固态发酵,solid-state fermentation
1)solid-state fermentation固态发酵
1.Study on the breeding of highly producing strain of alkaline protease and its solid-state fermentation conditions;高产碱性蛋白酶菌株的选育及其固态发酵条件的优化
2.Study on fuel ethanol production by solid-state fermentation of sorgo straw;甜高粱秸秆固态发酵生产燃料乙醇的工艺研究
3.The current research and application of the solid-state fermentation technology;固态发酵技术的研究应用现状

1.Research on Ethanol Production from Sweet Sorghum Stalk in SSF and Using of Fermentation Residue;甜高粱秆固态发酵酒精及其发酵渣利用的研究
2.Effects of Solid Ferment Technological Parameter on Ferment Quality of Soybean Meal固态发酵工艺参数对豆粕发酵品质的影响
3.Effects of two-stage solid-state fermentation on functional components in fermented black bean两步固态发酵对发酵大豆功能成分的影响研究
4.Studies on Decomposing Cellulose by Trichoderma Viride's Solid-state Fermentation;绿色木霉固态发酵降解纤维素的研究
5.Studies on Solid Fermentation by Strains of Monascus sp. with Lower Citrinin Content and Higher Pigments Value;低橘霉素高色价红曲霉固态发酵研究
6.Studies on Solid Fermentation of Cellulase by Trichoderma Viride;绿色木霉固态发酵产纤维素酶的研究
7.Buckwheat Solid-State Fermentation by Monascus and Analising and Determination of the Products;红曲霉荞麦的固态发酵及其产物分析
8.Study on Fermentation Characteristics of Probiotic Lactobacillus Casei Zhang in Solid State System;益生菌L. casei Zhang固态发酵特性的研究
9.Study on Solid State Fermentation of By-produced Corn Bran for High Value Conversion副产物玉米皮固态发酵高值化的研究
10.The Study of Solid-state Fermentation for Inulinase Production and Its Protective Agent菊粉酶的固态发酵及其保护剂的研究
11.Solid-state Fermentation of Cottonseed Meal with Mixed Culture of Microorganisms复合微生物固态发酵棉籽饼粕的研究
12.Control of vinegar production with raw material by solid-state fermentation浅议生料制醋中固态发酵的条件控制
13.HACCP in the low-salt soy sauce by solid-state fermentation applicationHACCP在低盐固态发酵酱油中的应用
14.Review of recent developments in modeling of microbial growth kinetics in solid-state fermentation固态发酵生长动力学模拟的研究进展
15.Study on Producing Protein Feed from Brewers Grain through Solid Fermentation固态发酵啤酒糟生产饲料蛋白的研究
16.Study on Production of Bt Biopesticide by Box-Type Solid-State Fermentation箱式固态发酵生产Bt生物农药的研究
17.Protease production by solid-state fermentation using Jatropha curcas seed cake as substrate固态发酵麻疯树饼粕产蛋白酶的研究
18.Studies on Technology for Compound Producing Bacillus natto Preparations by Solid State Fermentation固态发酵生产复合纳豆芽孢杆菌制剂

solid state fermentation固态发酵
1.Optimization of γ-PGA production by solid state fermentation using response surface design;响应面法优化固态发酵生产γ-多聚谷氨酸
2.Production of fermented soybean meal by solid state fermentation;固态发酵法生产发酵豆粕的研究
3.Production of chitosanase by Metarhizium anisopliae in solid state fermentation;金龟子绿僵菌固态发酵产壳聚糖酶
3)solid fermentation固态发酵
1.Effects of ferment container and correlative process conditions on solid fermentation of monascus for producing Monacolin K;发酵瓶及相关工艺条件对红曲固态发酵产Monacolin K的影响
2.Production of single-cell protein with scutellaaria baicalensis residue by solid fermentation;黄芩药渣固态发酵生产单细胞蛋白
3.Incubation,solid fermentation and application of high-yield cellulase bacteria for textiles;纺织用纤维素酶高产菌种的选育、固态发酵及其应用
1.Preliminary Study on Optimization of Enzyme Solid-fermentation Conditions and Properties of Enzymology by Utilization of Diosgenin Solid Waste;黄姜皂素生产废渣固态发酵纤维素酶产酶条件优化及酶学特性初探
2.This paper reported the results of studying solid-fermentation by Monascus spp.采用不同品种大米作红曲固态发酵培养研究,结果表明:以蛋白质和糖分含量高、碳氮比小以及垩白度适中、吸水性好并能保持湿度的大米基质,其莫纳可林K含量高,尤其以籼稻类型的K优5号和红花米显著。
3.The paper mainly studied critical factors of solid-fermentation from sweet sorghum stalks to ethanol, the results showed that under the optimum conditions, 3% inoculation, original water content about 76%, 0.该文通过研究甜高粱茎秆M-81E固态发酵生产燃料乙醇的主要影响因素,确定发酵条件为:耐高温酿酒酵母接种量为3%,发酵初始基质含水率为76%,添加0。
5)Solid-solid-state fermentation (SSSF)固固态发酵
6)solid state fermentation liquor固态发酵酒

固态发酵果醋各种低档果、残次落果、果品加工后剩下的果皮、果屑、果心等,用固态发酵法生产果醋。其产品色泽黑褐有光泽、质地浓稠、酸味醇厚、鲜美微甜、卫生、理化指标均能达到国家规定标准。1、制苗种:用麸皮100公斤,醋用发酵剂150克加水拌和,温度(75%)以手握时指缝有水而不滴水为宜。再用浅盒装料,放入菌种室。室温30℃,品温保持在30—35℃,每两小时翻拌一次,使物料充分接触空气,在物料发出醋香味,呈黄色块状后阴干备用。2、配料:在果料内加入适量的麸皮,用于吸收多余的水分,使原料疏松加速醋化过程。麸皮加入量的多少,以手握掺料从指缝间能挤出水分 而不滴水为宜。3、接菌发酵:100公斤原料加入3公斤醋用菌种和3公斤麸曲。(总量按原料重量的6%)。堆入高1.5米,宽2米,长3.5米(可按物料量 多少定池容积),上用塑料薄膜覆盖,每日翻料1-2次,料温控制在36度左右,不宜超过40℃,经3天糖化,6天酒化,8-10天醋化,待原 料发出醋香味,且无生涩味时,醋坯成熟。4、淋醋:淋醋时可用淋醋缸,在缸的下面钻一个直径为2厘米的孔, 安上长10-20厘米的竹筒,筒口塞以清洁的纱布。缸底悬空,置一竹筛, 筛上铺1-2层洁净的麻袋片,醋坯倒在麻袋片上,按1公斤醋坯加1公 斤清洁凉水的比例,倒入凉水,浸泡4小时后,取掉塞口的纱布,醋就从 筒口流出。头次淋的醋为头醋,二次淋的醋为二醋,三次淋的醋为尾水醋,将尾水醋倒入醋坯洒头醋,根据市场需要调配成甲醋、乙醋。经100℃高温灭菌后验质。即成成品醋。