1.The paper makes a profound discussion about the Jewish suffering figures in Malamud s writings.文章就马拉默德作品中的犹太受难形象 ,探究了受难的犹太文化、历史和社会根源 ,分析了马拉默德的两部代表性作品《装配工》和《店员》中的受难形象 ,指出犹太受难形象不仅具有犹太性 ,同时也具有普遍象征意义的世界化品
2.They depict the suffering, marginality, victimization, a.他们描述了现代状况下普通人的受难、边缘状态、受害、异化和救赎。
3.One of the most prominent features of his novels is to describe the sufferings of the people living at the bottom of the society and to praise their great spirits in the process of suffering.其小说的一个典型特征是描写社会底层人物的苦难并赞颂他们在受难中所体现出的伟大精神,《店员》是马拉默德作品中最能体现这一特征的代表作。

1.cameras victim location search摄象机受难者定位搜索
2.unwelcome burdensome difficulty.不受欢迎的难以忍受的困难。
3.I felt sorry for her and so did most other people.我替她难受,别的人也大半都替她难受。
4.Oppressive, dictatorial control.难以忍受的独裁统治
5.The doubt is more than I can bear.这种疑心使我难以忍受。
6.Suddenly, Rilla felt ill.突然,瑞拉感到很难受。
7.His stomach-ache made him feel wretched all day.他胃疼得整天十分难受.
8.experienced indescriBaBle delight.经受了难以形容的喜悦
9.The sight made me ill.这种景象使我难受。
10.We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents.我们遭受着极大的灾难。
11.a miseraBle climate令人非常难受的气候
12.Of course it is more painful,当然,让人难受的是,
13.a fierce silence令人难受的死一般寂静
14.(of weather)unpleasantly hot and damp, causing one to sweat(指天气)湿热得难受的
15.Too much drink makes him feel ill.喝酒太多使他感到难受。
16.livaBle trials and triBulations.可忍受的考验及磨难
17.Yes. I have an upset stomach.是的,我的胃很难受。
18.The cold has settled in my chest.感冒使我胸口难受。

To Bear one's cross受若受难
3)physical sufferings身体受难
1.When interpreting The Scarlet Letter from the point of ethical literary criticism and analyzing the psychology of Dimmesdale,we can find that Dimmesdale is always in the state of self-victimization.用文学伦理学批评方法解读《红字》,并剖析丁梅斯代尔这一重要人物的心理,可以看到他一直处于“自我受难”的状态之中,并同时也在无意识地逐渐实现着自我。
5)calamity of Jesus耶酥受难
1.The calamity of Jesus is a popular story that spread far and wide from antiquity to the present.耶酥受难是从古至今流传甚广的故事。
1.It is such a narration of the story that people can gain from it an aesthetic experience of painfulness,and the story objectively performs a function of political prophecy,such as predicting certain events of the imperialist politics of globalization of today in advance.卡夫卡的《在流放地》中采用了一种独特的“局外人”的叙事视角,从而使得这个小说能够给人以一种“受难性”的审美体验,并且也使得这作品客观上具备了一种政治预言的功能,甚至预言了当今全球性帝国主义政治中所发生的某些事件。

受难1.谓受责难。 2.遭受磨难。