1.Among them,sadomasochism is the tool or means,while jealousness is the reflection of sadomasochism and fear which is the root of all her abnormal characteristics.虐恋、妒宠、恐弃是潘金莲异化心理的三个重要组成部分,虐恋是恐弃的工具和手段,妒宠是虐恋、恐弃的官能呈现,潘金莲的一切畸型性格都可从其恐弃心理上找到问题最后的症结。
2.Not only his social criticism and sadomasochism subjects contradict and dispel to each other,his sadomasochism subject also discloses the writer s unstableness in thought.不但社会批判主题和虐恋主题在一定程度上相互矛盾相互消解,即在虐恋问题上也暴露出作家思想的不确定性。
3."Sadomasochism" is a kind of sexual activity that combines both sadistic and masochistic sexual behavioral patterns,or in other words,it is the sexual gratification of masochism through sadism."虐恋",是一种将快感与痛感联系在一起的性活动,或者说,是一种通过痛感获得快感的性活动。

1.The Flower of Masochism:A Preliminary Psychic Analysis of Emily Dickinson虐恋之花:艾米莉·狄金森精神分析初探
2.An Analysis of the Image of Pan Jinlian from Her Alienated Characteristics Sadomasochism,Jealousness and Fear;虐恋·妒宠·恐弃:潘金莲形象的异化分析
3.A Talk on the Evil and Tyrannical Love in the Works of Yu Da-fu and Wang Xiao-bo;众声喧哗中的三重遮蔽——从郁达夫、王小波笔下的孽恋和虐恋谈起
4.Paces Back and Forth West Water s Edge Narcisse--The Contemporary Female Writer Loves the Oppressive Complex;徘徊在水边的那西斯——当代女作家的恋虐情结
5.Dickinson's Electra Complex and Masochism in Freud's Theory从弗洛伊德的理论看狄金森的恋父和自虐情结
6.The Criticism of Two Consciousnesses: Narcissism and Self-maltreated in Chinese Feminism Metropolis Text after 1990s;20世纪90年代以来女性都市文学中“自恋”与“自虐”意识批判
7.Relationship among Examination of Childhood Abuse,Aggression and Unsure Attachment Styles;小学生受虐待经历、不安全依恋与攻击性人格的关系
8.Current Situation of Middle School Students' Alexithymia and the Relationship of Alexithymia Childhood Abuse and Adolescent's Attachment中学生述情障碍的现状及其与儿童虐待、青少年依恋的关系
9.Bad treatment( usually sexual) of a person虐待(常指性虐待)
10.Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain.性虐待,受虐狂,虐淫从施虐或受虐中获得性满足
11.emotional abuse; psychological abuse精神虐待,心理虐待
12.The healthy man does not torture others- generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.健康的人不会虐待他人——施虐者常常曾为受虐者。
13.those of the persecutor虐待,残害,迫害?
14.(8) Don't ill-treat captives.(八)不虐待俘虏。
15.granny batteringph.1. 虐待老人
16.underneath the tyranny of underneath在...暴虐统治下
17.battered babies/wives,ie ones that suffer repeated violence from parents/husbands受虐的幼儿[妻子]
18.The condition of being persecuted.迫害,虐待受迫害(虐待、困扰)的状况

"evil love" and "tyrannical love""孽恋"和"虐恋"
3)oves the oppressive complex恋虐情结
1.Loves the oppressive complex to be in flood in the Chinese present age feminine literature,In the work female,either is far away the crowd,either is indulges in the crowd.恋虐情结在中国当代女性文学中泛滥,作品中的女性,要么远离人群,要么在人群中放纵。
1.On the maltreatment targeted on family members;略论虐待罪对象之家庭成员
2.There is a growing concern in our society about child maltreatment.儿童虐待问题近年来日益受到社会的广泛关注,本文旨在国内外已有的相关研究的基础上,阐述儿童期的虐待对儿童各个方面的心理发展的影响,以为心理和教育工作者对受虐待儿童的心理进行有效的干预和教育提供参考。
1.With the progression of mankind civilization and the transformation of modern medical model, Child abuse and neglect (CAN) has become a universally concerned focal problem in the field of public health.由于人类文明的进步和医学模式的转变 ,儿童虐待与忽视 (CNA)成为国际上普遍关注的公共卫生领域研究的热点问题。
2.Child abuse and neglect is a very complex and multifarious phenomenon which includes various forms of abuse and neglect.儿童虐待与忽视是一个非常复杂的、涉及多方面的现象 ,包括有各种各样的虐待与忽视形式。

惨虐1.残酷暴虐。 2.指残酷虐待。