香猪,Xiang pig
1)Xiang pig香猪
1.The relativity of the quality of Chinese ham and Xiang pig weight;香猪火腿品质与香猪体重的关系
2.Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags from Skeletal Muscle-specific cDNA Library of Chinese Native Xiang Pig;中国地方品种香猪的肌肉特异组织表达序列标签(ESTs)的分析(英文)
3.Tissue expression of Noggin gene in Xiang pig from Rongjiang county;榕江香猪Noggin基因的组织表达

1.Study of Xiang Pig NRAMP1 Gene Polymorphism and Correlation with the Piglet Diarrhea香猪NRAMP1基因多态性及与仔猪腹泻相关性研究
2.The Investigation of Feeding,Management,and Breeding Status on Stock Boars of Jianbai Xiang-pigs剑白香猪种公猪饲养管理及种用现状调查
3.Comparison for Serum Insulin in Xiang Pigs of Different Month of Age不同月龄香猪血清胰岛素水平的比较
4.Blood Valuse and Their Dynamic Changes of Xiang Piglets from 1 to 4 Months of Age1—4月龄香猪血液值及其动态变化
5.The Study on the Traits and PIT-1 Gene Polymorphisms in Xiang Pigs;香猪的特性及PIT—1基因多态性的研究
6.Study about the Chromosome Karyotype and Performance of Jianbai Xiang Pig;剑白香猪染色体核型及生产性能研究
7.Strategy for Development of Xiang Pig in Eastern Congjiang County;从江县实施香猪东移发展战略的思考
8.Genetic Diversity of an Experimental Population of Jianbaixiang Pig一个剑白香猪实验群体的遗传多样性
9.An investigatron in Protein Deposition and Metabolic Regularity of Guizhou Xiang-pigs贵州香猪蛋白质沉积与代谢规律研究
10.Effects of Acute Infect Toxicity of Trichlorfon on White Xiang Pigs in Guizhou敌百虫急性染毒对贵州白香猪的影响
11.fresh pork sausage猪肉香肠馅生猪肉小香肠
12.Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on fragrance of pork flavor猪肉酶解对热反应猪肉香精香气的影响
13.(British) a ready-cooked and highly seasoned pork sausage.(英国)加很多香料的速食猪肉香肠。
14.a pork and beef sausage (or a thin slice of this sausage).猪肉和牛肉香肠(或这种香肠的薄片)。
15.highly seasoned fatty sausage of pork and beef usually dried.加很多香料的肥猪肉和干牛肉香肠。
16.Here are pork chops, ham, bacon, sausage and TV dinners.这儿有猪排、火腿、熏猪肉、香肠,还有快餐食品。
17.A highly spiced pork and beef sausage.辣味香肠加了很多辣味调料的猪肉或牛肉香肠
18.the aroma of sizzling bacon;嘶嘶作响的熏猪肉的香味;

1.Analysis on Genetic Variability of Xiang-pig by Using Microsattelite Markers;用微卫星标记分析香猪品种内遗传变异的研究
2.Measure and Analysis Meat Tenderness Degree and Intramuscular Fat Containing of Guizhou Xiang-pig;贵州香猪肌肉嫩度和肌内脂肪含量测定分析
3)miniature pig(Xiang pig)小型猪(香猪)
4)pork flavor猪肉香精
1.Study on pork flavor preparation by oxidized lard combining with Maillard thermal reaction;氧化猪脂-热反应制备猪肉香精研究
2.Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on fragrance of pork flavor猪肉酶解对热反应猪肉香精香气的影响
3.Using proteinase hydrolysates of pork as the precursor to produce pork flavor by thermal reaction can obviously enhance the fragrance intensity arid similarity.利用猪肉酶解物作为前体反应物进行热反应生产猪肉香精,明显提高香精的香气强度和香气逼真性。
5)toasted fragrant pigs烤香猪
1.This article introduces whole manufacturing technology and target of product's quality about preparing softtin with raw material of toasted fragrant pig介绍以香猪为原料制成烤香猪软罐头的完整制作工艺及产品质量指标。
6)Bama miniature pig巴马香猪
1.Pharmacokinetics after multiple gavage of lovastatin in Bama miniature pig;巴马香猪多次灌胃洛伐他汀的药动学研究
2.Objective The absolute bioavailability of lovastatin,an HMG-CoA reductase,was investigated in order to explore the regularity of lovastatin disposition in Bama miniature pig.目的选择HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂洛伐他汀作为模型药物,在巴马香猪体内进行生物利用度及药代动力学研究,探讨巴马香猪对洛伐他汀的处置规律。
3.In order to investigate tissue distribution characteristics of mRNA expression of Bama miniature pig s CYP3A29 and compare it with that of human CYP3A4,levels of CYP3A29 mRNA in main tissues of Bama miniature pigs were studied by TaqMan-mediated quantitative RT-PCR.为探讨巴马香猪CYP3A29 mRNA的组织分布特征,全面比较其与人CYP3A4 mRNA组织分布规律,利用TaqMan RT-PCR技术对巴马香猪主要组织CYP3A29 mRNA进行定量。

香猪  中国小型猪的地方品种。产于贵州的从江县和广西的环江县一带,历史悠久。以体型小为其主要特征。黑色,个别肢端、尾尖和额心呈白色。面直,额部有纵行皱纹,耳小而薄,略向两侧平伸或下垂。背腰宽而微凹,腹大下垂,乳头5对触地,后躯丰满,四肢短细,多卧系。繁殖力低,初产平均5~6仔,二产7~8仔。4月、6月和8月龄公猪体重仅分别为8、16和26千克,母猪分别为11、26和40千克,胸椎骨仅有13个。成年母猪体长86厘米,体高46厘米,胸围82厘米。早熟易肥,皮下脂肪较厚,皮较薄,肌肉内脂肪含量高(4.8%),肌束内肌纤维根数多。用以加工制成的烤猪,皮色橙黄、肉质细嫩,风味香浓,为上等佳肴。常运销广州和香港、澳门地区。