神经管缺陷,Neural tube defects
1)Neural tube defects神经管缺陷
1.Dynamic monitoring of neural tube defects in Shanxi during 2000 to 2004;2000~2004年山西省神经管缺陷的动态监测
2.Morphological study on the neural tube defects caused by passive smoking;被动吸烟致神经管缺陷的形态学观察
3.Association between the common 677C→T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and neural tube defects;MTHFR基因多态与神经管缺陷的关系

1.The Preventions and Prenatal Control of Neural Tube Defects;神经管缺陷的病因、预防与产前控制
2.In 100,000 births, a screening program would avent 187 neural tube defects.在100,000婴儿中,一项筛检可避免187个神经管缺陷
3.Study on Relative Factors of 309 Perinatal Neural Tube Defects;309例神经管缺陷围生儿相关影响因素研究
4.Efficacy of folic acid supplementation and fortification to prevent neural tube defects and its influencing factors增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷效果及其影响因素
5.Differentially expressed genes in diabetes-induced embryopathy胚胎神经管缺陷大鼠模型差异基因的表达
6.Folic acid supplements are now recommended for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects (spina bifida) in their children.现在已建议孕妇补充叶酸以预防儿童出现神经管缺陷症(脊柱裂)。
7.Amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase gel electrophoresis for prenatal diagnosis of neural tube defects羊水乙酰胆碱酯酶凝胶电泳法产前诊断神经管缺陷
8.Study on the Prevalence and Factors of the Geographic Distribution of Neural Tube Defects in China;全国神经管缺陷发生现状及空间分布影响因素分析
9.The Experimental Study of the Mechanism and Morphological Observation of the Neural Tube Defects Caused by Passive Smoking;被动吸烟致神经管缺陷的形态学观察及其发生机制的实验研究
10.Investigation on knowledge,attitude and practice of folic acid supplement status in women of child-bearing age in areas with high incidence of neural tube defects in China中国神经管缺陷高发地区育龄妇女叶酸增补的KAP现况调查
11.Effects of integrated intervention measurements on neural tube defects in Chinese women of childbearing age育龄妇女人群实施神经管缺陷综合干预措施的效果分析
12.Over-expression of NCAM1 is associated with human NTDs目的基因NCAM1在人神经管缺陷中的差异表达的研究(英文)
13.We discovered soon afterward that folate is important not only in preventing neural tube defects but also in a host of other processes.然后,我们很快就发现,叶酸不只能防止神经管缺陷,在许多其他的过程中,它也是必需的营养素。
14.Mothers who supplement their diets with folate prior to and during pregnancy can often reduce this risk.母亲妊娠期前或妊娠期增加叶酸摄入,将降低神经管缺陷发生的概率。
15.Prediction Model for Steel Pipe Defects Based on ANN and Characteristic Values基于特征量和神经网络的钢管缺陷预测模型
16.Application of BP Neural Network in Quantitative Recognizing Pipeline Defect;BP神经网络在管道缺陷定量识别中的应用
17.Defect recognition in pipes based on neural networks with ultrasonic guided waves基于神经网络的超声导波管道缺陷识别
18.This defect resulted from damage of ependymal cells, which form the epithelial lining of the brain ventricles, and of neuroblasts, which evolve into neurons.该缺陷是室管膜细胞受损所致,室管膜细胞构成了脑室上皮内层,而神经母细胞,可演化成神经元。

neural tube defect神经管缺陷
1.Pathogenesis and prevention of neural tube defect;神经管缺陷的发病机制及其预防
2.The prenatal screening for Down s syndrome and neural tube defect in mid-pregnancy by detecting maternal serum markers;孕中期检测孕妇血清标志物筛查唐氏综合征及神经管缺陷
3.Objective To determine molecular mechanism of congenital neural tube defects induced by pregnancy complicated with hyperglycemia and the potential preventive and therapeutic approaches.目的揭示妊娠合并糖尿病诱发胚胎先天性神经管缺陷的分子机制,并探讨其有效的防治途径。
3)Congenital neural tube detects先天神经管缺陷
4)Foetus neural tube defect胎儿神经管缺陷
5)neural tube defect(NTD)神经管缺陷(NTD)
6)birth defects/NTDs出生缺陷/神经管畸形

点缺陷(见晶体缺陷)点缺陷(见晶体缺陷)point defect  点缺陷point defeet见晶体缺陷。