课程模式,Curriculum model
1)Curriculum model课程模式
1.Exploring Occupational Activities Behavior-oriented Curriculum Model;以职业活动行为过程为导向的高职课程模式探讨
2.Construction of a curriculum model for higher vocational colleges: a combination of key abilities with professional abilities;关键能力与专业能力相结合的高职课程模式构建
3.On the premise of accurately analyzing the characteristics of automobile maintenance industry,the construction of employment-oriented curriculum model of automobile maintenance specialty should insist on the principles of curriculum setup serving for the training objectives,reflecting characteristics of vocational education and building the knowledge,capacity and quality of the trinity.在准确分析汽修行业特点的前提下,以就业为导向高职汽修专业课程模式的构建应坚持课程设置服务于培养目标、坚持体现职业教育特征以及构建学生知识、能力、素质三位一体的原则,并且依照上述原则将课程按照综合基础课、汽修基础课、专业核心课进行重新整合。

1.Prototype Action-Oriented School Health Curriculum着重于行动的学校卫生课程模式 (卫生课程模式)
2.Professionalization Curriculum--the Course Mode of Vocational Education;职业教育的课程模式——职业化课程
3.A Probe in the "Independent Course Model"of Environment Teaching in Primary and Selondary Schools;中小学“独立课程式”环境教育课程模式探索
4.A Research on Actual Effects of the Curricular Pattern of Integrating In-and-out Class;“课内外一体化”课程模式的实效性研究
5.On Opening Curriculum Mode Construction in Higher Vocational College;高职院校开放式课程模式构建的思考
6.Using Corporate System to Promote the Curriculum Pattern of Practical Guide;用“公司制”形式展开“实践导向”课程模式
7.Found the classroom teaching patternor"open,research type";创建“开放式、研究式”课程教学模式
8.Some Ideas about Models for Classroom Teaching of Politics for Senior Middle Schools against the Background of the New Curricula;新课程下高中政治课堂教学模式初探
9.Exploration on Technological Teaching Mode When Carrying out the Curriculum Reform in Vocational Education;职教课程改革中专业课教学模式初探
10.Research in Teaching Methods of Practice Course of Accounting;会计专业“能力”课程授课模式探索
11.Study on Teaching Model of "Vocational Skills Training and Professional Technical Design";构建“技设课”课程教学模式的研究
12.Design and realize of multimedia CAI courseware s model for mechanical courses;机械类课程MCAI课件的模式设计及实现
13.On the Teaching Mode of Combining Class physical Edueation and Spare Time Activities;体育课程“课内外一体化”教学模式初探
14.The Schoolteaching Mode Study of Group Class for Music Educational Major Course音乐教育专业课程小组课授课模式探究
15.Inquiring Teaching Pattern Research Based on the Curriculum Integration;基于课程整合的探究式教学模式研究
16.Discuss Asking Questions Teaching Mode of Survey of Britain and America;《英美概况》课程中设问式教学模式探讨
17.Discussing the Teaching Model on the Building Construction Course;《房屋建筑学》课程开放式教学模式研究
18.Exploration On The Plural Mode Of Practical Education In Law Major;法学专业多元式课程实践模式的探讨

curriculum mode课程模式
1.School-based physical education curriculum mode of "required courses"+ "optional courses";“必修+选修”的体育校本课程模式
2.The pedagogy in Germany puts emphasis on real activities, which helps us to conceive an appropriate vocational curriculum mode tailored to the status quo in China.凸显这一理念的学习领域课程模式,是德国职业学校课程模式所进行重大改革的产物。
3.The history development of the curriculum mode of the vocational education experienced three history stages: ancient apprentice system curriculum mode,modern times Russian way of Dela Aus and the diverse development of the contemporary curriculum mode.职业教育课程模式的历史发展经历了古代学徒制课程模式、近代德拉。
3)course model课程模式
1.Advantage of Problem-based Learning Course model;以问题为中心学习PBL课程模式的优越性
2.Among the uarions medels of environment teaching in primary and secondary schools abroad,the"disiplines-penetration model"and the "independent course model"are the most influential.国外关于中小学环境教育的课程模式多种多样,但最具影响力的是"各科渗透模式"和"独立设课模式"。
3.This paper analyzes the necessity of reforming the major courses of higher professional logistic management, focuses on the features of course model of "broad basis and flexible module", puts forward ideas of constructing the above-mentioned course model, which is expected to put into further practice and to be improve in the logistic management major teach.本文分析了高职物流管理专业课程改革的必要性,重点论述了“宽基础、活模块”课程模式的特点,提出了物流管理专业“宽基础、活模块”课程模式的构建,从而使“宽基础、活模块”课程模式在我国物流管理专业教学中得到进一步的应用和推广。
4)course mode课程模式
1.The course mode in the senior vocational academy should adapt to this change.高职院校的课程模式要适应这一变化,进而构建一个培养现代汽修人才的课程模式
2.We have to change the traditional art design course mode,and establish the center course system with establish a kind of course mode according to the ability of take the market need.为了顺应经济发展的需要,必须改变传统的艺术设计课程模式,建立核心课程体系,以创建一种基于能力培养的以市场需求为核心的人才培养课程模式
3.The realization of cultivation goal of higher vocational education is achieved by the course, with different course mode for different cultivation goal and specialty establishment.高等职业教育培养目标的实现要通过课程来完成,不同的培养目标和专业设置往往有不同的课程模式
5)curriculum pattern课程模式
1.According to the analysis of typical working process in mechanical industry,a curriculum pattern for "drawing,reading and 3D modeling for mechanical graphics" is presented.通过对典型机械行业工作过程的分析,提出"机械图样的绘制、识读与三维造型"学习的课程模式
2.The choice of higher vocational education curriculum pattern based on the competence standard is analyzed,the main content of curriculum pattern reform based on competence standard are discussed,some men-talities and operation instructions about curriculum pattern reform on higher vocational education are provided.运用能力本位理念指导高职教育课程模式选择和改革能为高职院校进行课程模式改革提供思路和操作指导。
3.The cultivation goal of the compound applied-talents is the starting point and the destination of the educational development for modern teachers,and the relevant curriculum pattern construction has become the key problem of teachers education.复合型应用人才培养目标是现代教师教育发展的出发点和归宿,相应的课程模式构建就成了教师教育的核心问题。
6)modular curriculum模块式课程
1.Thinking of the modular curriculum system in vocational education;职业教育模块式课程体系设计的思考

植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。