1.Gestalt ecocriticism: from shallow ecocriticism to deep ecocriticism;格式塔生态理论:走向深层的生态批评
2.On the "Lake Poets" from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;英国“湖畔派”诗歌的生态批评性解读
3.Seeking for Harmonious Beauty——An Analysis of The Rainbow from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;探求和谐之美——《虹》的生态批评

1.Eco-criticism: An Literary Critical Perspective that Extends to Nature;生态批评:向自然延伸的文学批评视野
2.An Eco-critical Reading of Three Chinese Plays;生态批评与中国生态戏剧——对三个戏剧文本的生态主义批评
3.A Construction of Literary Ecology Upon Reflection of Ecocriticism;文学生态学建构——生态批评的思考
4.Making Ecological Discourse Aesthetic:the Poetic Sentiment Dimension of the Eco-criticism;生态话语审美化:生态批评的诗意之维
5.Gestalt ecocriticism: from shallow ecocriticism to deep ecocriticism;格式塔生态理论:走向深层的生态批评
6.Ecocriticism and Interdisciplinary Studies;生态批评与跨学科研究——比较文学视域中的西方生态批评
7.Constructing Poetic Mansion of Eco-criticism建构生态批评的诗意之厦——读刘文良《范畴与方法:生态批评论》
8.Shakespeare s the Tempest in the Vision of Ecocriticism;生态批评视阈下莎士比亚的《暴风雨》
9.Analyse Las Putin from the Angle of Ecological Criticism;从生态批评的角度重新解读拉斯普京
10.A Study of Sons and Lovers from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;生态批评视野中的《儿子与情人》研究
11.An Ecocritical Analysis of Oscar Wilde s Works;对奥斯卡·王尔德作品的生态批评分析
12.Ecocriticism of Willa Cather s O Pioneers!;薇拉·凯瑟《啊,拓荒者!》的生态批评
13.On the "Lake Poets" from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;英国“湖畔派”诗歌的生态批评性解读
14.Nature in the Contemporary American Novel;生态批评视角下的当代美国小说(英文)
15.Seeking for Harmonious Beauty--An Analysis of The Rainbow from the Perspective of Ecocriticism;探求和谐之美——《虹》的生态批评
16.The New Breakthrough about the Eco-criticism Theory Research;文学生态批评理论研究的困境与超越
17.Returning to Nature:An Ecocritical Study of The Snow of Kilimanjaro;回归自然——《乞力马扎罗的雪》之生态批评
18.Introduction:Special Cluster of Ecocritical Articles;对生态批评论文专栏的介绍(英文)

1.An Eco-criticism Approach to the Relationship between Man and Nature and Technology as Revealed in the English Romantic Literature;从生态批评看英国浪漫主义文学中的自然科技间的关系
2.Model,Eternity of Natural Beauty and Harmony between Nature and Man:A Try to Teach "Where the Sun Always Rises" from the Eco-criticism Perspective榜样教育、自然美的永恒性和人与自然的和谐——《日出依旧》生态批评教学尝试
3)ecological criticism生态批评
1.The present paper is a discussion on the viability of the introduction of ecological criticism in.生态批评提供了一个视角和切入点,恰当地引入能启发学生思考,训练思维,引导学生在文学欣赏和批评之余,适当地跳出文本,感悟人生、洞悉生命的意义,不失为文学教学的有益尝试。
2.From the new view,combining the main idea of ecological criticism,The Old Curiosity Shop by Dickens is interpreted.生态批评理论是西方最新出现的一种文学批评潮流。
3.The mission of ecological criticism,includes not only finding the parts with ecological meaning while studying the whole literary works about ecology,but also having a criticism and a analysis from ecological view upon the anti-ecology writers and their works in order to point out their sense of anti-ecology.生态批评不仅要研究所有生态文学作品,发掘作品里具有生态意义的部分,而且还要对反生态的作家和作品进行生态思想角度的重新审读和重新评价,指出其中的反生态思想。
4)ecology of literature criticism批评生态
5)ecocritical perspective生态批评观
1.On the nature of eco-criticism;关于文学生态学批评的一点思考
