活版印刷,typography printing
1)typography printing活版印刷
1.A novel machine for in situ synthesis of biochip was developed based on the principle of typography printing in this paper, whose purpose is to fabricate media-low density DNA microarray.本文致力于活版印刷生物芯片原位合成系统的设计与实现,旨在开发用于合成中、低密度DNA微阵列的自动化设备。

1.Stereotype (Stereo): A duplicate relief plate for letterpress printing.铅铸版:活版印刷用的复制版。
2.Bed: Flat part or table of a letterpress printing machine on which the forme is loked for printing. Also called Type bed.版台:活版印刷机上承载印版及将它锁稳印刷的平台部份。
3.Research and development of biochip in situ synthesizer based on typography principle活版印刷生物芯片原位合成仪的研制
4.Chase: A rectangular metal frame in which type and blocks are locked up for letterpress printing or stereotyping.版框:活版印刷制铅铸版时把铅字和版块锁稳的矩形金属框.
5.it is even called "copper plate paper" because at the time when letterpress printing were dominate, copper blocks were used to print fine halftones.它又称铜版纸。因为在活版印刷是主流期间,用铜版来印刷精细网点色调是最通行的,故名。
6.making engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them.制作雕版,印刷雕版画的活动。
7.A print made from such a block.印版印刷品用印版印出的印刷品
8.brushing printing刷印(刷帚花版印花)
9.People in the Song Dynasty already used letterpress type to print.宋朝的人已经使用活字版印刷技术了。
10.chromatic printing套色版, 套色印刷
11.Letterpress: A typical form of relief printing. Movable types are composed into pages. Ink were applied to the raised surface and then impressed on the paper.活版:典型的凸版印刷方法。用活字粒排版,在其凸起的表面涂布油墨,然后压向纸张的印刷方法。
12.heliographic printing照相制版印刷, 影写版
13.editions of block printed books雕版印刷古籍版本类型
14.original engraving, print and lithograph原版画、印刷画和平版画
15.justifying machine for use in photolithography or offset printing齐行机,照相平板版印刷或胶版印刷用
16.A plate used in the process of gravure.凹版印刷板凹版印刷过程中使用的板
17.To produce by lithography.用石(平)版印刷用平版印刷术来制作
18.A reproduction produced by gravure.凹版印刷品凹版印刷生产的复制品

typographic block活版印刷版
3)letterpress (printing) machine活版印刷机
4)typographic proof press活版印刷校样机
5)letterpress printing machinery活版印刷机械
