1.Romanticism was counteracted deeply by Keats and Eliot,with " negative capability " and with " impersonality " theory respectively so that their doctrines became the first sign of The New Criticism.济慈以“消极感受力”、艾略特以“非个人化”理论对浪漫主义进行反驳,成为新批评的先声。
2.Thispaper aims at proving the fact that literature creation should be fully observed byanalyzing the author s personal factors in the creation process from the stand of"impersonality" theory.文论界在关注作家主观因素在创作中的核心作用时,文论家中的先知先觉者也看到了这种观点的偏颇,转而发现了“非个人化”创作的一些契机。

1.Personalized Poetry Writing and "Non-personalized" Poetics Theory;个人化诗歌写作与“非个人化”诗学理论
2.On the Impersonal Lyricism Strategies in Bian Zhilin s Poetry;论卞之琳诗歌的“非个人化抒情”策略
3.On the Philosophical Foundation of Gustave Flaubert′s Theory of Impersonality;福楼拜“非个人化”原则的哲学基础
4.T.S. Eliot' s Impersonal Literary Creation:--A Case Study on Wasteland从《荒原》看T.S.艾略特的“非个人化”创作观
5.On the "Impersonal" of Naturalistic Literary Narrative论自然主义文学叙事的“非个人化
6.A Comparison between T.S.Eliot s Impersonal Theory and Traditional Chinese Poetics;艾略特“非个人化”诗学与中国传统诗学之比较
7.Literary Tradition and Non-individuality --On Eliot s Point of View of Literature History;文学“传统”与“非个人化”——论艾略特的文学史观
8.On the Three Main Concepts of T. S. Eliot s Impersonal Theory of Poetry;T.S.艾略特“非个人化”诗学理论的三个核心概念浅析
9.Non-individualization: humanistic standpoint of narrating utterance of realistical novel creation in the past few years;“非个人化”:近年写实小说创作叙述话语的人文立场
10.concerning things deeply private and personal.与非常个人和私人化的事情有关。
11.Cultural Studies in China: Past and Present;文化研究在中国——一个非常个人化的思考
12.Intangible heritage is a kind of traditional culture and personal knowledge.非物质文化遗产是一种传统文化、一种“个人知识”。
13.An originally definite question has been complicated by later generations.一个本来非常明确的问题被后人复杂化了。
14.Non-Market Profits of Private Investment in Higher Education;高等教育个人投资非市场化收益若干问题研究
15.From Anthropocentrism to Non-anthropocentrism: A Perspective of Cultural Evolution;从人类中心主义到非人类中心主义:一个文化进化的观点
16.(formal) any non-European non-White person.(正式)任何一个非欧洲人非白人人种。
17.Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.宽扎文化节是个为期7天的节日,庆祝非裔美国人的文化历史。
18.The debate is emotional and deeply personal.这场争论非常情绪化,也非常个性化。

1.This thesis studies Virginia Woolf’s artistic theory of non-personality and its application to the Waves.文章阐述了英国著名的现代派女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫“非个人化”艺术理论及其在作品《海浪》中的具体应用,论证了伍尔夫从一个全新的视角探索小说形式的革新,探索人的内心世界。
2.The article bases on the text To the Light House? bringing about the understanding of non-personality from two aspects, and it also tell us the skillful ways that Virginia Woolf uses to expose the changeable inner world of the human beings, showing the real human beings before us.本文以《到灯塔去》为文本,提出了对“非个人化”手法在两个层次上的理解并探讨了伍尔夫如何娴熟的使用这一手法来揭示人物变化多端的内心世界,揭示人的本质。
3.At the beginning of the 20th century,under the influence of modernist painting,Virginia Woolf forms her unique artistic view which embodies two sides in To the Lighthouse,namely,pursuing inner truth and non-personality of artistic creation.其艺术观在《到灯塔去》中主要体现在两个方面:追求内在真实和艺术创作的非个人化
3)character without unique personalities非个性化人物
4)non-personal narration非个人化叙述
5)impersonal lyricism非个人化抒情
1.From the point of "impersonal lyricism", this dissertation analyzes the theory meaning of modernism and aesthetic ch.作为30年代新诗现代主义潮流中的代表人物,卞之琳的诗歌观念和艺术追求的最大特色,就是对非个人化抒情方式的探索与开拓,这也是他对中国新诗的发展所做出的独特贡献。
6)non-individuality writing非个人化写作

非应非化【非应非化】  谓佛法、报二身,非属应、化,是名非应非化。