地方本科院校,local universities
1)local universities地方本科院校
1.An investigation & analysis on implementation of general education courses in local universities;地方本科院校通识教育课程实施情况的调查与探讨
2.This paper discusses some problems existing in construction of library resource in local universities,such as only paying attention to the quantity and neglecting the quality of library resources.地方本科院校图书馆底子薄,面临的困难比较多,在馆藏资源建设中存在不少问题。
3.The local universities undertake the mission of transforming our nation s higher education from elite education to mass education,so their education quality directly affects our nation s higher education quality.作为实现我国高等教育由精英教育向大众化教育转型"主力军"的地方本科院校,其教学质量的好坏直接影响着我国高等教育整体质量的提高。

1.Thoughts on Developing Applicative Liberal Arts in Regional Colleges;对地方本科院校发展应用文科的思考
2.Study on Construction of Enrollment Base of Local Newly-build Four-years University;新建地方本科院校生源基地建设探究
3.Goal of Local Four-Year-System College新建地方本科院校“迅速本科化”的发展目标
4.The Scientific Orientation of Local Undergraduate Universities with the Viewpoint of Scientific Development;用科学发展观引领地方本科院校科学定位
5.The Developing Orientation Strategy of Newly-upgraded Local Universities;新建地方本科院校的发展定位与战略
6.On the Construction of the Faculty Team in the Newly Established Local Colleges;论新建地方本科院校教师队伍的建设
7.Discussion on the Fulfillment of Community Service Function of Local Undergraduate Universities;论地方本科院校社会服务功能的实现
8.Probing on School-Running Orientation of the Newly-Established Local Colleges and Universities;新建地方本科院校发展定位问题初探
9.March on the Road of Innovation to Bui ld up a Prestigious University with Local C haracteristics;走创新之路——建设名牌地方本科院校
10.Case Study on School-running Characteristics of Newly-built Local Universites新建地方本科院校办学特色个案研究
11.On College English Differentiating Instruction in Local HEIs地方本科院校大学英语分级教学研究
12.Research on the Problems of Newly-established Local Colleges' School Characteristics新建地方本科院校办学特色问题研究
13.Exploration on the Teaching Reform in Instrumental Analysis Specialty of Local Universities地方本科院校仪器分析教学改革探讨
14.On the Promotion of the Management Benefit in Secondary Institute of Newly Established Undergraduate University提升地方本科院校二级学院管理效益的思考
15.Analysis on the Internal Development of Local Newly-built Universities;试析地方新建本科院校的内涵式发展
16.Questions on Naming of Local Newly-Established Colleges;地方新建本科院校命名中的几个问题
17.Evaluating on the Local New Universities with SWOT;新建地方性本科院校特色建设SWOT分析
18.A Study of the Applied Undergraduates Cultivating in the Local University地方性本科院校应用型人才培养研究

local university地方本科院校
1.The problem that how the local university identifies itself exactly to develope its characteristic in gradually intense market competition has caused the scholar s concern of our country with considers.随着我国高等教育的改革与发展,地方高校逐渐成为人们的关注对象,尤其是作为地方经济与社会发展人力资源输送主渠道的地方本科院校,在日益强烈的市场竞争中如何科学定位才能更好地创建自身特色,发展自己、服务地方,引起了我国学者们的关注和思考。
2.The thesis investigates and analyzes the employment problems of graduates in local university under the background of further development of marketability, informatization and continuously expanding in higher education scale and disproportion of regional development in our country.本文是在我国社会市场化、信息化进一步深入发展、高等教育规模继续扩大和我国区域发展不均衡背景下谈我国地方本科院校毕业生的就业问题。
3.Constructing hardware platform by resource sharing,building innovative practical courses system,planning perfect management system,implementing flexible open form and diversified open content,an innovative practical system which suits the local university students is established,and a mode of developing applied talents in local university is also explored.介绍了地方本科院校在经费有限的情况下电子科技创新实验室的建设思路。
3)local colleges地方本科院校
1.Subject echelon building,as the strategic grasp of local colleges building of the contingent of teachers and curriculum development,is the ensurance of improving the quality of undergraduate teaching,the key of raising the level of education,as well as the objective requirements of scientific and technological innovation and academic research.学科梯队建设是地方本科院校师资队伍建设和学科建设的战略抓手,是提高本科教学质量的保障,是提升办学水平的关键,也是科技创新和学术攻关的客观需要。
2.In western developed countries, from the industrialized society to post industrialized knowledge-based society, regional economy as the platform that local colleges rely on becomes increasingly stronger, and more and more important.地方本科院校是我国高等教育发展到一定阶段的必然产物,它的兴起与发展从来都不是偶然的。
3.Local Colleges have complete subject categories, qualified teachers, and good teaching facilities.地方本科院校学科门类较齐全,师资力量雄厚,教学设备完善。
4)Local undergraduate university地方本科院校
1.On characteristic construction of local undergraduate university试论地方本科院校的特色建设
2.Based on discipline construction,scientific research team and management mode,the paper makes a preliminary analysis on the problems of scientific research management in local undergraduate university,and proposes corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.文章从学科建设、科研团队、管理模式等方面出发,对目前地方本科院校科研管理中存在的问题进行初步分析,并提出解决问题的相应对策与建议,旨在从多角度提升其科研管理水平,促进科研实力的增强,推动地方本科院校的建设。
3.Selecting development path and running model accorded with social needs and self practical condition,running characteristic,opening up the survival and development space for itself are great subjects which are urgent needed to study and solve for local undergraduate university.如何选择符合社会需要和自身实际的发展道路和办学模式,办出特色,开拓出属于自己的生存与发展空间,是地方本科院校迫切需要研究和解决的重大课题。
5)local universities地方性本科院校
1.It\'s a powerful guarantee to optimize the administrative efficiency for the scientific development of the local universities.优化行政管理效率是地方性本科院校科学发展的重要保证。
6)local majors university地方多科性本科院校

地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forces difang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。