冈田酸,Okadaic acid
1)Okadaic acid冈田酸
1.Protective effect of(-)clausenamide against neurotoxicity induced by okadaic acid and β-amyloid peptide_(25-35);左旋黄皮酰胺对冈田酸和β淀粉样肽_(25-35)神经毒性的保护作用
2.Effects of cornus officinals iridoid glycoside on cellular model of alzheimer disease induced by protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid;山茱萸环烯醚萜苷对蛋白磷酸酶抑制剂冈田酸拟阿尔采末病细胞模型的作用
3.Ginsenoside Rb1 attenuates okadaic acid-induced Tau protein hyperphosphorylation in rat hippocampal neurons;人参皂甙Rb1减轻冈田酸诱导的大鼠海马神经元Tau蛋白过度磷酸化

1.Effects of Humanin on Okadaic Acid Induced Neurotoxicity of Primary Cultured Cortical Neurons;Humanin拮抗冈田酸通过诱导Tau蛋白过度磷酸化所致神经毒的作用研究
2.The Effects of Humanin on Okadaic Acid-induced Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Cultured Rat Cortical Neurons;Humanin拮抗冈田酸诱导的Tau蛋白过度磷酸化的作用研究
3.Inhibition of Apoptosis by Hyperphosphorylation of Microtubule-associated Protein Tau at Ser396 Site Induced by Okadaic Acid冈田酸所致微管相关蛋白tau Ser396位点过度磷酸化抑制细胞凋亡
4.Changes of PTEN in Cells in which Experimental Alzheimer s Disease was Induced by Okadaic Acid;冈田酸诱导细胞实验性阿尔茨海默病发生中PTEN的变化
5.Effects of Tea Polyphemol on Okadaic Acid-induced Neurotoxicity of Primary Cultured Cortical Neurons茶多酚拮抗冈田酸诱导的皮层神经元神经毒的作用观察
6.Protective Effect of TP on Okadaic Acid-induced Tau Protein Hyperphosphorylation in Hippocampal Neurons and Learning and Menory Impairment in Rat;茶多酚对冈田酸诱导大鼠海马神经元Tau蛋白过度磷酸化的作用及其对学习记忆的影响
7.Protective Effect of Chitosan Oligosaccharide on Okadaic Acid-induced Tau Protein Hyperphosphorylation in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons in Rats壳寡糖对冈田酸诱导大鼠海马神经元Tau蛋白过度磷酸化的保护作用
8.Neuroprotective Effects of Green Tea Polyphenols Against Okadaic Acid-induced Neurotoxicity and tau Hyperphosphorylation in Cultured Primary Hippocampal Neurons绿茶多酚对冈田酸致大鼠海马神经元损伤及tau蛋白过度磷酸化的保护作用
9.Anti-apoptotic Effects of Cornus Officinals Iridoid Glycoside on Cellular Model of Alzheimer Disease Induced by Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor Okadaic Acid山茱萸环烯醚萜苷对冈田酸拟阿尔茨海默病细胞模型的抗凋亡作用研究
10.The Gambian rats were shipped to the United States from Ghana.冈比亚田鼠是从加纳船运到美国的。
11.The Gambian giant rats were likely imported into the United States from Africa.冈比亚巨田鼠很可能是从非洲进口到美国的。
12.On the Theory and Practice of Moritatherapy-- Okamoto s contribution to Moritatherapy;关于森田疗法的理论与实践探索——冈本常男对于森田疗法的贡献
13.Studies have shown that Gambian rats and other rodents in Africa have evidence of m&#111 nkeypox virus infection.研究显示冈比亚田鼠和非洲其他啮齿动物被证明有猴痘病毒感染。
14.Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada & Co., and forward b/l to me .请将保管在贵公司30包棉花,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。
15.a member of the Algonquian people formerly living along the Tennessee river.一个从前住在田纳西河,属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
16.Discussion on Socialism New Village Construction: Take Tianba Vilalge in Fenggang County as an example论社会主义新农村建设:以凤冈县田坝村试点为例
17.Effects of Different Combination of N,P and K on Rice Yield of Gangyou 188 Planted in the Field with Alluvial Mud Soil潮泥田不同氮磷钾配比对水稻冈优188产量的影响
18.Primary Report on Applying Sulphate-potassium Magnesium in Paddy Field水稻田施用硫酸钾镁肥田间试验简报

Okadaic acid冈田软海绵酸
3)Okada Takematsu冈田武松
4)Okada Tamechika冈田为恭
5)Okada Yoshinori冈田嘉典
6)Okada Matasaburo冈田又三郎

八福田--又八福田【八福田--又八福田】  此八福田,盖言救人之危,济人之乏,恭敬三宝,孝事父母,与夫普度幽灵,脱离苦趣,亦皆种福之事也。  [一、旷路义井],谓于旷远道路,穿凿义井,以济往来渴乏之人,是为福田。  [二、建造桥梁],谓于通津断港之处,修造桥梁,用济往来之人,以免病涉之苦,是为福田。  [三、平治险隘],谓道路巇崄之处,则平坦之;窄隘之处,则开辟之,以免往来颠坠之患,是为福田。  [四、孝养父母],谓父母为形生之本,教养鞠育,爱念切至,子当竭力奉养,顺适亲意,以报劬劳之恩,是为福田。  [五、恭敬三宝],三宝者,佛法僧也,可尊可贵,称之为宝,以其具大功德,普济群生,超登觉岸,故当归依恭敬,是为福田。  [六、给事病人],谓病患之人,众苦集身,实可悲悯。当给施汤药,及所须之物,使其四大调和,身得安乐,是为福田。(四大者,地大、水大、火大、风大也。)  [七、救济贫穷],谓贫穷之人,所须缺乏,饥馁逼切,无所哀告。当起慈悯之心,随其所须,皆周给之,是为福田。  [八、设无遮会],无遮即周遍之义。谓修设普度大会,使一切沉魂滞魄,悉仗三宝慈力,皆得脱离苦趣,而获超升善道,是为福田。