1.Thomas Gray,a great master in poetry,is a sentimentalism poet with some classical traits and is regarded as the forerunner of Romanticism.英国诗歌大家托马斯·格雷属于感伤主义诗人,具有古典主义的特点,被视为浪漫派的先驱。
2.Bai Xianyong s novels are characterized with sentimentalism, which manifests itself through the solitude and melancholy on the part of the author in his novel creation, through the shared sense of crisis under the conflict between the Eastern and Western cultures, and through the author s concern with the fate of his characters.白先勇的小说创作具有强烈的感伤主义色彩 ,主要表现为创作中所流露出的孤独忧郁的情绪、在中西文化冲突下产生的认同危机感以及在人物命运描写、时事变迁表现的过程中所隐藏着的人生如梦、万事皆空的浓厚的神秘主义和宿命论思想。
3.This article studies the history of novels and compares them with the European sentimentalism,pointing out that only those works whose main content was sentimental mentality in nature can be called sentimental novels.从中国现代小说创作的实际情况出发 ,并通过与西方感伤主义文学的对比确定了“中国现代感伤主义小说”的内涵 ,指出只有那些描写感伤心态并以此作为主要内容的小说才称得上是感伤主义小说。

1.This is a novel reeking with sentimentalism.这是一本充满着感伤主义的小说。
2.That is a novel reeking with sentimentalism.那是一本充满着感伤主义的小说。
3.Emily Dickinson's Dual Attitudes Toward Sentimentalism艾米莉·狄金森对感伤主义的双重态度
4.Sentimentism:On Kant s Complex of Rousseauism from the Teleology in His Philosophy of History;感伤主义:由康德历史哲学中的目的论返观康德的卢梭主义情结
5.A Sentimental Journey and the Ethical Value of the Sentimental Novel;《多情客游记》与感伤主义小说的伦理价值
6.Swirling Grief --Sentimentalism in Bai Xianyong s Fictions;袅袅的愁思——白先勇小说的感伤主义色彩
7.Cultural Traits and Social Values of Sentimentalist Humanistic Landscape感伤主义人文景观的文化特质及社会价值
8.Song Yu’s Literature Tradition of Sentimentalism Effect on Yu Xin’s Later Creation;试论宋玉感伤主义文学传统对庾信后期文学创作的影响
9.On the Effeminacy of Song Yu s Ode ‘Jiu Bian’ and the Influence upon Chinese Sentimental Literature;论宋玉《九辩》的阴柔美及其对中国感伤主义文学的影响
10.The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.感伤主义小说与其他小说类型一道,促成了中国小说叙事形式由传统向现代的转变。
11.The grace of sad--On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan;感伤的优美——曹文轩新古典主义风格论
12.On the Perfect Combination of sentimentalism and Classicism--To Analyze Thomas Gray s Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard;古典主义与伤感主义的完美结合——解读托马斯·格雷的《墓园挽歌》
13.Yu Da Fu s decadent sentimental manner and his taste selection of aestheticisms;郁达夫的颓废感伤和唯美主义的审美选择
14.Sentimental Romanticism--Characteristic of Beauty in YuDafu s Novels;感伤的浪漫主义——郁达夫小说创作的美学特征
15.It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation.它把宗教虔诚、骑士热忱、小市民伤感这些情感的神圣发作,淹没在利己主义打算的冰水之中。
16.Long Poems as Wail--on the Sentimental Theme of Li Shang-yin s Poems;长歌当哭——谈李商隐诗歌的感伤主题
17.An inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion.感情主义依赖或太重感情的倾向
18.emotionalism:an inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion.感情主义:依赖或太重感情的倾向.

1.On the Perfect Combination of sentimentalism and Classicism——To Analyze Thomas Gray s Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard;古典主义与伤感主义的完美结合——解读托马斯·格雷的《墓园挽歌》
4)psychology of sentimentalism感伤主义心理
5)sentimentalist fallacy感伤主义者的谬误
6)the theme of sentimentality感伤主题
