小熊猫,red panda
1)red panda小熊猫
1.Establishment and cryopreservation of red panda fibroblast cell line;小熊猫耳部成纤维细胞的培养和冷冻保存
2.Landscape pattern analysis of red panda habitat in Liangshan Mountains;凉山山系小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)分布区景观格局
3.Serum steroid hormone profiles in female red panda雌性小熊猫血清类固醇激素水平的变化

1.Red pandas are a distant relative of the giant panda,小熊猫是大熊猫的远亲,
2.Little panda, black and white,小熊猫,黑白相间,
3.The little panda is not like the giant panda at all.小熊猫跟大熊猫长得一点都不像。
4.Its more plentiful cousin, the lesser panda, is also referred to as the cat bear or bear cat;比它数量多的表亲体型较小的小熊猫,有人称之为猫熊或熊猫;
5.two zebras and two red pandas.两匹斑马和两只小熊猫
6.6. Sarah has a little panda.沙拉有一只小熊猫
8.Come the summer, mother and cub leave the den for good.到了夏天,熊猫妈妈和它的小熊猫就离开了它们的窝。
9.A) When in captivity, pandas typically produce more young than they do in their native habitat.(A)大熊猫在关起来时通常分比在天生栖身地时生下更多的小熊猫
10.Studies on the Regularity of Growth and Decline of Antibody of Giant Panda and Red Panda Inoculated Combinational Canine Attenuated-live Virus Vaccines;大熊猫、小熊猫注射犬六联弱毒疫苗后四种病毒抗体消长规律研究
11.Communication Behavior of Red Panda, Ailurus Fulgens;小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)通讯行为研究
12.For example, the red pandas ate poison that workers put out to kill rats.比如,小熊猫误食了工作人员用于灭鼠的药物。
13.Construct the Microsatellite Libraries from Red Panda (Ailurus Fulgens) and Identified the Loci Used for Analysise;小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)微卫星分子标记筛选及其应用研究
14.Identification of Dirofilaria sp. from Ailurus fulgens based on ITS-2 sequence应用ITS-2基因对小熊猫源恶丝虫虫种的鉴定
15.Serum steroid hormone profiles in female red panda雌性小熊猫血清类固醇激素水平的变化
16.Histological Structure and Expression of RT-97,KGF and Bax Proteins in the Cerebellar Cortex of Ailurus fulgens小熊猫小脑皮层的组织结构及RT-97、KGF和Bax蛋白在小脑皮层的表达
17.look, this panda is embracing bamboos. That cat is rolling a boll.看!这只熊猫抱着竹子,那只小猫在滚球。
18.The lesser panda is a member of the raccoon family, whereas the giant panda's classification is still a dilemma:事实上,小猫熊是浣熊科的一种,而大熊猫的归属至今则仍无定论:

lesser panda小熊猫
1.Pathological observation on lesser pandas naturally infected with canine distemper virus;自然感染犬瘟热病毒小熊猫的病理学观察
2.The determination of electron microscopy showed that there were canine distemper virus(CDV) like virus in samples of died lesser pandas from a zoo.对某动物园发病死亡小熊猫的病料进行电镜检查 ,发现了犬瘟热病毒 ( CDV)样病毒粒子 ;病料用 RT-PCR检测 ,均为 CDV阳性 ,并从部分病料中分离出了 CDV,说明小熊猫存在 CDV感染。
3)Captive red panda圈养小熊猫
4)Male red panda (Ailurus fulgens)雄性小熊猫
5)Red panda (Ailurus fulgens)小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)
1.By a contrastive analysis of Chinese xiongmaoand English panda,this paper aims at studying the limit to metaphor translation from the cognitive perspective.本研究以英汉语中"熊猫"隐喻作为个案,从认知角度解释隐喻翻译的局限。
2.The famous artist Bandi Zhao and his work of art which consist of a serial of elements about panda.先锋艺术家赵半狄与他的一系列以熊猫为主要元素的艺术作品,关注当下社会现象和新兴阶层,刻画表现了最新的事物。
