1.Tokyo Modern Urban Planning:From the Period of Meiji to Taisho;东京近代城市规划:从明治维新到大正民主
2.The Modernization Political Thoughts in Early Meiji Era in Japan;明治前期日本近代化政治思想研究
3.Westerners' Japanese View in Meiji Period:Mainly on Yakumo Koizumi and Chamberlain明治时期西方人的日本观探析——以小泉八云和张伯伦为例

1.Packed sandwich lunch(盒装[三明治]午餐)
2.A sandwich filled with such a mixture.沙拉三明治用这种馅做成的三明治
3.two rounds of ham and one of beef两个火腿三明治和一个牛肉三明治.
4.I eat a sandwich or a hotdog.我吃三明治或者热狗。
5.BLT (bacon,lettuce and tomato)火腿、莴苣、番茄三明治
6.She folded the sandwich up with wax paper.她用蜡纸将三明治包好。
7.Shall I make some more sandwiches ?我再做一些三明治好吗?
8.I'll have a tuna fish sandwich.我来份金枪鱼三明治
9.leaving their sandwiches and beer behind.扔下了三明治与啤酒。
11."BLT (Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato) "腌肉、生菜、西红柿三明治
12.bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich腌肉生菜蕃茄三明治
13.I made a chicken sandwich.我做了个鸡肉三明治
14.He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk.他以三明治和牛奶充饥。
15.She had a sandwich to stay her hunger.她吃了一块三明治充饥。
16.Shall I get you a sandwich?给你来一块三明治好吗?
17.She helped herself to a sandwich.她吃了一块三明治
18.She will eat a sandwich now.她现在要吃一个三明治

1.Function and morphological characteristics of Chinese experimental suckling mini-pig hepatocytes cultured in sandwich;三明治培养新生实验小型猪肝细胞的功能与形态
2.Patato sandwich was made by patato as the main material and carrot and pork as supplementary material.本实验以马铃薯为主要原料,通过添加胡萝卜、猪肉等辅料研制马铃薯三明治,并对其配方和工艺进行了初步探索和研究。
3.Iron/aluminium foam/iron and titanium/aluminium foam/titanium sandwiches were prepared by powder metallurgical foaming method.采用粉末冶金发泡法制备了Fe Al Fe、Ti Al Ti泡沫铝芯三明治结构 ,研究了泡沫铝芯的膨胀规律 ,分析了面板与泡沫铝芯的冶金结合过程 ,提出了微观结合机制。
3)sandwich beams三明治梁
1.Deformation of sandwich beams with spherical pore Al alloy foam core in three-point bending;球形孔泡沫铝合金三明治梁的三点弯曲变形
2.The failure modes and peak loads of sandwich beams with this Al alloy foam core were measured which was in good agreement with theoretic values.研究了高比强泡沫铝合金和泡沫纯铝的单向压缩和剪切性能,对以高比强泡沫铝合金为夹芯的三明治梁失效模式的尺寸范围和承载能力进行了理论计算,结果与实验结果符合得很好。
4)Sandwich treatment三明治法
1.Sandwich treatment of interventional chemotherapy ,3D-CRT and interventional chemotherapy was given .目的探讨三明治法对晚期肺癌的近期疗效。
5)sandwich techniques三明治术
1.Study of decalcified dental matrix in alveolar ridge augment with modified sandwich techniques in dogs;脱钙牙基质改良三明治术增高牙槽嵴的研究
6)political civilization政治文明
1.Three questions about political civilization construction;关于政治文明建设的3个问题
2.Elementary analysis about building socialist political civilization;浅论建设社会主义政治文明
3.On the political civilization and anti-corruption compaign;试论政治文明与反腐倡廉工作

明治1.修明政事。 2.日本天皇睦仁的年号(公元1868-1912年)。