异种克隆,Inter-species clone
1)Inter-species clone异种克隆
1.The experiments of serial nuclear transfer and cloned embryo transfer for inter-species reconstructed embryo were conducted ,based on Boer goat-rabbit inter-species cloned embryo was obtained by use of fresh goat ear fibroblast cells at 100% cofluency as donor and rabbbit oocyte as recipient.本试验首先以经过接触抑制、新鲜消化的波尔山羊耳部成纤维细胞作为核供体,以超排家兔卵母细胞为受体,构建波尔山羊-兔异种克隆胚,然后进行了异种克隆胚连续核移植及异种克隆胚移植研究。

1.Production of Yak (Bos Grunniens) & Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor) Embryos by Interspecies Nuclear Transfer异种克隆牦牛,羚牛及相关机理的研究
2.Studies on Equine-Bovine Interspecies Cloned Embryos and Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy马—牛异种克隆胚胎及其线粒体异质性的研究
3.Study on Serial Nuclear Transfer and Transplant for Boer Goat-Rabbit Inter-Species Cloned Embryo波尔山羊—兔异种克隆胚胎连续核移植及克隆胚移植研究
4.Culture Measure for Bovine Homogeneity and Goat-Bovine Heterogeneity Cloned Embryos in Vitro;牛同种及山羊—牛异种克隆胚胎体外培养的研究
5.The Cloning of Several Genes Which Specific-express in Plant Pod or Seed-coat;几个植物果种皮特异表达基因的克隆
6.Experimental Study on the Construction of Cloned Embryos Through Human-rabbit Inter-species Somatic Nuclear Transfer;人-兔异种体细胞核移植构建克隆胚的实验研究
7.Cloning of Special Expressed Genes and Promoter from Peanut Pericarp and Testa花生果种皮特异表达基因及其启动子克隆
8.Cloning and identification of the seed specific promoter from soybean大豆种子特异性启动子的克隆及功能分析
9.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Novel HDM2 Splice Variant from Hela Cells一种新HDM2剪接变异体的cDNA克隆与序列分析
10.Myelodysplastic syndrome( MDS) is a clonal disorder of the hematopoietic stem cell.骨髓增生异常综合征是一种造血干细胞克隆异常性疾病。
11."Cloning has not been accomplished in any primate," said Billings, "In species where it has taken place, there were a lot of abnormalities."比林斯说,"任何灵长类动物克隆都未曾完成,而在已经克隆的种类中,已出现了许多异常现象。"
12.Cultured in Vitro and Analyzing Mitochondria and Surface Antibody of Intra-or Interspecies Somatic Cell Cloned Embryos;同异种间体细胞克隆胚的体外培养及线粒体、表面抗原检测
13.Molecular Cloning and Variation Analysis of CCR Gene in Spotted Gums and Its Relatives;斑皮桉及其近缘树种CCR基因分子克隆及变异分析
14.Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Genes Differentially Expressed in a Rice Hybrid and Its Parental Lines;水稻杂种与亲本之间差异表达基因的分离克隆及表达研究
15.Identification and Functional Characterization of Differentially Expressed Genes between Wheat Hybrid and Its Parental Inbreds;小麦杂交种与亲本之间差异表达基因的分离、克隆与功能鉴定
16.Assessment of Somaclonal Variation in Maize Intra-specific Hybrids and Their Parental Inbrid Lines;玉米自交系亲本及其杂交种的体细胞克隆变异研究
17.Cloning and SNPs Analysis of EaCBF1 of Crofton Weed Eupatorium Adenophorum (Compositae);紫茎泽兰EaCBF1基因的克隆及其在不同地理种群的遗传差异分析
18.Study on Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cold Tolerance Genes in Different Fall Dormancy Alfalfa;不同休眠级苜蓿品种抗寒基因克隆与表达差异性研究

Interspecies cloning异种克隆
1.Interspecies cloning is a new technology with the development of Somatic cell clone technology.异种克隆技术是在体细胞克隆技术成功后发展的一项新技术。
3)Inter-species cloned embryo异种克隆胚胎
1.Objective: In order to pave the way for therapeutic cloning, inter-species cloned embryos were reconstructed with human somatic cell as nuclear donor and enucleated rabbit oocyte as recipient.目的:以去核的MⅡ期兔卵母细胞为受体,以人类体细胞为核供体,构建异种克隆胚胎;并对供体细胞的类型、培养代数、准备方法与核移植效率之间的关系进行探讨;同时探寻简便可靠的克隆胚胎鉴定方法,给治疗性克隆奠定基础。
4)strain specific monoclonal antibodies种特异性单克隆抗体
1.Purification and identification of B.abortus 544A O chain-A antigen and preparation of the strain specific monoclonal antibodies;牛布鲁菌O链A抗原的提纯鉴定及种特异性单克隆抗体的研制
5)clonal population克隆种群
6)Clone population克隆种群
1.The clone population of Neosinocalamus affinis was used as an object of the study,and the authors explored the changes of internal energy on the dry materials of the clone for Neosinocalamus affi- nis in the different pressure of oxygen measured,and searched for effective methods of calculation with differ- ent treating methods of datum,by means of Harper s theory of modular structure.本文引用 Harper 的构件结构理论,以慈竹克隆种群为研究对象,探索不同氧压条件下,慈竹克隆种群干物质内能变化,并用不同数据处理方式,寻求有效计测方法。
