磨料磨损,abrasive wear
1)abrasive wear磨料磨损
1.Rabinowizc formula oriented abrasive wear model for composite materials;基于拉宾诺维奇公式的复合材料磨料磨损模型
2.Behavior testing and errors analyzing on an abrasive wear test device;一种磨料磨损试验装置及其性能测试与误差分析
3.Study of some abrasive wear phenomena;磨料磨损若干问题的试验研究

1.rotary abrasive tester旋转式磨料磨损试验机
2.Design and actualization of database of wear resistance materials耐磨料磨损材料数据库的设计与实现
3.Experiment of Metal Materials Abrasive Wear for Alfalfa Powder苜蓿草粉对金属材料的磨料磨损试验
4.Biomimetic Geometrical Structure Surfaces with Anti-abrasion Function and Their Abrasive Wear Against Soil;耐磨仿生几何结构表面及其土壤磨料磨损
5.Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance of New Type Martensitic Wear Resistant Steel新型马氏体耐磨钢的冲击磨料磨损性能
6.The Research on Abrasive Wear of 60Si2Mn Steel by Alfalfa Powder60Si2Mn钢抗苜蓿草粉的磨料磨损试验研究
7.Construction and implementation of database system of abrasive wear resistance materials耐磨料磨损材料数据库系统构成及实现
8.Anti-abrasive Wear Composite of Carbide Eutectic/Cu-Mn-Ni Cupronickel;碳化物共晶体/锰白铜抗磨料磨损复合材料
9.Research of hardfacing material of impact wear-resistance with Fe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V alloy systemFe-Mn-Cr-Mo-V系抗冲击磨料磨损堆焊材料的研制
10.A Study on Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance and Wear Mechanism of Fe-B-C AlloysFe-B-C合金冲击磨料磨损性能及磨损机制的研究
11.A Study on Impact Abrasive Wear Resistance and Wear Mechanism of New-Style Martensitic Steel新型马氏体钢冲击磨料磨损性能及磨损机制的研究
12.Free Abrasive Wear Behavior of hte Biomimetic Non-smooth Surfaces with Convex Domes;凸包型仿生非光滑表面自由式磨料磨料磨损行为
13.Under high stress or low stress abrasion working conditions, high Cr white cast iron can be used just after it having been air quenched.高应力磨料磨损或低应力磨料磨损工况条件下,高铬白口铸铁空淬后不须回火可直接应用。
14.An inflence of carbon content on abrasive wear of Cr-Mn cast steel铬锰系铸钢的炭含量对磨料磨损性的影响
15.A Study of Low-stress Washing Abrasive Wear of W-alloy White Cast Irons钨系合金白口铸铁低应力冲蚀磨料磨损的研究
16.A Study of the Abrasion Chracteristics of As-Cast Austenitic High Chromium White Cast Iron铸态奥氏体高铬铸铁抗磨料磨损特性的研究
17.Influence of Carbon Content on the Characteristic of Martensitic Steel in Abrasion含碳量对马氏体钢磨料磨损特性的影响
18.Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Erosion Wear Properties of Si_3N_4-SiC CompositeSi_3N_4-SiC复相耐磨材料的冲蚀磨损性能

