1.Growing Up Naturally and Independently——An Analysis of Cuicui s Love Pursuit in BianCheng;自然自在的生存与成长——《边城》中翠翠情爱历程探析
2.Collision between Ideal and Reality——A Study on Shen Congwen s Writing from Cuicui in The Border Town;理想与现实的碰撞——从《边城》中的翠翠看沈从文的写作
3.Of Virtues and Love——Speaking Briefly the Image of Cuicui in Biancheng;美的聚合,爱的载体——浅淡《边城》中翠翠的形象

1.Main characters included Cui Cui, who lived with her grandfather, and the brothers Tian Bao and Nuo Song, who both fell in love with Cui Cui.(相依为命的祖孙--翠翠和爷爷,以及同时爱上翠翠的天保、傩宋
2.Discussion about the Cause of the Result of Cuicui s love Affair;对《边城》中翠翠爱情结局根源的探究
3.A World of Feelings and Dreams--An Analysis of the Heroine Cui Cui in the Novel"Frontier Town"by Shen Cong-wen;心与梦的世界——浅析《边城》中的“翠翠
4.A kingfisher, especially one of the genus Halcyon.翡翠鸟一种翠鸟,尤其是属于此种的翡翠属的
5.a jade vase, necklace, etc翡翠花瓶、 项练等
6.Laugh, koo-ka-bur-ra, laugh,笑吧,笑翠鸟,笑吧,
7.Jade Channel [Television Broadcasts Limited]翡翠台〔无线电视〕
8.A large kingfisher(Dacelo gigas) native to Australia, with a call that resembles raucous laughter.笑翠鸟一种大翠鸟(笑翠鸟),原产于澳大利亚,其叫声象嘶哑的笑声
9.A Dream of Chei Xian and Persuading Liu Chei to Resease Soul from Purqatory--A Discussion on Xu Wei s Theme Change and Recreation of Chei Xian Dream;《翠乡梦》与“度柳翠”——论徐渭《翠乡梦》的题材演变及其再创作
10.The region is be spread with lush vegetation该地区遍地草木葱翠。
11.laughing jackassph.1. 【口】(澳洲)笑翠鸟
12.The grass is green and the flowers are sweet.草是翠绿的,花是芳香的。
13."The earth was green, the sky was blue.“翠绿的大地,蔚蓝的天空。
14.Will you prefer gold of jade?你喜欢金子还是翡翠。
15.asked Jack's wife Tracy.杰克的妻子翠西问道。
16.Sir Patrick Spence派翠克.史班斯爵士
17.dispersible cationic turquoise blue液状分散型阳离子翠蓝
18.Koo- ka- bur- ra sits in the old gum tree.笑翠鸟站在枫香树上。

1.Identification of several yellow imitations of jadeite commonly seem on the market;最近市场常见的几种黄色仿翡翠玉石的鉴别
2.Application of Raman Spectrometer(785 nm)to Jadeite Test;拉曼光谱(785nm)在翡翠检测中的应用
3.Jadeite texture features and their influences on the jadeite's quality;翡翠的结构特征及其对翡翠质量的影响
3)jadeite jade翡翠
1.Color difference of green jadeite jade in even color space;均匀色空间中绿色翡翠的色差
2.The Study of Applying the Petrological and Mineralogical Characteristics to Commercial Grading and Appraising of Jadeite Jade;翡翠的岩矿特征在商业分级评价中的应用研究
3.Main colour of the crust of jadeite jade includes yellow,white,black,red and so on,which is the secondary colour,whereas other colour called the primary colour often distributes irregularly.翡翠皮壳的主色有黄色、白色、黑色和红色等,为翡翠的次生色。
4)turquoise blue翠蓝
1.Factors affecting the colour difference of turquoise blue dyed fabrics and the extent of their influence are discussed.介绍了影响翠蓝类颜色色差的几个因素及其影响程度,提出了染色布打底后再根据其色光的符样程度调整汽蒸工艺条件的做法。
1.Identification of B Jade by Raman Spectroscopy;翡翠B货的拉曼光谱鉴别
2.The preliminary exploration of the development of yangmei jade market;阳美翡翠市场发展之路初探
3.Mineral appearance and components of jades with different color were observed and analyzed by electronic probe microanalysis.用电子探针对几种不同色泽硬玉矿物进行形态观察和成分分析 ,翡翠的色泽由其化学成分的变化引起 ,“沙”、“水头”与硬玉晶粒大小和交织情况有关 ,并对玉石中的一些包裹体、斑点、块状物的形态及化学成分进行了分析。
6)Callistephus chinensis翠菊
1.Growth status of Callistephus chinensis on the refuse compost medium and its water-envirmental effect;垃圾堆肥基质对翠菊生长响应及其水环境的影响
2.Effects of PP_(333) to Callistephus chinensis stuntedness;多效唑对翠菊矮化的效应

广东翠亨孙中山故居纪念馆  位于广东省珠江口西岸中山市和珠海市的接壤之处。馆址系孙中山于1892年亲自设计建成,是一座中西合璧、门口有古罗马拱形门廊两层 3间的西式建筑物。孙中山曾在这里行医、草拟《上李鸿章书》、策划组织军队、参加广州武装起义。    有关辛亥革命的文物资料,是建馆后在华侨、孙中山亲友故旧等人士热心支持下逐步征集起来的,计有孙中山遗物68件,各类文物1610件,照片 500张。其中一级藏品 7件,有孙中山外甥孙杨连逢赠送的孙中山家谱、开荒合约的契据等。    中山故居纪念馆1985年接待观众75万人次,运用孙中山讲话录音、电视录像、录音导游、电脑同步控制播放等工具开展宣传教育工作。还和广东社会科学院合编有《孙中山藏档》。