毕业论文,Graduation thesis
1)Graduation thesis毕业论文
1.Reform on teaching mode of graduation thesis in life science speciality;生命科学专业本科毕业论文(设计)教学模式改革初探
2.MIS of complete course of university graduation thesis work based on network;基于网络的高校毕业论文工作全程管理信息系统
3.Involvement of libraries of medical colleges and universities in writing graduation thesis of medical undergraduates;医学高校图书馆要全面介入医学生毕业论文的写作

1.What was your graduation thesis on?你毕业论文是什么题目?
2.How to Do Graduation Treatise Replication;怎样搞好毕业论文答辩──毕业论文答辩操作研究
3.Reformation and Exploration on the Mode of Graduation Exercitation and Graduation Thesis in Chemical Engineering化工专业毕业实习与毕业论文模式改革与探索
4.Problems in Writing Thesis Statements and Their Solution;英语专业毕业论文“论题句”写作研究
5.The Graduate Dissertation written by them got the score of "Excellent" at last.最后他们合写的毕业论文在毕业答辩中获得优。
6.Direction and Practice in Adult Pharmaceutics Graduation Project and Graduation Thesis;成人药剂学毕业设计和毕业论文的指导与实践
7.Education department in shangqiu teachers college;商丘师院体育系2005届毕业生毕业论文质量分析
8.On the Direction and Writing of Graduation Thesis;论本科毕业论文的指导与撰写——以史地系2005届本科毕业论文为例
9.On the Instruction of the Graduation Theses by Literal Arts Undergraduates;指导文科类本科毕业论文的几点认识
10.The Necessity of Literature Retrieval Classes--A Reflection on Reading College Students Graduation Papers;从大学生毕业论文看文献课的必要性
11.Quality Management of Undergraduate Graduation Thesis (Design) in our University;论我院本科毕业论文(设计)质量管理
12.Discussion on management of graduation thesis(graduation project);论大学本科毕业论文(设计)的管理
13.Improving the scientific research ability involved in undergraduate thesis;毕业论文与科研能力的培养——指导本科生毕业论文的几点体会
14.Strengthening the Management of Graduation Thesis is an Important Assurance to Improve the Quality of Graduation Thesis;加强毕业论文管理是提高毕业论文质量的重要保证
15.Cases Study on Thesis Topic Selection in Tourism Management Major;旅游管理专业毕业论文选题个案研究
16.Discussion on the Quality of the Graduation Theses in the Digital Control Speciality in High Vocational College;对高职数控专业毕业论文质量的探讨
17.On the problems existed in the thesis writing for the English majors and its countermeasures;英语专业毕业论文写作的问题及对策
18.Study on the Thesis Conclusion Writing for English Majors;英语专业毕业论文“结语”写作研究

1.Improvment and practice on thesis for specialty of process equipment & control engineering;“装控”专业毕业论文的改革与实践
2.Mading of the examining system of undergraduate s thesis in university;大学理工科毕业论文考核体系研制
1.Analysis and consideration on problems related to dissertations of undergraduate Chinese medicine program;中医学本科毕业论文相关问题的分析与思考
2.Research of synthetical assessment of dissertation based on VPRS and evidence theory;基于VPRS和证据理论的毕业论文综合评价研究
3.Analysis of dissertations written by sports majors in Hubei Province;湖北省体育专业学生毕业论文的现状分析与对策
4)graduate thesis毕业论文
1.This paper analyzes on characteristics and function of scientific re search papers and graduate thesis, expounds the necessity and purposes of develo ping the database of scientific research papers and graduate thesis, introduces concrete measures of collecting papers as well as the implement of the database system and retrieval characteristics.对毕业论文和科研论文的特点和作用进行了分析,阐述了建设科研论文和毕业论文数据库的必要性和目的,介绍了论文资料收集的具体措施以及论文数据库系统的实现和检索特点。
2.This article first points out the difficulties which students have in writing graduate thesis, and then analyses how should the tutors do in the process of teaching which will help students to solue the difficulties in graduate thesis.文章指出学生撰写毕业论文的困难所在,论述了教师应如何在自己的教学中克服学生写毕业论文的困难,体现了教学和实践的结合与应用。
3.The undergraduate thesis is the important link of evaluating the students ability of comprehensive use of the knowledge.高等院校的本科毕业论文是检验学生对所学知识综合运用能力的重要环节,是检验教学效果的重要标志,是培养人才的重要途径,是培养学生科研创新能力的前提。
5)graduation paper毕业论文
1.Guide for Graduation Papers of Computer Science Undergradute Students;计算机专业本科生毕业论文指导
2.As an important practical tache in professional education of construction management speciality,graduation paper has an important position and role in improving synthetically quality and developing innovation ability for undergraduate students.工程管理专业毕业论文(实习)作为工程管理专业教育中重要的实践性教学环节,对提高学生的综合素质和培养学生的创新能力具有重要作用。
3.The graduation paper writing is the last important link in the college teaching.高等专科学校文科类毕业生的毕业论文写作是高等专科学校教学中最后一个重要环节。
6)undergraduate thesis毕业论文
1.We should perfect the administration system,normalize the action of thesis writing;keep a strict hand over the writing procedures,hold tightly each link of education;we should improve the guidance to the undergraduate thesis writing,solve problems instantly,establish the service platform to promote the quality of thesis writing.长期以来,毕业论文抄袭造假现象屡禁不止,大有泛滥成灾之势。
2.Reasons for quality decline of undergraduate thesis in agricultural universities were analyzed.通过分析农业类院校本科毕业论文质量下滑的原因,笔者认为要提高毕业论文质量必须提高对毕业论文重要性的认识;提前毕业论文的时间以避开就业、考研高峰期;建立稳定的校内外实习基地;加强对毕业论文的考核管理,使毕业论文质量管理真正实现规范化、制度化。
3.The current undergraduate education is insufficient for improving the writing ability of undergraduate students on undergraduate thesis.现有的高校本科教育缺乏对提高本科生毕业论文写作能力的培养,在教学方法上、考核方式上以及科研教学等方面存在误区。

毕业论文  高等学校本科应届毕业生的总结性独立作业。毕业论文是高等学校教学过程的一个环节,也是学业成绩考核和评定的一种重要方式。毕业论文的目的在于总结学生在校期间的学习成果,培养学生具有综合地创造性地运用所学的全部专业知识和技能解决较为复杂问题的能力并使他们受到科学研究的基本训练。本科各专业毕业生在教师指导下,根据所学专业的要求,选定毕业论文题目,论文的基本科学论点、结论和建议,要求具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。论文完成后,经评定成绩及格,才能毕业。本科毕业生中成绩优良者,按照高等学校本科教学计划进行课程考试和毕业论文(毕业设计或其他毕业实践环节)的答辩或评审,表明已较好地掌握本门学科的基本理论、专业知识和基本技能,并且有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力,方可授予学士学位。