1.The effect of the behavior of abrasive absorption on abrasion mechanism in the process of three-body abrasion has been investigated.讨论了在三体磨料磨损工况下 ,磨料的粘附行为对磨损机制的影响。
2.n this research, the characteristic of martensitic steel in abrasion was investigated by using three different test methods.本研究通过3种磨料磨损试验方法,对0。
3.The wear not only case the operations to failure, but also bring on safe hidden trouble , the quantity of grinding abrasion is the half of the total of the wear, so more and more the researchers is go on a series of the inv.随着工业自动化程度的提高,对机械零件工作的连续性、安全性要求也提高,而实践证明,导致机械运转失效的主要原因是由于活动构件或者联结件在摩擦力的作用下产生的磨损,磨损导致机械的运转失效,更可能引发安全隐患,这其中磨料磨损占整个磨损总量的50%,故越来越多的研究者对抗磨料磨损的材料进行了一系列的研究。
3)Grinding abrasion磨料磨损
1.The methods of SEM,metallurgical microscope and so on were used to analyse microstructure and component of the coatings and self-made mounting grinding abrasion probe aircraft was used to measure the wearing grinding abrasion of Cu-Al2O3 gradient coatings.针对纯陶瓷涂层由于结合强度低、孔隙率高、影响涂层耐磨性的实际,用等离子喷涂法制备了Cu-Al2O3梯度涂层,用电子扫描显微镜(SEM)、金相显微镜等手段对涂层进行微观组织和成分分析,用自制销盘式固定磨料磨损试验机,检测了Cu-Al2O3梯度涂层的耐磨料磨损性能。
4)abrasion wear磨料磨损
1.The two body abrasion wear characteristic of Mn copper nickel alloy matrix cast tungsten carbide composite has been studied using high chromium cast iron as a reference material.以高铬铸铁为参考材料 ,研究了真空熔铸法制备的锰白铜基铸造碳化钨复合材料的二体磨料磨损特性。
5)Abrasive wear at elevated temperature热磨料磨损
6)milling abrasive wear球磨磨料磨损

磨料磨损  在摩擦过程中磨粒或凸出物使零件表面材料耗失的一种磨损。磨粒一般是指非金属材料,如石英、矿岩和砂土等。硬金属粒或凸出物对软金属也会引起磨损,如摩擦副之间落入经加工硬化的磨屑就会发生磨料磨损。比零件材料软的磨粒也会引起磨损,这种现象常见于煤矿机械中。    磨料磨损的机理主要是:①显微切削,即硬磨粒像刀具一样对零件表面进行极其微小的切削,形成切屑;②磨粒较圆或与零件表面的相对角度不合适时,只对表面进行犁沟,把表面材料堆向两旁和前沿,经反复塑性变形表面材料发生断裂剥落;③脆性断裂,脆性材料的磨损一般属于这种情况。    影响磨料磨损的因素有零件材料的内部因素和磨粒等的外部因素。内部因素中影响最大的是材料的硬度。一般地说,零件材料的硬度(正确地说是材料磨损后的表面硬度)越高,则耐磨性越高。对纯金属和退火钢,耐磨性大致与硬度成正比。经热处理的钢,其耐磨性也随着硬度的提高而提高,只是提高的程度稍低。对于像石英和陶瓷等硬度很高的材料,硬度过高后耐磨性反而下降,这是由于断裂韧性下降,容易发生脆性碎裂使磨损增大。外部因素中影响较大的是零件材料硬度Hm与磨粒硬度Ha的比值。当Hm/Ha>0.8时,零件材料的耐磨性迅速提高;当Hm/Ha<0.8时,零件材料的耐磨性低。前者称为软磨料磨损,后者称为硬磨料磨损。因此,要提高材料的耐磨性,材料的硬度必须大于磨粒硬度80%,这是选择材料的一个比较关键性问题。此外,磨料的粒度,几何形状和组成等对磨损也有影响。提高零件耐磨料磨损性能的方法,首先是选择材料。根据磨损条件,选择中、高碳钢和含铬、锰的合金钢(见耐磨钢),并可进行表面热处理和化学热处理,或用硬合金表面堆焊、热喷镀和其他表面涂覆方法。采用普通白口铸铁、合金白口铁、粉末冶金减摩和耐磨材料、金属陶瓷、陶瓷等,也可提高零件的耐磨料磨损性能。除硬度外,对受冲击载荷的材料还需要考虑韧性;对受腐蚀或高温影响的零件材料,则需要考虑材料的耐腐蚀性能和高温性能。采用表面硬化方法时,硬化层应有适当的厚度。