克隆技术,cloning technique
1)cloning technique克隆技术
1.Application perspective of nanotechnology in cloning technique;纳米技术在克隆技术中的应用前景
2.Following the development of cloning technique,the attitudes of different countries have changed gradually.克隆技术是现代生命科学领域的一项重要的技术,其发展引发了强烈的伦理争议并受到世界各国的广泛关注。
3.Discussing about the ethical disputation on cloning technique will be beneficial to evaluate the technique correctly and make it develop healthily.克隆技术是现代生物工程的重要生物技术手段之一,目前发展迅猛,且争议甚多。

1.What do you think of the cloning technology?你对克隆技术有何看法?
2.Multiple Omnipotent Clone Cd-rom Disks of Windows 2000WIN2000“万能”多光盘克隆技术
3.Multiple Omnipotent Clone CD-Rom Disks of Windows 2000;WIN2000"万能"多光盘克隆技术
4.The rapid development of scientific technology gave rise to the cloning technology, which caused a problem of cloning humans.科学技术的迅猛发展催生了克隆技术,由此引发出克隆人的问题。
5.He then proposed a five-year ban on cloning.后来他又提出对克隆技术的五年禁期。
6.Headlessness will cloning's crowning achievement.无头生物将是克隆技术的最高成就。
7.Right now, cloning research in continuing at speed.目前,克隆技术研究正在紧张进行。
8.Cloning techniques were vital to the production of the pigs.克隆技术是培育这些猪的关键。
9.Materialist Dialectics Thoughts Entailed in Cloning Technology;蕴含在“克隆技术”中的唯物辩证法思想
10.Study and Realization of Network Clone Based on Pxe基于PXE网络克隆技术的探讨与实现
11.The Research Progress of Mammal Somatic Cell Cloning哺乳动物体细胞克隆技术的研究进展
12.Protesters have called for a moratorium on all cloning research, pending a public inquiry into the potential ethical and Biological consequences抗议者要求,在对克隆技术的潜在伦理、生物后果进行公开调查之前,必须暂停克隆技术研究
13.The headless clone solves the facsimile problem.没有脑袋的克隆技术解决了貌似神不合的问题。
14.Cloning is the technology of narcissism,克隆是自恋的技术,
15.The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals.克隆人的技术与克隆其他动物的技术相似。
16.Multicast Network HD Based on PXE Startup Technique基于PXE启动技术的网络多播硬盘克隆
17.From the standpoint of technology, is it possible to clone humans ?从技术角度看,克隆人类可能吗﹖
18.The actual process of cloning is very technical.克隆的实际过程有很强的技术性。

cloning technology克隆技术
1.The current research state and existing problems of somatic cell cloning technology on mammals;哺乳动物体细胞克隆技术研究现状及其存在的问题
2.The rapid development of scientific technology gave rise to the cloning technology, which caused a problem of cloning humans.科学技术的迅猛发展催生了克隆技术,由此引发出克隆人的问题。
3)clone technology克隆技术
1.With the development of science and technology, people have shown more and more concern about the clone technology as one of the three great inventions in life science in the 20th century.随着科学的发展,思想的解放,作为20世纪人类生命科学三大发明之一的克隆技术,越来越受到世人的关注。
2.This paper has analysed active and passive functions of clone technology on social development and has analysed the inexorable developing trend as well as the effect of clone technology on the society.本文分析了克隆技术对社会发展的积极作用和消极影响 ,分析了“Clone”技术的必然发展趋势 ,预言了“Clone”技术对人类社会的深层影响及对策 ,提示人类应用该项技术时要趋利避
1.Its effect on human subjectivity is more and more apparent:human can,on the one hand,control external things by self-strength at higher level degree by applying cloning extensively and human subjectivity has been promoted;On the other hand,we must risk losing human subjectivity to some degree.克隆技术正在以目不暇接的速度和不可思议的方式改变着世界。
2.The development of cloning technology suggests that human cloning doesn t constitute a big problem both theoretically and technically.克隆技术是 2 0世纪最伟大的技术成果 ,在基础生命科学、医学、农业科学研究与生产等领域具有重大的理论价值和广泛的应用前景。
5)clone technique克隆技术
1.Development of clone technique and its applied foreground;克隆技术的发展和应用前景
2.We suggested an algorithm of medical image edge clone based on clone technique.医学图像边缘检测在医学图像处理中起着非常重要的作用,基于克隆技术提出一种医学图像边缘克隆算法,首先分析克隆技术并进行数学建模,在此基础上,分析医学图像边缘克隆原理,提出激活因子猜想,通过激活因子,构造出权重因子函数。
3.the use of clone technique and the technique of auto-revising IP address in the registered form.为保证实验环境安装的正确和缩短实验环境安装的时间 ,采用克隆技术和软件编程自动修改注册表中 IP地址及相关内容的方法使实验环境的安装由原来的约两个小时缩短到十分钟左右 ,提出了一个提高工作效率的实际应用系统的设计思想和实现方法 ,说明了技术要点。
1.A Survey and Outlook of Research in Breeding of Industrial Brewing Yeast by Self-cloning Technique;自克隆技术在工业啤酒酵母改良中的研究概况
