急性缺氧,acute hypoxia
1)acute hypoxia急性缺氧
1.The change of mice s cardiac mast cells after acute hypoxia;小鼠急性缺氧后心肌肥大细胞的变化
2.Effect of acute hypoxia at simulated high altitude on the appeptite and expression of Y1 receptor mRNA in rat hypothalamus;模拟高原急性缺氧对大鼠下丘脑神经肽Y受体Y1 mRNA表达的影响
3.Effects of acute hypoxia on mast cells in thalamus of mice;急性缺氧对小鼠丘脑肥大细胞的影响

1.Comparison of the models of acute hypoxia and hypoxic-ischemia in newborn piglets新生猪急性缺氧与缺氧缺血模型的比较
2.Quantification of Brain Metabolite Concentrations in Acute Hypoxia Ischemic Brain Injury;急性缺氧缺血性脑损伤脑代谢物定量研究
3.Acute Anoxia on 40 Hz Auditory Event Related Potential in Guinea Pigs急性缺氧对豚鼠40Hz听觉相关电位的影响
4.The Responses of Carotid Body to IL-1β and Acute Hypoxia Stimuli;颈动脉体对IL-1β和急性缺氧刺激的反应
5.Changes of Mast Cell in Lymph Nodes of Mouse after Acute-hypoxia小鼠急性缺氧后颈部淋巴结内肥大细胞的变化
7.The Effect of Plasma β-EP on Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats during Acute Hypoxia血浆β-内啡肽对急性缺氧大鼠出血性休克的影响
8.Adams-Stockes syndrome急性心原性脑缺氧综合征
9.Experimental research of Huoxuetongmai Capsules against acute myocardial ischemia and anoxemia活血通脉胶囊对急性心肌缺血缺氧的实验研究
10.Preventing Effect of Oxygen Therapy on Simulated High-altitude Induced Acute Hypoxia;氧疗对急性高原缺氧损伤预防作用的实验研究
11.The Effect of Intrauterine Acute Ischemia and Reperfusion on Cyclooxygenase System of Fetal Kidney in Rats;宫内急性缺血缺氧及再灌注对胎鼠肾脏环氧化酶系统的影响
12.Effects of Low Atmospheric Anoxia on Mesenteric Microcirculation in Mice急性低气压缺氧对小鼠肠系膜微循环的影响
13.A Study on the Mechanism of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment after Acute Cerebral Ischemia;高压氧(HBO)治疗急性期脑缺血的机制研究
14.Effects of Acute/chronic Hypoxia on the Rheologic Properties of Leukocytes in Rats;急、慢性缺氧对大鼠白细胞流变学行为的影响
15.The Expression of COX-2 and Apoptosis in the Acute Hypoxia Myocardium;急性心肌细胞缺氧对COX-2表达及凋亡的影响
16.The influence of acute or chronic hypoxia on training rat s glycogen and blood glucose;急、慢性缺氧刺激对训练大鼠糖原和血糖的影响
17.Differentiation of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and acute bilirubin encephalopathy with magnetic resonance imaging in neonatesMRI鉴别新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病与急性胆红素脑病的价值
18.The Study of Time Course of Brains Metabolites in Hypoxic-ischemic Rats after Sacrifice;急性缺血缺氧小鼠大脑代谢物的变化过程的研究

subacute hypoxin亚急性缺氧
1.Changes of Cd and Pb contents in liver and kidney of rats under the condition of subacute hypoxin;亚急性缺氧大鼠肝、肾中镉、铅含量的变化
2.Changes of Fe content in main organs of rats under the condition of subacute hypoxin;亚急性缺氧大鼠主要脏器中铁含量的变化
3)acute anoxia急性缺氧症
4)Acute hypoxia-ischemia急性缺血缺氧
5)resistance of acute hypoxia急性缺氧耐受性
6)acute hypobaric hypoxia急性低压缺氧
1.Effect of rhodiala on endothelin after acute hypobaric hypoxia in rats;红景天对急性低压缺氧大鼠内皮素分泌的干预
2.Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia on SS contents in upper gastrointestinal tract mucosa of rats;急性低压缺氧对大鼠上消化道粘膜生长抑素含量的影响
3.Methods: Concentrations of blood serum,myocardium and brain cortex were measured in rats with medium and severe acute hypobaric hypoxia and in those rats with mild and medium chronic hypobaric hypoxia.方法:以硝酸还原酶法测定中、重度急性低压缺氧和慢性轻、中度低压缺氧大鼠的血液、心肌和脑皮质NO含量。

低血流性缺氧低血流性缺氧 又称"循环性缺氧"。缺氧的一个类型。指血循环障碍,向组织中输送氧量减少的一种状态。是由于动脉血流入组织不足或静脉血流不畅所引起。其特点为动脉血氧分压、氧含量、氧容量、血氧饱和度正常,而静脉血内则显著降低。临床表现为局限或全身紫绀。瘀血性缺氧,紫绀更为明显。