用解剖
3.Application in restoration of heel scar with regressive flap based saphenous nerve-great Saphenous vein nutritional vessels and cutaneous branch of posterior tibial artery complex flap distally-based pedicled隐神经-大隐静脉营养血管与逆行胫后动脉皮支蒂复合瓣在足跟部瘢痕修复中的应用

1.Clincal Application of the Saphenous Neurocutaneous Flaps without Saphenous Nerve;保留隐神经隐神经营养血管蒂皮瓣的临床应用
2.Conduction coding of nonmyelinated fibers in rabbit saphenous nerve家兔隐神经无髓鞘神经纤维信息传导编码
3.The Anatomic Study and Clinical Application of Saphenous Veno-neuro-fasciocutaneous Flap at the Medial Foot足内侧大隐静脉—隐神经营养血管皮瓣的解剖基础与临床应用
4.An Original Neural Info Coding Mode: Conductive Coding of Rabbits' Saphenous Non-myelinated Fibers;一种新异的神经编码方式—兔隐神经元髓纤维的传导编码
5.Effect of Stimulating Saphenous Nerve on Intracellular Potentials of Neurons in Anterior Cingulate Gyrus of Cats;刺激隐神经对猫扣带回前部神经元细胞内电位的影响
6.Alteration of P2X_3 receptor expression in dorsal root ganglion induced by saphenous partial ligation隐神经部分结扎大鼠背根神经节P2X_3受体表达的变化
7.Clinical Application of the Reversed Saphenous Neurocutaneous Flap远端蒂隐神经营养血管皮瓣的临床应用
8.The study to dynamic territory of the distally-based saphenous neurocutaneous vascular island flap逆行隐神经营养血管岛状皮瓣的动态界限研究
9.Clinical use of distally based saphenous neurovascular flap隐神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的临床应用
10.Application in restoration of heel scar with regressive flap based saphenous nerve-great Saphenous vein nutritional vessels and cutaneous branch of posterior tibial artery complex flap distally-based pedicled隐神经-大隐静脉营养血管与逆行胫后动脉皮支蒂复合瓣在足跟部瘢痕修复中的应用
11.MRI Diagnosis of Occult Spinal Dysraphism隐性神经管闭合不全的MRI诊断分析
12.Embedded Hidden Markov Model and Neural Network for Face Recognition;嵌入式隐Markov模型和神经网络人脸识别
13.The Neural Embodiment of Metaphorical Language: An fMRI Study and Beyond;隐喻语言的神经体验:fMRI研究及其它
14.Neural Mechanisms of Metaphorical Mapping:Selection and Inhibition;概念隐喻映射的神经机制:选择和抑制
15.The Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Modality Effects in Implicit Memory内隐记忆中通道效应的认知与神经机制
16.Research on Neural Network Implicit Method and Its Application in the Petrolic Data;神经网络隐式法及其在石油数据中的应用研究
17.Research on Audio Information Hiding Algorithm Based on Neural Network;基于神经网络理论的音频信息隐藏技术研究
18.Investigation of Neural Network Techniques for Anti-Stealth Radar Networks;神经网络技术在雷达组网反隐身中的应用研究

the great saphenous vein-saphenous nerve隐静脉-隐神经
3)Facial recess面神经隐窝
1.Applied anatomy of facial recess for cochlear implantation in children;幼儿人工耳蜗植入面神经隐窝的应用解剖学
2.Applied anatomy of sinus tympani and facial recess under endoscope;内镜下鼓室窦和面神经隐窝的应用解剖学
3.Facial recess and its relative structures in sequence were identified.目的明确面神经隐窝及其周围结构在横断薄层和高分辨率CT(HRCT)上的定位及毗邻关系。
4)hidden neurons隐层神经元
1.The method usually results in the lack or redundancy of hidden neurons, and causes the shortage of capacity for storing information or learning overmuch.前馈神经网络中隐层神经元的数目一般凭经验给出,这种方法往往造成隐单元数目的不足或过甚,从而导致网络存储容量不够或出现学习过拟现象。
5)Saphenous nerve skin flap隐神经皮瓣
6)single hidden layer neural networks单隐层神经网络
1.A design scheme of an adaptive trajectory linearization control system for an aerospace vehicle was presented by using single hidden layer neural networks(SHLNN).利用单隐层神经网络的逼近能力在线估计系统中存在的不确定性,神经网络输出用以抵消不确定性对轨迹线性化方法控制性能的影响。

中枢神经系统隐球菌病中枢神经系统隐球菌病central nervous system crytococcosis  由新型隐球菌感染所引起的急性和亚急性中枢神经系统病变。可引起脑膜炎、脑膜脑炎、脑脓肿及脑和脊髓的肉芽肿等,并可合并皮肤、黏膜、肺及其他内脏病变,以脑膜炎的表现最为常见。起病多缓慢,初发症状以颅内压增高最为突出,即头痛伴恶心、呕吐、眩晕、抽搐,甚至意识障碍。检查有颈部抵抗、病理征阳性、眼球震颤,少数有脑神经受累、耳聋、面瘫、眼底出血。80%的病例脑脊液中含有带厚荚膜的圆形隐球菌,从常规涂片墨汁染色即可观察到,可与结核鉴别。不及时治疗可逐渐加重而在数月内死亡。有的呈爆发性,可很快死亡。