1.The Ambiguity of Myth—Shown through the Evolution of the Oedipus Story;从俄狄浦斯故事的演变看神话的模糊性
2.The Pioneer of Advocating Humanity and Reason——Getting Insight into Sophocles s World View by Analyzing Oedipus the King;崇尚人性与理性的先锋——由《俄狄浦斯王》析索福克勒斯的世界观
3.Elegy of Rationality—A Reinterpretation of Oedipus the King;理性的悲歌——重读《俄狄浦斯王》

1.Oedipus and Scapegoat--An Analysis on the Reason of the Tragedy-Oedipus俄狄浦斯与替罪羊——浅析俄狄浦斯悲剧的成因
2.The Old Boatman s Oedipus Pursuit--A Comparison of Tragedy Elements between The Bordering Town and King Oedipus;老船夫的俄狄浦斯追求——《边城》与《俄狄浦斯王》悲剧因素比较
3.The Study and Criticism of Oedipus Complex;俄狄浦斯情结研究及其批判——兼评俄狄浦斯神话与文学批评的关系
4.Mother Is a Lover of Her Son On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers论《儿子与情人》中俄狄浦斯情结的悲剧
5.Elegy of Rationality-A Reinterpretation of Oedipus the King理性的悲歌——重读《俄狄浦斯王》
6.A Study on Oedipalization in David Fincher s Film;论大卫·芬奇电影中的俄狄浦斯化倾向
7.The Id,Ego,and Superego Structures in Oedipus the King;《俄狄浦斯王》的“三元结构”解析
8.My Oedipus Complex from the psychoanalysis critique perspective;精神分析批评下的《我的俄狄浦斯情结》
9.A Trace to Oedipus Destiny;英雄身前身后事——俄狄浦斯命运溯源
10.Oedipus Myth in Perspective of "Post-colonial" Theory;“后殖民”理论视阈下的俄狄浦斯神话
11.On the Subject and the Desire of the Oedipus Complex;评“俄狄浦斯情结”中的主体和欲望问题
12.The mythology and father s prototype in "Oedipus Rex";《俄狄浦斯王》中的神话和父亲原型
13.Compare the King Oedipus with Thunder Storm in Aesthetic Sense;《俄狄浦斯王》与《雷雨》的审美意识比较
14.On the Resistance Between Human and Fate in OEDIPUS TYRANNUS;论《俄狄浦斯王》中人与命运的抗争
15.King Oedipus:A Classical Allegony of the Disillusionment of the Heroic Myths;《俄狄浦斯王》:英雄神话破灭的经典寓言
16.An Analyze of Tianyi's Oedipus Complex in Le Dit de Tianyi《天一言》中“天一”的“俄狄浦斯情结”分析
17.Evil or Innocence --Reread King Oedipus罪恶还是清白——重读《俄狄浦斯王》
18.Deity in the World:Analysis of Oedipus' language人间的神祗:俄狄浦斯神语的神话解读

1.On the narrative,lyrical and enlightening functions of the chorus in Oedipus;《俄狄浦斯王》歌队的叙事、抒情和教化功能
2.Dramaturgy of Oedipus the King Revisited;《俄狄浦斯王》编剧法新探
3.The paper gives a thorough analysis concerning the implication of the prototype of Oedipus on three levels genetically, how the story is developed into the prototype; ontologically, the novel itself is the prototype revealing human tragic fate; experientially; the prototype of Oedipus has profound enlightenment on modern society.围绕《俄狄浦斯王》的原型意味,从三个层面展开讨论:发生学的,俄狄浦斯故事何以成为原型;本体的,揭示人类悲剧命运的原型;体验的,从现代视野出发,感悟俄狄浦斯的原型的深刻启示。
3)Oedipus the King俄狄浦斯王
1.On Esoteric Teaching of Oedipus the King;论《俄狄浦斯王》的“隐讳教导”
4)King Oedipus《俄狄浦斯王》
1.The Old Boatman s Oedipus Pursuit——A Comparison of Tragedy Elements between The Bordering Town and King Oedipus;老船夫的俄狄浦斯追求——《边城》与《俄狄浦斯王》悲剧因素比较
2.The Threnody of the Fate——The View of the Tragedy Consciousness between King Oedipus and Thunderstorm from the Attitude of the Fate;命运的悲歌——从命运观看《俄狄浦斯王》和《雷雨》的悲剧意识
3.The Trilogy of the Structure of Tracing Back: From King Oedipus to Thunderstorm;“追溯式”结构三部曲——从《俄狄浦斯王》到《雷雨》
1.And according to other psychologists including Gilles Deleuze,their suggest of Anti-Oedipus was to let the desire of "the schizophrenic subject" confront the capitalism s expanding in the field of unconsciousness.拉康提出“镜像阶段”说,发展并“哲学化”了其中的主体问题,同时也使其中的悖论更为突出;德鲁兹等则提出了“反俄狄浦斯”的口号,以“精神分裂主体”的“欲望”来对抗资本主义对无意识领域的扩张。
